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Tobacco Disinfo Options
#1 Posted : 9/8/2014 7:04:21 AM
Tobacco is a misunderstood sacrament. It's not the nicotine you have to worry about, it's not whether your cigarette has a filter or not. These are illusive marketing ploys. miss-direction. The real concern is the added chemical poisons and radioactivity.


Nicotine is not carcinogenic. A carcinogen is any substance that causes cancer.


"The more you give nicotine to your neurons, the more the DNA they contain activates the construction of nicotinic receptors, within certain limits. Here, I thought, is the almost insatiable hunger of the spirits for tobacco: The more you give them the more they want. I was surprised by the degree of correspondence between shamanic notions of tobacco and neurological studies of nicotine."

"How was it that the shamans saw spirits by ingesting staggering quantities of tobacco?
Before continuing with this question, I will clarify two points. First, the discovery that nicotine stimulates the construction of nicotinic receptors was only made at the beginning of the 1990s; the connection between the phenomenon and the addiction displayed by tobacco users seems obvious, but has yet to be explored in detail.

Second, there are fundamental differences between the shamanic use of tobacco and the consumption of industrial cigarettes. The botanical variety used in the Amazon contains up to eighteen times more nicotine than the plants used in Virginia-type cigarettes. Amazonian tobacco is grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides and contains none of the ingredients added to cigarettes, such as aluminum oxide, potassium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, polyvinyl acetate, and hundreds others, which make up approximately 10 percent of the smokable matter. During combustion a cigarette emits over 7000* substances, most of which are toxic."...

*The number stated in this book is "some 4,000" but I have edited it for truth. Over time more light has been shone on the subject.
Phillip Morris themselves had this posted on their homepage: "Nearly 5,000 chemicals have been identified in tobacco smoke to date. Public health authorities have classified between 45 and 70 of those chemicals, including carcinogens, irritants and other toxins, as potentially causing the harmful effects of tobacco use." Notice their use of words. They should know and be direct about what's in their products. The Lung Association of America states that "There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous."

..."Some of these substances are even radioactive, making cigarettes the largest single source of radiation in the daily life of an average smoker. According to one study, the average smoker absorbs the equivalent of the radiation dosages from 250 chest X-rays per year. Cigarette smoke is directly implicated in more than 25 serious illnesses, including 17 forms of cancer. In the Amazon, on the other hand, tobacco is considered a remedy. The ashaninca word for “healer,” or “shaman,” is sheripiari—literally, “the person who uses tobacco.” The oldest ashaninca men I knew were all sheripiari. They were so old that they did not know their own age, which only their deeply wrinkled skin suggested, and they were remarkably alert and healthy.

'There is certainly evidence that Western tobacco products contain many different harmful agents which are probably not present in organically grown plants. I have not heard of shamans developing cancers but that may, of course, be a function of several things, like lack of Western diagnosis, natural life span of indigenous people, magico-religious restriction of tobacco use in tribal societies, ect.'

It seems clear that nicotine does not cause cancer, given that it is active in the brain and that cigarettes do not cause cancer in the brain, but in the lungs, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, rectum, kidneys, and bladder, the organs reached by the carcinogenic tars, which are also swallowed."

-Jeremy Narby, The Cosmic Serpent: DNA & the Origins of Knowledge


Tobacco smoking was widespread in North America at the time of the European contact. While the habit of taking hallucinogenic DMT-containing snuffs was also prevalent in the Caribbean cultural area, there are no confirmed reports of materials other than tobacco being smoked.
The high culture of the Maya that flourished until the mid-800s in Mesoamerica had an old and complex relationship with tobacco and the habit of smoking it. The tobacco of the Classical Maya was Nicotiana rustica, which is still in use among aboriginal populations in South America today. This species is much more potent, chemically complex, and potentially hallucinogenic than the commercial grades of Nicotiana tabacum available today. The difference between this tobacco and cigarette tobacco is profound. This wild tobacco was cured and rolled into cigars which were smoked. The trancelike state that followed, partially synergized by the presence of compounds that included MAO inhibitors, was central to the shamanism of the Maya. Recently introduced antidepressants of the MAO inhibitor type are distant synthetic relatives of these natural compounds. Francis Robicsek has published extensively on the Mayan fascination with tobacco and its chemical complexity:
It also must be recognized that nicotine is by no means the only bioactive substance in the tobacco leaf. Recently alkaloids of the harmala group, harman and norharman, have been isolated from cured commercial tobaccos and their smoke. They constitute a chemical group of beta-carbolines, which include harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine, and 6-methoxy harmine, all with hallucinogenic properties. While to date no native varieties of tobacco have been analyzed for these substances, it is a reasonable supposition that their composition may vary widely, depending upon the variety and growth, and that some of the native-grown tobaccos may contain a relatively high concentration of them.
Tobacco was and is the ever-present adjunct of the more powerful and visionary hallucinogenic plants wherever in the Americas they are used in a traditional and shamanic way.
And one of the traditional uses of tobacco involved the New World's invention of the first enemas. Peter Furst has researched the role of enemas and clysters in Mesoamerican medicine and shamanism:
It has only recently come to light that the ancient Maya like the ancient Peruvians employed enemas. Enema syringes or narcotic clysters, and even enema rituals, were discovered to be represented in Maya art, an outstanding example being a large painted vase dating A.D. 600-800, on which a man is depicted carrying an enema syringe, applying an enema to himself, and having a woman apply it to him. As a result of this newly discovered scene, archaeologist M. D. Coe was able to identify a curious object held by a jaguar deity on another painted Maya vessel as an enema syringe. If the enemas of the ancient Maya were, like those of the Peruvian Indians, intoxicating or hallucinogenic, they might have consisted of fermented balche (honey mead). Balche is a very sacred beverage and it may have been fortified with tobacco or with morning-glory seed infusions. Datura infusions and even hallucinogenic mushrooms may have been taken in this way. Of course they could also have used a tobacco infusion alone."

-Terence Mckenna, Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge; a Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution


"Tobacco fields in the U.S. have been fertilized with the radioactive
haillings from uranium mines, resulting in a tremendous increase in the
incidence of lip, mouth, throat, and lung cancer. If you do not believe it,
just look at the incidence of lung cancer per capita before 1950 and compare
it to the lung cancer per capita at the present time. Are those who smoke
committing suicide, or are they being murdered?"
-William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse

"For myself, I am a devotee of history and (mostly) pre-20th century literature. I have read a great deal in my 40 years, and I can tell you that I found exactly ONE reference to cancer before the 20th century, and zero linkings of tobacco use to cancer, even in the works of 'natural scientists'”.
-Discordian http://enenews.com/scien...nationwide-problem-video


Radiation monitor used on Organic American spirit tobacco.
Natural American Spirit is owned by RJ American, parent company of RJ Reynolds (Big Tobacco).
R.J. Reynolds owns brands like Camel, Pall Mall, Kool, Winston, Salem and Doral, ect. The tobacco that they use are in fact processed from genetically modified hybrid leaves with an ultra-high nicotine content that the American Indians had never traditionally used in any of their ceremonies. And if that weren’t enough NAS is said to use urea instead of ammonia in order to further inhance nicotine absoption.
This video shows that no US corporate, commercial tobacco products are safe and they have duped their customers with bullshit marketing tactics.
American spirits are still much better than regular cigarettes like marlboro,
but if you can't get tobacco that is both additive & radiation free, you're better off quitting smoking.


Polonium 210 and lead-210 accumulate for decades in the lungs of smokers. Sticky tar in the tobacco builds up in the small air passageways in the lungs (sensitive tissues of the bronchioles) and radioactive substances get trapped. Over time, these substances cause localized radiation doses and can lead to lung cancer. CDC studies show that smoking causes 80% of all lung cancer deaths in women and 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men.
Polonium-210 (HALF life is about 138 days); Lead-210 (HALF life = 22.3 years)


"My old chemistry book tells me that the phosphate fertilizers used on the tobacco fields contain trace amounts of Uranium 238. This has been implicated in the link between cigarette smoking and cancer and heart disease. It seems the decay of uranium 238 produces Rn 222. It also produces the radioactive nuclides Po 210 and Pb 210, (polonium and lead). Radon, polonium and lead! What a bitch! Modern agriculture at its best." -woodman


"I brought Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) back with me from Ecuador, and I take Mapacho tea up the nose as I learned to do there. If the head is tipped back when it is taken into the nose, some of it runs down the throat. It burns the nasal membranes at first, then clears the sinuses and lungs, and then produces a powerful rush and a sense of clarity, centeredness, well-being and focused strength, and a mild trance, as Woodpecker said.

But a shaman in training has to drink Mapacho tea -- not through the nose, but simply drinking it -- which simultaneously produces a sense of being poisoned and an indescribable sense of power. Drinking enough of it is supposed to produce visions. Casimiro had to drink those twelve Mapacho logs. Not for the fainthearted."

"The Tobacco shamanism of South America is a secret hidden in plain sight. It is mentioned by practically every anthropologist who has done work with Indians in the Upper Amazon, yet it is invisible to them. Books about Amazonian ethnobotany and entheogen use often omit Tobacco altogether.

Tobacco is used as a universal curing plant by some Amazonian peoples. I was reading a book by French anthropologist Philippe Descola about his work with the Achuar. in one part he talks about collecting information on medicinal plants. He was introduced to several dozen medicinal plants. Then at some point, it dawned on him that he never saw any of those plants actually used. The Achuar used Tobacco as the medicine for every sickness. So Descola lost interest in investigating Achuar plant medicine further. (Jeremy Narby in "The Cosmic Serpent" is practically the first anthropologist to question why Tobacco is dismissed this way.)

My friend was initiated as a tabaquero (Tobacco-using) shaman in Ecuador. I talked to him today.

<<The secret of Tobacco is that the less you use the more powerful it becomes. Smoking on a daily basis accustoms the body to tobacco and we do not perceive the message of the plant as clearly when our brain is be-sotted with 1 pack a day level of nicotine in our bloodstream. Smoking once a day or less, you will feel the connection between here and now and the spirit world when you have that smoke. You will be 100 times more attuned to every flavor and aspect of that one cigarette than if you smoked the rest of the pack. If you learn something about your tobaccos and use a pipe or roll-you-own you will deepen your enjoyment even more. Eventually you may become so sensitive to tobaccos power as to experience it while holding a pinch in your hand, and offering thanks to the four directions. Many who pray with tobacco only touch the pipe to their lips and do not inhale. But they look forward to the time they spend praying and making small prayer bundles with tobacco. The less you use, the more powerful Tobacco becomes.>>

Amazonian Tobacco shamanism is based on the other end of the scale. First, it is good to know about how herbalism in general is learned among Indians of the Upper Amazon. It is learned through what is commonly known as "dieta." The Napo Runa Indians I lived with call it "sasina," which literally means fasting, although it is not usually a complete fast. "Dieta" is a practice used throughout the Upper Amazon. It has many variations, but the core is always the same, which is remarkable considering that these are cultures who are extremely varied in other aspects of their culture. Essentially, dieta involves abstaining from foods with flavor, especially salt and hot peppers, and from sex, even with oneself. A person learning herbalism usually begins with dieta with Ayahuasca, one of whose functions is to teach humans how to communicate with plants (another of her functions is to teach plants how to communicate with humans). Then the person learning herbalism will do dieta with various plants, living alone in the jungle on a semi-fast drinking huge quantites of a single medicinal plant for a week to two weeks, to the point where they become sick from overdosing on that medicine, and then they know that Plant spirit, or really that spirit is like part of them. It is kind of like a vision quest for each medicinal plant.

Tobacco shamanism is learned something in this way -- using Nicotiana rustica, Amazonian wild Tobacco, which is 15 to 18 times as high in nicotine as Nicotiana tabacum. Nicotine can be a deadly poison if ingested into the stomach in sufficient quantity (it would take much less pure nicotine to kill you than arsenic or cyanide). But nicotine also creates a tolerance. Nicotine is a poison, a nerve poison, and that is connected to his power. The Tobacco shaman is basically poisoned, and survives this poisoning and comes out changed, with Tobacco's power connected to his power. My friend who was initiated in Tobacco shamanism compared it to the Sun -- you could get harmed standing out in the sun too long if your body was not used to it, but once your body is adapted, it can take any amount of sunlight. Tobacco shamans can drink quantities of nicotine that would kill a non-initiated person; and no amount of nicotine will kill them, it only keeps increasing their power.

Tobacco is the number one power plant of the world. Tobacco is the Plant of Power. The name he has told me is Power Food. Tobacco is food for the spirits. That is why we offer pinches of Tobacco to herbs when we gather them. Tobacco is nourishment that feeds the spirits and strengthens them. You can use it for protection against negative energies, because if you dedicate it to Protection it will feed the energies of Protection. Like feeding your watchdogs to make them strong. In the same way, it makes prayer-energies more Powerful. If you place prayer intentions and songs in Tobacco when it is growing, it absorbs that energy and acts like a kind of spiritual megaphone for your prayers when you release them. You can enlist the help of elemental-type spirits that don't care about you normally by offering them Tobacco as a kind of payment. The same thing is said among peoples here in Turtle Island and in the Amazon, that the reason humans were placed on Earth was to cultivate Tobacco for the spirits, because they cannot do it themselves.

Tobacco feeds our own spirits when we consume it. We can become addicted to his food, more so if our spirits are starving, then we may crave him and his food. The trouble is, consuming Tobacco unconsciously means that only a little bit of the Power comes in, and, more important, it doesn't reach your Spirit, the depths within you that are crying to be fed. Consuming Tobacco unconsciously is like the unconsciousness of compulsive eating, and it becomes compulsive for the same reasons. Both of these compulsions are manifestations of a starving spirit. (You even see how people who stop smoking often gain weight because they take up overeating instead.)

It also, because it magnifies the power of prayer and intention, magnifies the intention of Tobacco companies to make people addicted and funnel money to them. The commercial Tobacco growers and companies dedicate this intention to the Tobacco they grow -- to feed the spirit of addiction in us. That addiction is intentional and it is because the Tobacco companies put that intention in, both physically (through the hundreds of additive chemicals that can legally constitute 20% of dry weight, not to mention tons of pesticides) and spiritually (through their Intent) dedicate this most sacred of Power Plants to this purpose, of creating addiction. This is a spiritually Powerful plant -- you try to get a lettuce leaf to addict people and place them under your command and intention, well, you might not get much results. You take the most Powerful of Power plants and say, "Addict millions of people and place them under our command so they have to feed us money" -- that Power plant will magnify your intent and give you Powerful results.

Tobacco also shows how when sacred powers are used carelessly and unconsciously, they can cause harm and sickness. There is only one Power, which can be shaped and used in different ways, up to us.

Blaming Tobacco for how he is used is like blaming electricity for how it is used.

And with some sacred things, most sacred things, the power is fragile and must be protected. Tobacco's Power is not fragile. It remains intact no matter how it is used or misused, no matter what other contaminants are also present. This is why ordinary cigarettes can even be used in ceremony. The Intent put in it by the commercial grower and cigarette companies can be cleared by your Intent. (And there are many ways to use Tobacco besides smoking.)

Tobacco is a plant that involves true secrets in its practice. There are things about his practice that are genuine secrets. What I have spoken of is only the public side of the shamanic use of Tobacco, and that is Powerful enough. I don't smoke cigarettes, except under certain circumstances, but I can never say "no" when someone offers me a cigarette, because they are offering me something so sacred, even if they don't know it."
-sacha http://www.breakingopent...rum/showthread.php?t=967
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#2 Posted : 9/8/2014 7:05:20 AM
"In the 1990s, the courts demanded the release of tobacco company documents, which are now available. There's much about converting more nicotine into the freebase form to get more nicotine into the smoke and so that the nicotine in the smoke becomes more available," says Pankow.

Pankow and his team recently compared the levels of free-base nicotine found in the most common brands of American cigarettes (see "Percent Free Base Nicotine.." in the bibliography). They found that some -- including the famously popular Marlboro -- contain 10 to 20 times higher percentages of free-base nicotine than other brands. But the brand with the most free-base nicotine? The "Natural American Spirit" cigarette, marketed here as "100% Chemical Additive-Free Tobacco." American Spirit cigarettes contain 36 percent free-base nicotine, compared with 9.6 percent in a Marlboro, 2.7 percent in a Camel, and 6.2 percent in a Winston.
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#3 Posted : 9/8/2014 7:06:18 AM

When vaporizing cannabis or tobacco alone, minimal vapor will appear during exhalation. That which has not been absorbed by the lungs. E-Cigs use vegetable glycerin and Propylene Glycol to produce smoke. Usually with higher ratios of PG, as it is more popular.

PG is runnier than the VG variety, and is more easily absorbed by the polyfill fabric inside the cartomizer. The low density of the juice also means that gunk doesn’t build up on the heating element of your e-cigarette as fast as it does when thicker vegetable glycerin liquid is used. PG causes allergic reactions in some users. These can vary from minor reactions, like a tingling sensation in the throat, to serious irritations on various parts of the body. It also causes a stronger throat hit, more like a regular cigarette. PG-based e-juices are flavorless so produce the highest flavor intensity of the two substances. Also vapor feels warmer since it takes less time and power for PG to reach the level of vaporization. Vegetable Glycerin contains preexisting flavor and sweetness, produces more vapor, and is more natural.

Propylene Glycol and Ethylene Glycol are used to make antifreeze and de-icing solutions for cars, airplanes, and boats; to make polyester compounds; and as solvents in the paint and plastics industries. Propylene Glycol is an FDA-approved food additive "generally recognized as safe". It has no long-term history of human usage but seems to be toxic in excessively large amounts. Excessively high amounts cause Renal (kidney) failure. Correlating with the amounts consumed, Polypropylene Glycol contributes to Acidosis, an increased acidity in the blood and other body tissue. Those with cancer will want to avoid blood acidity. PG may also cause irritation and sensitivity to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes, according to the Scholar Chemistry Material Safety Data Sheet.

source: acute renal failure has been attributed to propylene glycol http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9214414

And the solvents can transform into something even more worrisome: carbonyls. This group includes known cancer-causing chemicals, such as formaldehyde, and suspected carcinogens, such as acetaldehyde.

Earlier this year, a study found that increasing an e-cig’s voltage from 3.2V to 4.8V while using an e-liquid with both solvents produced almost as much formaldehyde as a traditional*[additive] cigarette. While the human body produces formaldehyde as a byproduct of normal metabolic activity in the cells, it is suspected of being carcinogenic when inhaled.

The same study also found that at lower voltages, e-cigs produced up to 800 times less formaldehyde than a cigarette. While this might sound a lot safer, the size of the vapor particles and the delivery method into the lungs heavily impact the risk of disease.

Particles found in inhaled cigarette smoke have a median size of 0.3-0.5 microns. Testing has found that the e-cigarette particles have a median of 0.18-0.27 microns. About 40% of these particles can travel deep into the lungs and become embedded in the alveoli, where gas exchange occurs. Even if the particle itself isn’t toxic, the size alone places a burden on the lungs and can cause disease.

E-cigarettes deliver high levels of nanoparticles, the researchers found, which can trigger inflammation and have been linked to asthma, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes (SN: 7/18/09, p. 26). The levels “really raise concerns about heart disease and other chronic conditions where inflammation is involved,”

The mass of particles in the vapors is about 3 milligrams per cubic meter of air, he says, or about 100 times as high as the Environmental Protection Agency’s 24-hour exposure limit for levels of fine air particles. Thornburg’s group’s analyses predict that some 40 percent of these inhaled particles would deposit in the lungs’ smallest, deepest airways.

In addition to nicotine and solvents, vapors also contain chemical flavorings and food preservatives from the vaping liquid. Although they may be GRAS, or “generally recognized as safe” by FDA, Thornburg says, the designation is based on tests of the compounds when they are ingested. “No one has considered their safety when it comes to inhalation,” he says.

And e-cigarette vapors can even make dangerous germs harder to kill, Laura Crotty Alexander reported May 18 at an American Thoracic Society meeting in San Diego. A pulmonary and critical care physician and scientist with the VA San Diego Healthcare System, she exposed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, better known as MRSA, to e-cigarette vapors.

In a lab dish, these antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can cause pneumonia, proved harder to kill using a germ-killing protein fragment — a natural antibiotic that people’s bodies make. One reason: Germs exposed to nicotine-rich vapors secreted a thicker biofilm coating that protected them.

Crotty Alexander also allowed mice to breathe in air containing MRSA that had been exposed to e-cigarette vapors. One day later, mice getting vapor-exposed germs had three times as many bacteria growing in their lungs as did mice that got unexposed germs.



Worst to best
Regular commercial cigarettes>Additive-free cigarettes>electronic cigarettes>TRUE all-natural brands (Seneca's, Natives, Skydancer, Kentucky Select)> Mapacho tobacco> Organic tobacco> Organic Mapacho tobacco>homegrown organic tobacco> homegrown organic mapacho tobacco

Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca) is another species of tobacco which is sometimes available. Not possessed and adulterated by corporate entities. This tobacco gives a similar buzz to n. rustica (mapacho) and was considered one of the strongest domestic tobacco species by native americans. It contains Anabasine, an analog of nicotine. Other forms of administration than smoking, however, would be ill-advised with this species; As Anabasine is more potent than nicotine and will reach toxic levels in the body faster/with lower quantities. Tree Tobacco, tho, is safe for smoking.


Raw brand rolling papers are organic, raw, unrefined, hemp paper. They are much more natural and produce less material, harshness, and carcinogens when burning. If using paper, be sure to use these.


Mapacho Tobacco aka Shamanic Tobacco, Sacred Tobacco, Tobacco Negra (Nicotiana rustica) contains up to 18x more nicotine (but freebased nicotine is not added in) and is much higher in harmalas than regular tobacco which balances the effects. Harmalas have anti-depressant effects, anti-tumor properties, and are NMDA antagonists which help prevent addictions. NMDA antagonists also resensitize cells to dopamine. So NMDA antagonists have "brain-resetting" effects.

There was a lecture online about harmalas effects as anti-tumor. I'm trying to find this.

"However, there is enough available evidence that ayahuasca’s active principles, especially DMT and harmine, have positive effects in some cell cultures used to study cancer, and in biochemical processes important in cancer treatment, both in vitro and in vivo. "

"In conclusion, our study shows that harmine derivatives have considerable antitumor activity"
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#4 Posted : 9/8/2014 7:09:15 AM
MODERATOR: Links removed, please do not post commercial links here!
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[url=https://kambo.me/smf/index.php?topic=395.0]Tobacco Disinformation

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#5 Posted : 9/8/2014 7:12:36 AM
6 Nights Of Tobacco: A Physical, Psychological & Spiritual Detox


Tobacco Diet!!! Cleansing the system with plant medicine

Ceremony Not Cigarettes


"Radiation Found To Be The #1 Cause of Tobacco-Related Cancers"

Some of the most toxic ingredients used in cigarettes.
Curing agents, flavoring agents, burning agents, but they are mostly used
to make the cigarettes stronger & more addictive.
i.e. to increase permeability in the body; Ammonia to freebase the nicotine, ect.

"There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous.

Many of these chemicals are also found in consumer products, but these products have warning labels. While the public is warned about the danger of the poisons in these products, there is no such warning for the toxins in tobacco smoke.

Here are a few of the chemicals in tobacco smoke, and other places they are found:

Acetone: Solvent used as nail polish remover.
Acetic Acid: Ingredient in hair dye
Ammonia: Household cleaner.
Arsenic: Used in rat poisons.
Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber & rubber cement.
Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid.
Cadmium: Active component in battery acid.
Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas released in car exhaust fumes.
Cyanide: Lethal poison.
DDT: A banned insecticide.
Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals.
Formaldehyde: Embalming fluid.
Hexamine: Found in barbeque lighter fluid
Lead: Poisonous in high doses. Heavy metal used in batteries.
Formaldehyde: Used to preserve dead specimens.
Methoprene: Insecticide.
Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics.
Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs.
Methanol: a main component in rocket fuel.
Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India, in 1984.
Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element.
Toluene: Used to manufacture paint"
-American Lung Association: http://www.lung.org/stop...hats-in-a-cigarette.html (I have added a few.)

For the whole list of 599 additives used in cigarettes, see the BBC Worldservice page What’s in a Cigarette.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/gre...ettes.html#ixzz35a1LmT00
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#6 Posted : 9/8/2014 7:13:39 AM
Nicotine helps memory, alzheimers, & cognitive degradation

"Nicotine. Findings from both human and animal studies have indicated that acute administration of nicotine can improve cognitive performance (particularly tasks that require attention), short-term episodic memory and prospective memory task performance. Chronic usage of low-dose nicotine in animals has been found to increase the number of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and improve performance on learning and memory tasks.[27][28][29] Short-term nicotine treatment, utilising nicotine skin patches, have shown that it may be possible to improve cognitive performance in a variety of groups such as normal non-smoking adults, Alzheimer’s disease patients, schizophrenics, and adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.[30] Similarly, evidence suggests that smoking improves visuospatial working memory impairments in schizophrenic patients, possible explaining the high rate of tobacco smoking found in people with schizophrenia.[31] However, evidence suggests that low doses of nicotine facilitate memory and high doses have no significant effect.[27]"

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#7 Posted : 9/8/2014 7:14:20 AM
History Channel: What's Inside A Factory-Made Cigarette?

Most commercially made cigarettes are only 50% tobacco and the other 50% is a variety of fillers.


"The federal government passed a law in 2004 mandating that cigarettes self extinguish. To accomplish this cigarette manufacturers now put "ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer" (carpet glue) adhesive into the paper of the cigarettes. The result is that cigarette smokers are now inhaling burning glue. According to a Harvard Study, the self extinguishing cigarettes produce 13.9% more Naphthalene and 11.4% more carbon monoxide than cigarettes made without the glue. Naphthalene is a substance used to make moth balls and in quantity, causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, anemia, jaundice, convulsions and coma"
Information from www.xaminer.com/naphthalene

By making your own cigarettes.you avoid smoking "carpet glue", Naphthalene.

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#8 Posted : 9/8/2014 7:18:46 AM
Tobacco as medicine against Ebola



Wild Tobacco Defense Scene

What Plants Talk About | PBS


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[url=https://kambo.me/smf/index.php?topic=395.0]Tobacco Disinformation

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#9 Posted : 9/8/2014 9:04:31 AM
Thank you for this synchronized present as I'm allying with tobacco spirit recently.
Cognitive Heart
#10 Posted : 9/8/2014 2:12:35 PM
Thank you for such broad information! I shall return to the sacred tobacco realm in time.
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
Moderator | Skills: Mostly harmless
#11 Posted : 9/8/2014 5:29:48 PM

Thank you for this! Thumbs up
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#12 Posted : 9/8/2014 6:14:49 PM
Thank you very much! Smile

For those living in Europe, Seneca tabacco is very hard to purchase online.

The only brand that seems to be legit and available in Europe is 'YUMA' tabacco. It's the only brand that has been certified as 'organic' from a Swiss organisation.
#13 Posted : 9/8/2014 8:50:22 PM
You are welcome, all! Took quite some time to compile that. still feel it maybe could use a reorganizing.

@teotenakeltje It's quite the same here in the states, depending on the state you're in, I believe. The tribal brand cigarettes like Seneca are sold on reservations that are free from taxation. because of this, I think, they aren't allowed to be sold online unless the price is heavily increased for tax revenue. I purchased cartons at a reservation for $20 a carton while visiting my uncle. But the place is about a 6hr drive from me. While looking into the smokes-spirits site I listed, it said they couldn't ship the product (Senecas) to my location. Mind posting a website for that YUMA tobacco?
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[url=https://kambo.me/smf/index.php?topic=395.0]Tobacco Disinformation

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#14 Posted : 9/9/2014 3:28:33 PM
Thank you very much for the information!!! You have spurned a debate within me which may change how I think about Tobacco. I was wondering if you could provide me a link to a report analyzing the chemical content of tobacco leaf grown organically in the wild/nature without any help from humans. While many of the nasty chemicals and carcinogens in tobacco are added via processing and mass agriculture, I was wondering what chemicals and carcinogens are present in naturally grown and cured tobacco leaf. I think that there still would be some carcinogens in natural tobacco leaf, but have no idea as to what they may be. Before I begin working with this teacher again, I would like to know exactly what I am smoalking.

Thank you for your time and research,
'"ALAS,"said the mouse, "the world is growing smaller every day. At the
beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad
when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have
narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner
stands the trap that I must run into." "You only need to change your direction," said
the cat, and ate it up.' --Franz Kafka
#15 Posted : 9/9/2014 5:56:01 PM
My understanding is that there are no carcinogens found naturally in organic or wild tobacco plants. Burning anything tho causes carcinogens. Smoking cannabis or tobacco both produce benzene through combustion. Yet cannabis is still considered a medicine by most informed people. There are also carcinogens found in fruits and vegetables in small amounts as a self-defense mechanism in nature and these are still the healthiest foods. but you wouldn't want to extract the compounds in larger quantities and add it to your foods. when you look at the sacrilegious poisoning of tobacco and what is actually done to it, e.g. commercial cigarettes, there's no reason to think it wouldn't cause cancer. Yet people can't get rid of the perspective that tobacco is inherently bad and when I tell this information to others they either don't care or say that they're gonna quit and keep smoking, while they give their money on overpriced products to giant corporations who lie and poison them in return. When you grow and/or roll your own cigarettes you enjoy it and appreciate it on a deeper level. the Native Americans believed the tobacco smoke carried their thoughts, prayers, intentions to the heavens. and they gift small amounts of it to plants when they harvest from the earth, because they believe it's a food for the spirits and they don't want to offend spirits by only taking and not giving. In South America the Indians believe Mapacho smoke dispels negativity, illness, and bad spirits. they believe it attracts protective and the healing spirits and seals the body against attack. This is why shamans blow tobacco smoke in healing ceremonies and they also use it as a smudge and blow the smoke around a room as a protection boundary before Ayahuasca ceremonies.

In my experience it has a way of purging energies. physically like causing you to go to the bathroom, and metaphysically as in shaking off certain feelings. So we can start seeing tobacco in a different light. Rather than smoking a pack unconsciously while drinking or smoking because we think it's cool, we can instead try smoking less but being conscious, zen, appreciative, and thoughtful while doing so.
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[url=https://kambo.me/smf/index.php?topic=395.0]Tobacco Disinformation

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#16 Posted : 9/9/2014 7:20:44 PM
Certain carcinogenic nitrosamines are not only found naturally in tobacco, they are so ubiquitous as to constitute the urine test to see if people on nicotine patches/gums are cheating and consuming tobacco as well.
The carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and amines are in the smoke from naturally grown and cured tobacco too.

Its true, manufacturing practices and organismal context can make it more likely to cause cancer.
[little exercise and a western style diet was shown to cause smoking to be five times as cancer causing when compared to people on a traditional japanese diet, for instance]
So if you want to reduce your risk while still smoking you can grow your own with compost and hippie pee and cure it in your garage and follow a diet of whole plants, no dairy, and little meat and take daily walks. But dont be shocked if you still get symptomatic cancer 20 years from now despite all that.

Voluminous rationalizing and justifying does not count as exercise, btw Wink
#17 Posted : 9/9/2014 9:35:06 PM
Tobacco for cigars is not as treated as tobacco for cigarettes but cigar smokers still get cancer. Most of the time it's tongue, lips and throat and not lungs because they don't inhale the smoke.

Everything that burns is - more or less- carcinogenic . Even incense.
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#18 Posted : 9/11/2014 5:12:41 AM
well I wouldn't smoke incense lol. there's also people that smoke their whole lives and live into their 80s. when smoking nothing but all natural unpoisoned tobacco is so rare as to never find people that smoke only that, there's not much evidence to support that, that will cause cancer. I'm not tellin anyone what to do, I just think it's important that this type of information gets more mainstream because tobacco corporations have a monopoly on a plant of nature. I'll take my chances with real tobacco but I wont't even smoke american spirits anymore. I don't smoke cigars cause I'm unsure of their purity. nowadays when even rolling tobacco has a higher percentage of additives then regular cigarettes and most people aren't going to give up their habit's, at least they can be informed and make the better decision to not smoke something constantly that is pure poison.
Kambo.me Forum
​Internet Security Walk-Through
[url=https://kambo.me/smf/index.php?topic=395.0]Tobacco Disinformation

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#19 Posted : 9/11/2014 9:40:11 PM

Yuma (Yuma Germany GmbH) is a German company that grow their organic tabacco in cooporation with brazilian farmers, so the tabacco is imported from Brazil. They are supporting those farmers so it's also fair-trade.
They seem to be very small, they don't even have a website, but I've read some positive reviews and an interview with the creator (in German).
Some organic shops can order it if you ask them, which is cheaper than ordering online (shipping costs)
Here's an online shop that sells Yuma:


I don't smoke but my wife does smoke joints, and I will definately make her switch to this brand.

#20 Posted : 9/11/2014 9:43:31 PM
All that I can say on this is: if we're about to test if this is true, we should do studies with organic tobacco, right?

Studies are performed only with commercial tobacco, if I'm correct.
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