It seems as though the benefits really kick in after one has stopped doing DMT. After years of experimentation, but lately taking a long hiatus, it seems as though the lessons I learned during those moments are just starting to sink in. Since I am not so much in a trance anymore, spellbound, and have been partaking in our default reality, like money and social type of stuff, the lessons such as chakra awakening, meditation, and Kundalini energy center clearing are taking effect more so then when I was "in the trenches".
Has anyone else noticed this same phenomena?
Love and Light!
Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.