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Repeated failures extracting from vine Options
#1 Posted : 4/26/2016 1:38:00 PM

I've had success with the Gibran2 caapi extraction tek. Many times. Now suddenly I'm getting nothing. No precipitation. I'm using the same tek and following it to the letter. Same materials for extraction. The only thing that has changed is the vine. 3 different vines from 2 different sources. One yellow vine yielded 150mg from 64g of vine. White and red vine have yielded nothing. Very disappointing and confusing.

I'm about to make traditional brews from the white and red I have left and drink them to see if they are active.

Every vendor I go to in the US seems to be sold out of whole yellow vine, but has the other colors in stock. This whole problem started when I ordered some shredded and powdered yellow from a vendor. Using whole yellow, I was getting good yields. Then I got whole red and white and got zero yield.

Is there a rainy season or something in which alkaloid content is low? It seems impossible that I would get 3 orders from 2 different places that have little to no extractable alkaloids.

My running theory is that the vine wants me to just brew it and drink it and not pursue the "american way" of distillation and convenience Smile

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"Don't worry. When it happens, you won't be able to not let it do its thing. You won't have the ability to distinguish a pen from a hippopotamus"
- Art Van D'lay
#2 Posted : 4/26/2016 2:25:29 PM
If you're getting nothing you must be sold some bunk/fake material. Is it being grown in South America or the USA?
More imaginative mutterings of nonsense from the old elephant!
#3 Posted : 4/26/2016 2:39:24 PM
It's allegedly from South America. It looks like vine. One piece of the red I have is pretty big and has that flower like mark where the vine is cut.
Like I said, I've previously had good yields. I've changed nothing. I actually did longer boils than Gibran2 suggested. 45 min to an hour in some cases. The reason I went back to whole vine, along with enjoying the process of working with it, is that I know it hasn't been extracted already. I know that's paranoid, but some businesses are unethical.

I need to find recommendations for good vine in the US. It stinks that there's no longer a vendor section, and it seems like mentioning vendors is verboten on all sites.

I'm going to do a 50g brew of the white with fumaric acid and just drink it. See what happens.

Any more input would be appreciated.
Welcome Home Mister_Niles. We've Been Waiting For You.

"Don't worry. When it happens, you won't be able to not let it do its thing. You won't have the ability to distinguish a pen from a hippopotamus"
- Art Van D'lay
#4 Posted : 4/26/2016 3:03:52 PM
Yea, that kinda sucks.

Can't you order from some of the European trusted vendors?

Yes, better to stick to whole vine, and be sure you're not lumbered wit that Alicia vine. Only other thing could be your technique. Is it being boiled hard and washed 3 times? etc.

Good luck.
More imaginative mutterings of nonsense from the old elephant!
#5 Posted : 4/26/2016 11:12:35 PM
I've actually been doing 4 boils. I wonder if I boiled it too hard. I don't think so though. I don't think boiling would destroy alkaloids.
The only other thing I can think of is that the pot I use is cast iron covered in porcelain. It worked initially, then stopped. I don't think the pot has anything to do with it. I'm going to try stainless steel instead of my Le Cruset, which my wife has complained about being stained Smile

I think ordering from Europe would kill me with the shipping.

I need a UV light.

I'm following the Gibran2 tek to the letter. This is strange. I just have a hard time believing I got 3 different strains of bunk vine. It seems really unlikely.

Anyone else having problems lately?
Maybe the entities are serious when they say: "Drink The Brew!" and they aren't going to let me extract until I've had the full blown traditional Aya experience. Another thing I find highly unlikely (but amusing to consider)
Welcome Home Mister_Niles. We've Been Waiting For You.

"Don't worry. When it happens, you won't be able to not let it do its thing. You won't have the ability to distinguish a pen from a hippopotamus"
- Art Van D'lay
#6 Posted : 1/22/2017 1:49:37 PM
you could try adding more base liquid, that helped alkaloids precip for me, and I just cleaned it up with extra washes.
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