Well when the mushroom said 'it wasn't supposed to be like that'... I think it knew I would be overwhelmed and didn't want that. Like, I can take 2 grams of fruits and get to a comfortable level where we can speak to each other in the trance, the spirit is with me, but I'm not getting distracted by the stuff coming out of hyperspace. It can still give me visions, but it's not overwhelming me to the point where I just can't keep it.
It's like an act of love, eating a plant. Only plants have consciousness, animals just eat their way to consciousness
I think T. McKenna once said something like, "Just as there's an evolutionary gradient among animals reaching its apex in human beings, the same thing happens in the plant world with some having developed more advanced states of consciousness."
Once I was on my bed daydreaming/trancing with the mushroom and I was thinking about my life and connecting thoughts... and I was like "Oh, the mushroom spirit's here but I'm not addressing it. Hey, Mushroom Spirit, got anything for me?" and it sort of roused up and started showing me pictures of 1. Some stuff that looked like quantum dynamics, 3d fields of probability, something like that, it looked like a little 3d graph of water droplets. And 2. a bunch of different kinds of alien life forms, I remember one being very similar to humans (it had a head) and did this "LALALALALALA!" kind of chant. It's just like [image] ... (5 second pause) ... [new image] ...
The mushroom spirit always likes to drop hints to me. Shows me things about the world by directing my attention. Sometimes it gives eloquent replies to questions on my mind. It can show you how to live in beauty.
Not too sure I can recount other specific experiences... it's like telling someone about the time you hung out with so-and-so. A lot gets lost in the time and place. I can say that different plants definitely give me different visions. Acacia confusa gave me lots of Asian ecology themes! Tigers in particular.
I hope you can find a diet that works for you. If it feels good, eat it, right? People have always been experimenting with food.
When you say things seem dark and hostile, does that last the whole time? Is it normally like that, or is it something you think is coming from the drug? I won't lie, I've gotten caught in a bad vibe on mushrooms before, but it is almost always so volatile that my attention drifts away from that and I find the power spot again. Finding a good position on mushrooms is really important I think, somewhere to sit and think, or a place to walk, where you're at your most comfortable and able to confront yourself.
Thanks for the communication Infectedstyle. If you can think of anything else to keep the conversation going I'm up for it