So I haven't really touched DMT in about 4 years or so as a result of a break from fully fledged psychedelics due to issues with anxiety. Just recently I've been getting a bit more comfortable using LSD and various 2C-x's so naturally I felt the calling to get back to DMT.
So after a couple of journeys with straight vaped freebase, which is nice but not my preferred method of exploration, I recalled I had around 1g or so of a rue extraction lying around. In the past I've had good luck insufflating harmaloids and vaping DMT over the top of it as I get the RIMA effect with minimal head-fog nausea this way. I thought I'd go big anyway and weighed out 50mg (just under half of my minimal oral dose) of the extract and proceeded to insufflate.
With the dose being large I could feel effects within the 5-10 minute mark, but I thought I would wait a little longer as I'd usually give it 20 minutes or so. I had my pipe on the side waiting, all set up, but it suddenly occurred to me I couldn't gather the strength to go over and get it. Now do not underestimate Soulfood's power to walk through fire for DMT when fully RIMA'd. Had someone handed it to me it would have been amazing I'm sure, but no such luck. I just lay on my side in a comfy but rather clean state. No nausea, dizziness or anxiety to be felt at all, just extremely content and comfortable.
So anyway I must have fallen asleep and didn't awake until 14 hours later. No dreams I can recollect and I felt no negative effects on awakening. Usually I get 6-7 hours sleep at best so naturally I was quite disorientated, but glad I had nowhere to be that day. In the past even doses like this wouldn't put me to sleep and certainly not for more than half a day. So I started to think.
I recall reports of people saying that they find harmaline to be the more sedative of the alkaloids found in syrian rue, yet I'd tried some crude DIY isolations before and dosed them individually and only really found difference in potency, with the harmaline being the stronger of the two and maybe just a little more in the way of mental fog.
My best guess is that over 4 years time there was a chemical change in some of the alkaloids present. It was kept in an amber glass vial at room temperature so it's no surprise really.
Anyway I'm quite apprehensive to try the extract orally, but may try again nasally at half the dose or less before vaping and see how the intensity measures up to memory at that dose.
The oddest thing was that there was not even a hint of psychedelic effects I would associate with a large dose of rue extract.
So yeah... just thought that was interesting