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A few Questions on Syrian Rue Options
#1 Posted : 1/3/2015 7:16:34 PM
I have a few questions regarding Syrian Rue.

I want to prepare and drink Syrian Rue seeds to "dip my toes in the water" of Ayahuasca.

I drank a 3g SR/5g ACRB brew for my first time and it was too intense.
I couldn't let go for fear of my physical well-being.
I wasn't prepared mentally or physically and it turned out to be rather unpleasant (dry heaving, flu like symptoms etc)

What is a good Rue dose to start with?
Also, does the nausea go along with the psychedelia or can they be seperated?
I hate vomiting, but if theres no other way then I will.

Is the purge unavoidable?
I have heard that the purge is good. (Thoughts on that?)

Forgot to mention I weigh about 165 lbs and I am a male.
Heaven existing here between Hell

We surf the transient wave, balancing on our breath, building and destroying until death.

We are the divine creators and destroyers.
We are the portals & black holes.
We choose what we manifest at the present moment in whatever dimension we inhabit.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" - Hopi Proverb
#2 Posted : 1/4/2015 12:07:42 PM
Personally, I go with extracted harmalas and dmt.
There is a far reduced feeling of poisoning, and you can accurately dose...which is not the case when using brews of rue or ACRB.
Some people do not like this route...but it's the only way for me, or well, used to be...
Infinite I
#3 Posted : 1/4/2015 8:02:14 PM
Just lower the doses, simple. Take 1.5 g of rue. 3g of rue when I was using it was the the maximum big dose, when I see doses above that its like why? Take the rue a few times alone and get familiar with that then add other stuff, then you know your limits and effects of rue, could take a while to actually enjoy it. Regards to the purge I never purged much with cappi or rue but a lot of times id be on the verge and it wouldnt be too nice, feeling sick for a few hours and general miserable times.

Extracting probably is the best way but you can get it working good just lower the dose and work up to manageable amounts rather than jumping in with first time big brews.

Its a good lesson because there its showing you your not physically ready to jump in and you got a mini arse kicking Cool
#4 Posted : 1/4/2015 8:29:20 PM
Infinite I wrote:
Just lower the doses, simple. Take 1.5 g of rue. 3g of rue when I was using it was the the maximum big dose, when I see doses above that its like why? Take the rue a few times alone and get familiar with that then add other stuff, then you know your limits and effects of rue, could take a while to actually enjoy it. Regards to the purge I never purged much with cappi or rue but a lot of times id be on the verge and it wouldnt be too nice, feeling sick for a few hours and general miserable times.

Extracting probably is the best way but you can get it working good just lower the dose and work up to manageable amounts rather than jumping in with first time big brews.

Its a good lesson because there its showing you your not physically ready to jump in and you got a mini arse kicking Cool

May I ask what amount of rue you needed to activate oral dmt? I've been using 3 g but now I think I'll begin lower the dose to find my min effective amount.

As far as the purge, fighting it makes it worse. I used to try to minimize purging but over time I've learned that just letting it happen is part of surrendering to the medicine. I've only purged once with acacia and rue, whereas caapi and especially chacruna really causes me to purge.
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#5 Posted : 1/4/2015 8:51:53 PM
5 grams + of rue to model real jungle brews with vine IME...some people drink about 10g.

2 grams is what I take to activate the DMT and have a 3-4 hour experience...but higher doses do have a place, and provide a different experience. It's not for those starting out IMO.
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 1/5/2015 3:50:26 AM
Yeah, she (Ayahuasca) was telling me to throw up and I sat up and dry heaved for a while.

I wasn't trying to resist purging, I was just very worried and there wasn't enough force from my stomach to really push it out ya know?

Then I called my girlfriend out of despair, I felt incredibly ill and in danger.
She watched over me and I felt like a little boy so fragile.

Very humbling experience with some intense moments and realizations.
I think I have been a bit scared to return to Ayahusca a second time.

I will try a 1.5g SR brew, then a 2g, then 2.5, then 3g. Just to get used to the Rue.
Then I will add a low dose of ACRB.
Heaven existing here between Hell

We surf the transient wave, balancing on our breath, building and destroying until death.

We are the divine creators and destroyers.
We are the portals & black holes.
We choose what we manifest at the present moment in whatever dimension we inhabit.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" - Hopi Proverb
#7 Posted : 1/5/2015 11:59:58 AM
I know how you feel. I had an experience once with rue and morning glories, produced the most intense purging I've ever had. The trip was very intense, even more intense for me than aya / analog brews. Like I was taken apart and put back together again. I felt very fragile, I threw up stuff that didn't look right at all and I was scared. But after the purge I felt like a new person
#8 Posted : 1/5/2015 4:34:07 PM
BundleflowerPower wrote:
I know how you feel. I had an experience once with rue and morning glories, produced the most intense purging I've ever had. The trip was very intense, even more intense for me than aya / analog brews. Like I was taken apart and put back together again. I felt very fragile, I threw up stuff that didn't look right at all and I was scared. But after the purge I felt like a new person

I wish I did purge!
It simply wouldn't come up...
Now I'm sure the spirits will induce the most intense vomiting ever experienced by humans, the next time I drink Ayahuasca.

Also how does Rue mix with MG/LSA?

I use all these plants for meditation aid, by the way.
I usually take them and then lay down in the dark with ambient music and deep breathing.

I like observing my body the entire time from dosing, to come-up.
With Ayahuasca I could see and feel the presence build from my sober state, very cool!
Heaven existing here between Hell

We surf the transient wave, balancing on our breath, building and destroying until death.

We are the divine creators and destroyers.
We are the portals & black holes.
We choose what we manifest at the present moment in whatever dimension we inhabit.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" - Hopi Proverb
#9 Posted : 1/5/2015 5:06:06 PM
I'm watching this thread becaue I'm in a very similar position as the OP. I've had a few long-standing health problems that only ayahuasca and other purge-y psychedelics help.

After some scattered experimentation with Rue, I've discovered that I definitely have things to purge, but it's so weird and phlegmy and tense inside that I'm afraid something will go wrong in the purging process, like tearing my stomach lining or choking on my vomit.

I've been trying the approach of taking small amounts to try to flush whatever it is out the other end, but something tells me that some of the stuff can only come out upwards, not downwards.

I empathize with the fear and would also like to figure it out. And the longer I wait, the worse it gets, too.

FWIW, the last time I felt totally comfortable with the prospect of purging was when I was doing mushrooms after some Iboga microdosing.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#10 Posted : 1/5/2015 5:28:41 PM
RhythmSpring wrote:
I'm watching this thread becaue I'm in a very similar position as the OP. I've had a few long-standing health problems that only ayahuasca and other purge-y psychedelics help.

After some scattered experimentation with Rue, I've discovered that I definitely have things to purge, but it's so weird and phlegmy and tense inside that I'm afraid something will go wrong in the purging process, like tearing my stomach lining or choking on my vomit.

I've been trying the approach of taking small amounts to try to flush whatever it is out the other end, but something tells me that some of the stuff can only come out upwards, not downwards.

I empathize with the fear and would also like to figure it out. And the longer I wait, the worse it gets, too.

FWIW, the last time I felt totally comfortable with the prospect of purging was when I was doing mushrooms after some Iboga microdosing.

Hooray, there's others!

Perhaps I'm paranoid...
But I believe there is a bad bacteria living in my stomach and it is causing some unpleasant symptoms.

Ayahuasca was speaking to me very comforting like a mother, saying I needed to throw up and that there was a problem that was preventing me from purging...

I told my girlfriend of the dilemma (after the experience) and she said to just stick my fingers down my throat.
(Basically stop being a big baby and throw up)
((I think she just wants to see me purge for her own humour))

I guess the only way to get past this is suck it up and spit it out?

Heaven existing here between Hell

We surf the transient wave, balancing on our breath, building and destroying until death.

We are the divine creators and destroyers.
We are the portals & black holes.
We choose what we manifest at the present moment in whatever dimension we inhabit.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" - Hopi Proverb
#11 Posted : 1/5/2015 11:05:38 PM
Also how does Rue mix with MG/LSA?

It makes it into a totally different experience. Harmalas potentiate LSA and vis versa. I find that it's even more important to follow the dietary restrictions with this combo than for harmalas + dmt.
Before the experience I mentioned, I had eaten pizza. That was a mistake. I threw up a red bile looking substance. Thought it was blood.

Anyway it's a awsome combo but deffinantly deserves respect. It took me on a tour of the history of human language, as well as Meso-American and ancient old world civilizations. Incredible visions. That night I though for sure that the ancient soma must have been p harmala and hbwr.
#12 Posted : 1/6/2015 2:06:19 AM
BundleflowerPower wrote:
Also how does Rue mix with MG/LSA?

It makes it into a totally different experience. Harmalas potentiate LSA and vis versa. I find that it's even more important to follow the dietary restrictions with this combo than for harmalas + dmt.
Before the experience I mentioned, I had eaten pizza. That was a mistake. I threw up a red bile looking substance. Thought it was blood.

Anyway it's a awsome combo but deffinantly deserves respect. It took me on a tour of the history of human language, as well as Meso-American and ancient old world civilizations. Incredible visions. That night I though for sure that the ancient soma must have been p harmala and hbwr.

Wow that sounds great!

I had a few outstanding experiences with LSA (HBWR&MG once, and crude LSA once)

I took an unknown dose of LSA at night after taking some adderall earlier in the day.
I also preloaded with sublingual GABA and 5-HTP.
Laid down and did some deep breathing.
Had a extremely powerful experience from the heart chakra.
Filled with love, warm energy, forgiveness, and positivity.
Amazing CEV's similar to art work inspired by DMT experiences.
Heaven existing here between Hell

We surf the transient wave, balancing on our breath, building and destroying until death.

We are the divine creators and destroyers.
We are the portals & black holes.
We choose what we manifest at the present moment in whatever dimension we inhabit.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" - Hopi Proverb
#13 Posted : 1/6/2015 3:01:24 AM
lsDxMdmaddicThc wrote:
I believe there is a bad bacteria living in my stomach and it is causing some unpleasant symptoms.

Yeast, perhaps?
Yeast is a fungus.
Syrian Rue/B Caapi are both anti-fungal, from what I've read.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#14 Posted : 1/6/2015 3:15:31 AM
RhythmSpring wrote:
lsDxMdmaddicThc wrote:
I believe there is a bad bacteria living in my stomach and it is causing some unpleasant symptoms.

Yeast, perhaps?
Yeast is a fungus.
Syrian Rue/B Caapi are both anti-fungal, from what I've read.

I have a white tounge and I'm always coughing up nasty loogies...
Heaven existing here between Hell

We surf the transient wave, balancing on our breath, building and destroying until death.

We are the divine creators and destroyers.
We are the portals & black holes.
We choose what we manifest at the present moment in whatever dimension we inhabit.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" - Hopi Proverb
#15 Posted : 7/10/2015 4:36:59 AM
I have a question too Very happy

If I were to make a tea out of freshly harvested rue seeds, will there be a difference in potency/weight to dry purchased seeds?
Inconsistency is in my nature.
The simple PHYLLODE tek

I'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
#16 Posted : 9/14/2015 10:39:01 PM
Does anyone know what the average alkaloid content of rue is? 2% 5% etc. I ask as I'd like to know how many grams or rue would compare to and equal amount of alkaloids . I know content varies but just a general idea is what I'm after.

Also does making a tea or just eating the seeds themselves make a big difference in effects? I hear at psilohuasca thy just eat 3.5 g of seed with little to no nausea and full inhibition.
That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....

Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?
Senior Member
#17 Posted : 9/14/2015 10:58:38 PM
Al-Wasi wrote:
Does anyone know what the average alkaloid content of rue is? 2% 5% etc. I ask as I'd like to know how many grams or rue would compare to and equal amount of alkaloids . I know content varies but just a general idea is what I'm after.

The reported numbers vary, but between 5 an 8 percent is commonly reported. If you want to be certain, do an extraction.

Al-Wasi wrote:
Also does making a tea or just eating the seeds themselves make a big difference in effects? I hear at psilohuasca thy just eat 3.5 g of seed with little to no nausea and full inhibition.

Whole seeds are more likely to cause stomach upsets than tea. The amount of discomfort also varies from person to person.
#18 Posted : 9/14/2015 10:59:38 PM
Why not learn the fun and easy extraction process of Rue alkaloids and dose them in gel caps?

From experience I can say that ever since I've started dosing extracts in gel caps, the nausea and all hard tasting tea experienced are history.
Senior Member
#19 Posted : 9/14/2015 11:05:59 PM
Yeah, gel caps definately improve the "taste experience". But they can be unpredictable in the timeing of the release of their contents, tea is more dependable. Blackcurrant juice is reported to be one of the few things capable of masking the taste of the tea.
#20 Posted : 9/15/2015 12:31:03 AM
Blackcurrant juice is reported to be one of the few things capable of masking the taste of the tea.

I've yet to try this trick! Already sounds delicious. From past experience I've met blackcurrant juice as a potentiating mushroom agent.

Thanx Thumbs up
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