Read this excellent book Gnostic Visions by Meyers, and have to agree with him on the very long chapter on Peganum Harmala. Anyone who has ever taken large doses of peganum harmala or caapi would have to agree that closed eye visions are very prominent, often starting with geometrics which progress to vivid sequences of dream-like visions lasting for many hours, all this even without any light added, just without any light the visions are not lit up as much, but definately can be seen. With large brews of caapi alone, seen with closed eyes chalkboards full of mathematical equations & scientific discoveries, dropped on an island to view Island Teekees, Renaissance historical scenes, found lost object hidden from me for years--was shown where it resided, seen many incredible events and things--too numerous to mention here--the visions are monochromatic (one color)--but become brighter with "light" added. It is not until the around (guess estimated) 425mg alkaloid level from caapi brews that begin to get closed eye phosphenes which are more brightly colored and very easy to see, these geometric patterns and dots at first dart around like fireworks but later join together to form more brightly colored visions even without any "light" admixture added, the length of the CEV experience is extended as well to perhaps 5 hours or more...but when eyes are opened it all of the high speed cev movies remembered was flying over Los Angeles at great speed, with a bird's eye view of the ground below, viewing all the homes and swimming pools below, will never forget, it was monochromatic but very high resolution. Gnostic Visions: Uncovering the Greatest Secret of the Ancient World by Luke A. Myers by Most on rue: Quote:The hallucinatory trance consists of three successive stages of hallucinations. You will know stage one when your sense of darkness is interrupted by bright flickers of light. These phosphene-based sensations first appear as colored dots, specks, stars or simple flowers. They give way to undulating lines, circles, grids, simple forms, abstract designs and multi-shaped geometrical patterns. Relax and enjoy a closed-eye contemplation of the floating, ever-changing pattern of these little images. In stage two the abstract designs of stage one give way to slowly moving masses of shapes and colors. Larger shapes take form in a slowly developing pattern of hallucinatory images. These images acquire a personal character as your unconscious mind projects your fears and desires upon the shapes and colors of your visions. Do not be alarmed if the horizon seems to collapse in a bright flash of light or if your hallucinations turn into frightening animals.
Huge birds of prey, large jaguars and snakes are common hallucinations with harmala alkaloids. Observe and enjoy the bright colored imagery as it changes continually in a flowing transformation of dream-like sequences. Hours later, in stage three, this panorama of vivid fantasy fades into the slow movement of shapes and colors. These images disappear, in turn, as the last stage of the hallucinatory trance wears off. If your harmala experiment is part of a group experience, you may be surprised by the unusual similarity in the content of each other's hallucinations. The harmala alkaloids tend to produce collective hallucinations--especially archetypal imagery--among group members. This access to "collective unconscious" is such an extraordinary effect that the harmala alkaloids have earned the name "telepathines". These unusual alkaloids are present naturally in harmala, the Hallucinogenic Herb of the American Southwest.
From TIHKAL: Quote:(with 5 g Peganum harmala seeds, ground, in capsules) "At about 1:45 tinnitus was obvious. At 2:00 precise movements were problematical and nystagmus was noticeable. Mild nausea and diarrhea, but no vomiting. I was sensitive to light and sound, and retired to a dark room. Hallucinations were intense, but only with the eyes closed. They consisted, initially, of a wide variety of geometrical patterns in dark colors, getting more intense as time went on. They disappeared when the eyes were opened. Although the loose bowels and nausea were pretty constant through the first part of the trip, I was not afraid. It was as if the "fear circuits" in the brain had been turned off. The geometric shapes evolved into more concrete images, peoples faces, movies of all sorts playing at high speed, and animal presences such as snakes. It was like vivid and intense dreaming except that I remembered most of it afterwards. In another hour things became manageable and I could go out in public. My sex drive was pleasantly enhanced, and I slept very well." Jamie (2011): Quote:I wanted to start this thread to discuss peoples harmala only DMT, mushrooms or other admixtures here..I know that there are alot of people here that are into harmalas. I really really love all forms..I love caapi tea, rue tea and extracted harmalas. For me harmalas are visionary and transformative psychedelics all by themselves. Lower doses bring on a calm and euphoric medative state that is sort of dreamy and empathic. Larger doses I lay down in bed and get sucked into visionary dream sequences and astral sort or journies where I seem to meet with realistic people in other places etc that often have some sort of relevance to me and my life. There is a wonderful glow that accompanies the experience is like being rebooted. Unraveling the Mystery of the Origin of Ayahuasca Posted by Gayle Highpine Quote:The leaves were Ayahuasca’s “helpers,” I was told, and their purpose was to “brighten and clarify” the visions. The vine is like a cave, and the leaf is like a torch you use to see what is inside the cave. The vine is like a book, and the leaf is like the candle you use to read the book.8 The vine is like a snowy television set, and the leaf helps to tune in the picture. There was a subtle attitude that the need for strong leaf was the sign of a beginner: An experienced ayahuasquero could see the visions even in low light.
Ayahuasca vine is notvisionary in the same way as DMT. Visions from vine-only brews are shadowy, monochromatic, like silhouettes, or curling smoke, or clouds moving across the night sky. It is because their visions are usually monochromatic that vines are classified by the color of vision they produce: white, black, blue, red (in my experience, dark maroon). Snakes, the most common vision on Ayahuasca, are considered the manifest spirit of the vine.9 Vine visions can be hard to see; in fact, the “visions” may not be visual at all, but auditory or somatic or intuitive. But the vine carries the content of the message, the teaching, and the insight. The leaf helps illuminate the content, but the teachings are credited to the vine. Vine visions are “frequently associated with writing, to a code that is present in visions…or in the ‘books’ where the spirits keep the secrets of the forest.” (Calavia Saez 2011:135). The vine is The Teacher, The Healer, The Guide. The purpose of drinking Ayahuasca is to receive the message the vine imparts. This is why it is the vine, not the leaf, that is classified by the type of vision it gives. “For them the vine is, in truth, a living guide, a friend, a paternal authority” (Weiskopf 2005:104). tregar attached the following image(s):  book.jpg (23kb) downloaded 669 time(s). antipodes.jpg (33kb) downloaded 657 time(s).You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Check the link to the book Gnostic Visions and read the chapters on rue, Meyer's theory and research is compelling....see chapter 7 where is starts "10 grams of seeds contains about 400mg alkaloids" You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Nobody can be sure what the identity of soma is, but Peganum harmala has been proposed as a candidate by scholar David Flattery. I strongly suggest that you read his book.
I find the idea that harmalas themselves were soma unsatisfactory. Flattery also suggests that soma could have been a mixture of several plants. When I experimented with 7g Peganum harmala seeds (alone) I was met with nothing but extreme nausea and vomiting. No psychedelic experience of anything of the sort. Some people say that harmalas themselves are powerful psychedelics, but personally I have experienced nothing significant from harmalas.
Yes, another great book you mention BringsusTogether. Had in dreams an experience for the first time with about 100grams of caapi alone brew, 2/3rd drank at once, and the other 1/3rd drank about 1.5 hour later to minimize nausea which was kept to an absolute minimum this way, estimated total alkaloid level to be about 500mg. Take no medications or drugs, don't drink either, completely sober all the time, except for when drinking caap brew, outside of coffee that's it. This is with no admixture what-so-ever, for 3 hours total, with closed eyes the visuals began as brightly colored geometric patterns in green, yellow, red and blue colors like phosphene images criss crossed with geometrics, these later developed into female spirits of which over a dozen different were seen, extremely beautiful & wise spirit female forms which either stood to the side of what they were about to introduce, or lay on top the visions looking downwards at them, or sitting reclined next to the visions, the visions being of many different faces constantly changing form and beautiful Aztec and Mayan imagery, absolutely beautiful. All in all, had no idea caapi on it's own could create such brightly colored visions, was completely amazed, now understand Caapi stands alone in what it can do at these higher levels, and carries the content of the visions while light might be necessary at lower levels of caapi, the higher levels of caapi create it's own light to light the visions, quite colorful and bright all on it's own. It appears the University of California Press has been good natured enough to allow the book Haoma and Harmaline to be read in full at Google Books. This book is out of print and is only available from book collectors for over three hundred dollars a copy: Meyers gives great comments to the above book by Flattery and quotes different parts of it in his book, makes for 2 great books about peganum. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
does anyone else see dream-like visions or more brightly colored CEV's at higher levels? very curious, know there must be some out there? You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
tregar wrote:does anyone else see dream-like visions or more brightly colored CEV's at higher levels? very curious, know there must be some out there? Yes, there are many people who report those kinds of effects. I'm not sure if my syrian rue was poopy quality or if I'm just a strange exception, but harmalas just don't do very much for me at all. I posted a thread about this a while back:
Thanks BringsusTogether for mentioning the book by Flattery & for a link to your thread, appreciated. Universecannon said in that your linked thread: Quote:With harmalas it can be almost like a field or collective unconscious that is tapped into, and any place/person/thing/imagining could be experienced. absolutely agree with this statement. Here is the full copy of book made available kindly by UCLA: Get's really interesting from page 23 onward, about 200 pages. Was rather surprised that around the 100gram caapi brew (spread out over 1.5 hours) level the visuals were colored and much brighter all on it's own, 1st time ever tried at that level in dreams, amazed reflecting back on it for days. Opening the eyes to allow bright light in, then closing them for the next 5 minutes resulting in the color remaining and being transformed by phosphenes into transforming geometric visuals with a Mayan/Aztec quality and less prominent but high resolution female spirit forms surrounding the inner images. This has shattered my previous world view of caapi -- never thought caapi alone could create the color for the dream like sequences and geometrics, but it did. tregar attached the following image(s):  haoma 111.PNG (29kb) downloaded 563 time(s). haoma 222.PNG (12kb) downloaded 562 time(s). haoma 333.PNG (14kb) downloaded 560 time(s).You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Woah I didn't know the full thing was available. Usually Google Books gives only small previews.
The soma plant is described as producing a state of ecstasy, features which I can't really attribute to harmala alkaloids. I'd say they might have used DMT-containing phalaris grasses in the soma brew.
Terence Mckenna believed that soma was Psilocybe cubensis. He and Gordon Wasson (who proposed that soma was Amanita muscaria) both experimented with amanitas and found them unsatisfactory as entheogens.
How people forgot the identity of a plant that they literally worshiped is beyond me.
Meyers touches on why it was "purposely" forgotten by the priests in either chapter 7 or 8, very intriguing. There was a politically or socially motivated purpose to this, similar to how mysticism in modern day religions or true religious ecstasy is shunned by the Church now, as well as placebo communion wafers which may have been a real entheogenic sacrement way back in the early days of the founded Church. It had to do with power structure levels in the Church. Once again, politics ruins everything. Caapi may have an added benefit over harmala in that the THH in it seems to act like a contrast tuner, making the visions brighter and more easily seen at higher levels of caapi. Flattery from page 20 onwards has accounts of the dream-like trance states induced by higher levels of harmala and the spirit veil being lifted, with waking dream like states that allowed for viewing of the dream-like sequences into the spirit world. Yes, the ecstasy factor seems to be a problem however without the addition of perhaps low levels of an admixture, or at least with caapi brew, using higher levels alone to enter this blissful state of feeling. Harmala alone just seems to lead more into a deeper trance like state without the ecstasy perhaps. But the dream-like sequences remain and cev's become brighter (at least w/caapi in my experience) just as Most recounts in his article from erowid in the 1st post. Whatever the case, thankful for these remarkable books, love to read, and thankful for the research they put into their writings. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
In my experience with harmalas and experiencing life like, complex and other wordly visions with rue alone and also drinking rue tea along with friends I've come to realise that experiencing said visions is something that must be learned. Harmalas just open the door but one must for the most part do the navigating oneself.
It's kind of hard to translate the words I'll write into actual method but I'm sure if people are interested in harmalas anyway they won't mind practising this as the rewards are great!
I feel that there's different layers to my awareness such as my mind being in front of the thing which percieves it and my eyes in front of my mind. I try and trace my awareness / perspective as far backwards as possible and as I do this sight with eyes vanishes, experience of mind vanishes and eventually II feel like I'm looking from the 3rd eye. I can tell when I'm looking through this when I no longer feel the sensation of having eyes, they've stopped moving around and I feel no compulsion to move them in anyway.
Once I'm viewing from the 3rd eye, I continue keeping focused from this zoomed out perspective and visions will unfold. When this happens it's easy to lose them by attempting to look at them like one would look at an object (via the eyes) but one just allows them to be viewing the experience as a whole. After a while the visions become more stable and one has to worry less about focusing in on details.
I have found meditation to be very beneficial in achieving visions with rue as one needs to certain degree of focus to view and maintain them.
I hope someone finds this helpful
Amanita muscaria is soma read this pdf.
sbc1 wrote:Amanita muscaria is soma read this pdf What's their proof? How can they be sure? Everything is always okay in the end, if it's not, then it's not the end.
steppa wrote:sbc1 wrote:Amanita muscaria is soma read this pdf What's their proof? How can they be sure? Read the pdf, by the description of what soma is it can't be anything else, that's what I believe anyway
So...? No proof then? Everything is always okay in the end, if it's not, then it's not the end.
Where's anyones proof, just read it and make up your own mind, I dont believe in God but other people do
sbc1 wrote:Where's anyones proof, just read it and make up your own mind, I dont believe in God but other people do Except that we're not debating belief in god. If you think dropping a link to a .pdf and then saying "See? Just read it, I'm right!" is sufficient to support an argument here, you're sorely mistaken. The Nexus is not your personal playground for half-baked ideas and pet theories; rather we require evidence and explanation. If you wish to be taken seriously, that is the criteria.
..the pdf attached by sbc1 contains much unsubstantiated or speculative musings..i don't see any detailed analysis of the Vedas here (if Soma is the key point)..considering Soma is mentioned over 200 times in the Vedas, this is poor scholarship..frankly, i think it's a bit insulting to all the serious attempts to identify specifically Vedic Soma, of which there are a few well researched theories..some discussed in this and several other Nexus threads, and comes from an initial bias towards one species, not historiographical linguistic evidence ..even if Soma was Fly Agaric, this is hardly a work to add weight to that theory..
Psybin wrote:sbc1 wrote:Where's anyones proof, just read it and make up your own mind, I dont believe in God but other people do Except that we're not debating belief in god. If you think dropping a link to a .pdf and then saying "See? Just read it, I'm right!" is sufficient to support an argument here, you're sorely mistaken. The Nexus is not your personal playground for half-baked ideas and pet theories; rather we require evidence and explanation. If you wish to be taken seriously, that is the criteria. To be honest I don't care, that's what I think it is and it makes sence to me thats what it mist probably is, I never once said just read it im right so don't accuse me of saying that, half baked ideas and pet theories what are you talking about, I simply uploaded a pdf and said this is what I think ig is, the same as what other people have done with what they think it is yet they don't get criticized for it
sbc1 wrote:I never once said just read it im right so don't accuse me of saying that, half baked ideas and pet theories what are you talking about, I simply uploaded a pdf and said this is what I think ig is, the same as what other people have done with what they think it is yet they don't get criticized for it Except that the word "think" never appeared in your original comment. Not only did you say X is Y but you also did in fact just say "read this" as shown below. In the future please do in fact 'think' and qualify before stating Some X is Y. "I believe (or think) Some X is Y" is just fine since it presents the statement as opinion instead of fact. sbc1 wrote:Amanita muscaria is soma read this pdf. "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
a1pha wrote:sbc1 wrote:I never once said just read it im right so don't accuse me of saying that, half baked ideas and pet theories what are you talking about, I simply uploaded a pdf and said this is what I think ig is, the same as what other people have done with what they think it is yet they don't get criticized for it Except that the word "think" never appeared in your original comment. Not only did you say X is Y but you also did in fact just say "read this" as shown below. In the future please do in fact 'think' and qualify before stating Some X is Y. "I believe (or think) Some X is Y" is just fine since it presents the statement as opinion instead of fact. sbc1 wrote:Amanita muscaria is soma read this pdf. Yeah true I should of used think but it was more of a statement to what I think soma is, plus it probably got you to look at the pdf, I did in my second post so apologies for my first post