This past week I am coming off the back of testing Black Vine Changa, Trueno Alks/Trueno Vine/DMT.
The black vine Changa did nothing for a few days then took me deep into dark territory a place which I am very comfortable with, which included amazing photo realistic visions but then the next day it was back to doing little more than mild DMT effects.
So I made a few new mini tester Changas .
The first I tried yesterday and today. 300mg Tynanthus Panurensis Vine / 250mg DMT / 250mg Yellow Vine Alks. These yellow vine Alks are super strong , instantly after a hit you know your feeling the vine and the DMT is secondary .
I took 200mg with a touch of Mullein and rolled into a rizla.
The effects were so strong that I was scared for at least 5 seconds before I calmed myself.
It was silicon graphical patterns and such.
So today I knew what I was in for as this Changa is potent. The Vine Alks are potent and this Tynanthus vine is adding a big kick.
I took 3 big hits and held the third one in for a while. Lay down and donned the blind fold.
Patterns came upon me and I said mentally that I totally give in to this.
The next thing I know I am in a huge building, very modern and clean and filled with daylight, an entire wall made of glass which showed off all the greenery outside the building.
I'm upstairs and I move downstairs where I am being shown displays of scientific / technological projects.
They seem to be just hovering and made up of super clean pale blues whites and red parts. These constructions slowly explode outwards a few inches so you can see what they are made of, how they work and all fit together. All the time the greenery outside is in background of what I'm witnessing.
This is the hard part to explain.. I realise that they can show me (I don't know who "they" is) these things because it means nothing to me due to the fact its all totally alien, what they do, how they work and the meaning of the display is meaningless to me because they don't use math and physics like we do they use some thing els.
There were 3 displays in total but I can only recall the first one.
Then im back on my bed seeing horrible twisted faces and negative stuff like that. A stupid end to beautiful experience with beautiful visuals that I will never forget.
According to my music the experience lasted 12 mins
I also made some Virola Peruviana Changa to test...
I just thought I'd share this.......
Damn I feel so lucky