I think that about half of my journeys with the Spice had this feature, and I would like to hear more about it.
You know that moment, where you're vaping a strong, breakthrough dose of DMT, that moment where carrier wave gets stronger and stronger, that very moment when you're on a doorstep to Hyperspace? Well, sometimes, at that moment, I get a memory rewind ( sorry, can't think of better word to describe that). And what kind of memories are brought back isn't important, or doesn't follow any pattern, it seems, but what I've realized is that those are very recent memories, never older than two days.
How I perceive it is as it is some kind of "brain rewiring". It is like brain itself is getting prepared for the experience which is to come, and getting rid of memories seem like "getting rid of unnecessary stuff and noise". Indeed, I do have a feeling as someone, or something is cycling through my memories, and messing with my brain. I've searched the Hyperspace Lexicon to find if something like this is already documented or defined, but it isn't.
Have any of you fellow Nexians experienced this?
oversoul1919 wrote:I think that about half of my journeys with the Spice had this feature, and I would like to hear more about it.
You know that moment, where you're vaping a strong, breakthrough dose of DMT, that moment where carrier wave gets stronger and stronger, that very moment when you're on a doorstep to Hyperspace? Well, sometimes, at that moment, I get a memory rewind ( sorry, can't think of better word to describe that). And what kind of memories are brought back isn't important, or doesn't follow any pattern, it seems, but what I've realized is that those are very recent memories, never older than two days.
How I perceive it is as it is some kind of "brain rewiring". It is like brain itself is getting prepared for the experience which is to come, and getting rid of memories seem like "getting rid of unnecessary stuff and noise". Indeed, I do have a feeling as someone, or something is cycling through my memories, and messing with my brain. I've searched the Hyperspace Lexicon to find if something like this is already documented or defined, but it isn't.
Have any of you fellow Nexians experienced this? I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing due to lack of good words to reference what this state is, but I think I have gotten something similar one's : thoughts racings through my mind simultaneously of recent encounters and or situations of the past few days not more than a minute after vaping. The one difference I can spot is that what you are describing as "getting rid of unnecessary stuff and noise" seems to be independent of your will while for me it required mental effort to "clean the data" in the purpose of getting into hyperspace.
I actually just posted about this and then read this haha funny timing. I have been experiencing that exact thing. Racing mind with what sounds like messages, specific memories emerging, and me left wondering "ok.. what is going on here?" I usually open my eyes and am shocked that it wasnt real, realizing that I just smoked.
I am very curious to hear others thoughts and experiences.