Hey y'all, the Psychology department of Nottingham Trent University here in the UK is carrying out a survey on OBE's and are looking for feedback from people who have have experienced one, or more. According to OBE people here the researchers are very well thought of and anybody's feedback is really important here. Deadline is the end of the month. http://www.obesurvey.webspace.virginmedia.com/
Thanks! I'll be participating.
Nice one peeps! I believe science has very little on the table when it comes to OBE's, this study is highly regarded, so anything that can be done to further research on such an interesting human experience I see as a positive thing, and every single person's survey feedback counts.
Nobody else has had an OBE they want to report? Is this state of consciousness really that rare or are folks here hesitant to participate?
Hi y'all, the deadline of this study has been extended to August 14th. Science has very little on the table and it would be great to help advance knowledge of this fascinating area a bit, and every single person's contribution is a valuable addition. If any of you have had an OBE or astral projection experience I would encourage you to consider checking out the survey.
Contributed and forwarded to my friends.
Nice one duderino
Hi peeps, this study has been revised and extended until November 9th and is looking for feedback from people, including those who have completed the survey previously. "PLEASE NOTE: If you filled in the earlier version of this survey (it ran between mid-June and mid-August 2014) you can still take part in this survey. When taking part, though, please use the same unique identifier that you used before. You can tell us about the same OBE(s) as you did before and/or choose to tell us about a different OBE you have had." http://www.obesurvey.web...edia.com/surveypage.html