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Smoking Syrian Rue seeds Options
#1 Posted : 3/1/2015 3:53:57 PM
Recently, I had one of the worst trips of my life, and it started with the curiosity of trying to smoke Syrian Rue seeds. So I packed the bowl of the bong with 1g of powdered Syrian Rue, and tried to smoke it. It was definitely OK, but hard to get any wind through the pipe screen because it was so compact. Anyway, then I tried 0,5g of unprocessed seeds, and this was much better and really gave me a calming effect of joy and peace. Like cannabis usually is, but without the confusing high.

Then I packed the bowl with 0,15g more of Syrian Rue seeds as a good bottom, and precisely 0,102g of Marijuana. I hadn't smoked it in a very long time and I just wanted to chill out and remember what it was like.

Bad idea. As soon as I inhaled the smoke,


Instant [10], and it only got worse from there. Everything became extremely meta, and I was slowly approaching some kind of breakthrough experience. I freaked out completely and ran over to a friend of mine, who had tried it as well at the same time. He was so far gone that he couldn't even speak, although his facial expressions made it clear that he somehow, maybe, understood that I was there. For the next hour or two, I summoned some kind of intergalactic meeting where I became an entity from another dimension, and was speaking like some authority lessons to him. These lessons were somewhat challenging, although I won't go into detail. I kept thinking "Am I a bad person for doing this? Is this what friends do?", but what overcame me was this infinite neutral-ness. Nothing could possibly have mattered in this state of mind. During all of this, I was walking around with extreme OEVs of scenes from my life in heartbeat bubbles, and it was revealed to me how every life is extremely fascinating, no matter what you do with it or what happens.

After 4 hours or so, it began to calm down a little, but even 15 hours later I was still at a solid [5].

Either way, I've since calmed down from that craziness, and I've had myself and some friends of mine experiment with just smoking Syrian Rue seeds. What seems to be the case is that smoking just the seeds makes the most intense effects last for about an hour, and complete soberness maybe 5-6 hours later at the latest. And it seems to induce munchies way more than weed-smoking does, and unlike swallowing the seeds, this causes no nausea or interaction with eaten, tyramine-filled food. But these are all wild guesses, and effects may vary. If anyone else has experience with this stuff, please share! For me personally, this is definitely the thing I'm going to explore more in depth right now.

But please, combine smoked Syrian Rue with Cannabis with great care. I have no interest in doing it again because I'm not really a weed person, but I'd love to hear others share their stories of this. What seems clear to me at least from this one time is that it potentiates the effects of the weed unbelievably much. I mean I was at least at a [12], borderline breakthrough. But if you want to save money on an expensive weed habit, I'm guessing this is a great method. Smoking 0,5g Syrian Rue seeds before 0,010-0,025g of weed will probably bring about a pleasant high. That's a wild guess though. It's just that smoking 1,6g Rue + 0,1g weed was way crazier than most of my psychedelic trips.
"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved." - Christian Andréason

Dude, that blonde girl is a total DMT/10.
#2 Posted : 3/4/2015 12:09:57 AM
I have found that

Oral Syrian Rue + Oral Cannabis = Win

Oral Syrian Rue + Smoked Cannabis = Lose

Smoked Syrian Rue + Oral Cannabis = Win, IIRC

Smoked Syrian Rue + Smoked Cannabis = never tried it, but apparently Lose

From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
Senior Member
#3 Posted : 3/4/2015 12:55:44 AM
Hjortron wrote:
I hadn't smoked it in a very long time and I just wanted to chill out and remember what it was like.

Do be aware that not smoking weed for a while will potentiate weed very strongly. Back in the days, when I still smoked, in fact smoked _all_ the time except for holidays abroad with parents, I remember arriving back home from such holidays and the first smoke after several weeks of sobriety always gave a huuuge blast that no amount of weed could give me during periods of regular use.

Hjortron wrote:
But please, combine smoked Syrian Rue with Cannabis with great care. I have no interest in doing it again because I'm not really a weed person, but I'd love to hear others share their stories of this. What seems clear to me at least from this one time is that it potentiates the effects of the weed unbelievably much. I mean I was at least at a [12], borderline breakthrough. But if you want to save money on an expensive weed habit, I'm guessing this is a great method. Smoking 0,5g Syrian Rue seeds before 0,010-0,025g of weed will probably bring about a pleasant high. That's a wild guess though. It's just that smoking 1,6g Rue + 0,1g weed was way crazier than most of my psychedelic trips.

Only ever smoking small amounts of weed on a non-daily basis (say once a week) will give a pleasant high even without the harmalas is my guess. In my first hand experience and second hand observation, smoking weed regularly severely dulls the effects compared to what it can be after a decent fast.

While the harmalas do add a twist of their own, I suspect that at lot of your experience may be largely explained by the "first use of weed after abstinence" effect.
Welcoming committeeModerator
#4 Posted : 3/4/2015 2:09:12 AM
Damn if there's not some sort of synchronicity here with the timeliness of the OP. I've actually been laying off the seeds for the last week after beginning to experiment with them recently because i believe i caused serotonin overload in myself by smoking them too often. I was basically doing what you did, but i was finding it to give me very lucid, very deep visual meditations. I was smoking one in the morning and a bowl before bed, with weed. And i posted about my first exp vaping acacia extract with it, which was awesome, where it all began. I have been having symptoms of extreme irritability, bordering on rage, and it was scary for a few days. I was being reckless by not measuring any kind of dose (against all the recommendations here Confused ), so, there ya have it.

Its a wonderful plant and can be a very strong ally, imo,but like any other needs to be respected. The synergy between it (and other harmala containing spp. ) and many plant teachers is remarkable and fascinating. My 0.2.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
#5 Posted : 3/4/2015 5:39:42 AM
Hjortron wrote:
...What seems clear to me at least from this one time is that it potentiates the effects of the weed unbelievably much.

The reverse is also possible. Some rare and wonderful strains of weed are just normal on their own but will increase the effects of hallucinogens radically. I ran into that for the first time on a moderate dose of acid, that weed rocketed me and a friend into the strongest acid trip we ever had. The kind of trip so strong it gets its own name, lol
So it might have been the rue that was potentiated.
If you have more of that weed, and guts, save it for next time your on some other hallucinogen.

I'd love to know the biochemistry behind those strains of weed.
Doc Buxin
#6 Posted : 5/7/2015 12:58:11 AM
Auxin wrote:
...Some rare and wonderful strains of weed are just normal on their own but will increase the effects of hallucinogens radically....

I found this to be very true many decades ago.

I have routinely found that certain strains of Cannabis can drastically potentiate most psychedelic trips.

This has been my experience more times than I can even begin to remember.

Freedom's so hard
When we are all bound by laws
Etched in the scheme of nature's own hand
Unseen by all those who fail
In their pursuit of fate
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