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My Harmala Microdosing Journal Options
#1 Posted : 7/6/2014 4:28:42 AM
This is where I am going to document on at least a weekly (if not daily) basis of my experience with microdosing B Caapi over the course of a few months.

I hope that my experience will be able to help others who are thinking about doing something like this in the near future.

As I type this I am sipping on a tea made from Green Tea leaves and 4g of B Caapi shredded vine that I steeped in very hot water for just like 5 - 10 minutes (don't expect exact numbers out of me today Pleased)

It may just be a placebo, but I am feeling much better than I was before I started drinking this tea. I went out to a party last night so I was still a little hungover and tired from that as well as being the first day of quitting cigarettes after a two-week-long binge. Now I am noticing a calmer state where music sounds slightly better and I am relaxed, but focused and awake.

I'm about to go to another get-together tonight and we'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow.

I am going to brew all 114 grams into a big tea using the 3x3 method in the next two days.

Will be back later to update!

Love y'all!
#2 Posted : 7/6/2014 6:35:59 AM
Great idea isaakzibre,

Just wondering are you on special diet for MAOI, as far as I can tell it doesn't matter.

Hope quitting smoking is going well for you.

Like the pic of the mosque, have you been there, I would like to go.

Looking forward for the report,

#3 Posted : 7/6/2014 11:39:17 AM
Hey there Jox,

As far as food diet is concerned, I am not making many changes (other than less processed food, but I was going to do that before this anyway).

I am, however, being mindful of any psychoactive chemicals like caffeine and alcohol. I am not going to drink anymore while I am doing this experiment, and I am cutting way back on caffeine so i don't end up with monster headaches and nausea. I got some muscle pain from drinking green tea with my caapi today, so I need to be more careful with that.

Quitting cigarettes is never an easy thing, thank you for the support. I started smoking again when I got drunk a few times this past month, and need to quit again as it does nothing but negative things for my attitude.

I am looking forward to doing the full 3x3 hour brews to get the full effect of the caapi medicine.

As for my pic, I honestly got it off the internet, but it would be really cool to visit a place like this. Unfortunately ,muslims are not keen to let non-muslims into their mosques from what my dad tells me (he worked in UAE for a year). It is from Iran I think.
#4 Posted : 7/8/2014 6:58:02 AM
I finally got around to brewing my 114g of vine today.

I also took about 100mcg of LSD today while I was brewing it to have something to do haha.

It was a good trip and a good day, but after I came down off the L I was feeling really irritable from not having a cigarette today. I decided to drink about 4oz of the caapi tea and after about 30 minutes I started to feel a lot better.

It's been a few hours since I drank the tea and I still feel really good. Music is much more immersive to me and I can actually slow down and read, unlike usual where I can't focus worth a darn!

I'll check in tomorrow or the next day again! Smile

#5 Posted : 7/8/2014 9:12:15 AM

Just to add that you should freeze the brew, it does go bad...

Good luck
#6 Posted : 7/8/2014 10:45:16 AM
isaaczibre wrote:
This is where I am going to document on at least a weekly (if not daily) basis of my experience with microdosing B Caapi over the course of a few months.

I hope that my experience will be able to help others who are thinking about doing something like this in the near future.

As I type this I am sipping on a tea made from Green Tea leaves and 4g of B Caapi shredded vine that I steeped in very hot water for just like 5 - 10 minutes (don't expect exact numbers out of me today Pleased)

It may just be a placebo, but I am feeling much better than I was before I started drinking this tea. I went out to a party last night so I was still a little hungover and tired from that as well as being the first day of quitting cigarettes after a two-week-long binge. Now I am noticing a calmer state where music sounds slightly better and I am relaxed, but focused and awake.

I'm about to go to another get-together tonight and we'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow.

I am going to brew all 114 grams into a big tea using the 3x3 method in the next two days.

Will be back later to update!

Love y'all!

Remember to cycle your caapi dosing Smile I like to do two weeks on two weeks off so I don't start feeling dependent.... but maybe that's me trying to repress my old addict self
#7 Posted : 7/8/2014 9:13:04 PM
Thanks Jox, I am going to keep it in the refrigerator and drink it all within 2 weeks probably.

Tyler, I'm not too worried about being dependent, as I'd much rather feel attached to a plant medicine than drinking or cigarettes, but I don't think it'll happen.. Especially when I take Pharma at the end of my cycle! Very happy

I also think I am going to switch to Harmaline HCl after this as it is easier to dose with accuracy and easier to prepare.
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#8 Posted : 7/8/2014 10:17:10 PM
Caapi brews do go bad eventually, but if you just reboil it for a few minutes every 2 weeks it can last quite a long time in the fridge. Or you could just freeze a good portion of it if you want.

I 'microdosed' for the better part of 2 years, almost everyday, but usually at doses that were somewhat active... although it varied a lot. I usually took rue or harmalas I extracted from it, since rue is so cheap.

But I don't drink alcohol or coffee, and pretty much just eat raw plant foods..so the constant MAO inhibition never became a problem for me.

And no, I don't think anyone would really get addicted to harmalas. When taking them I could stop whenever I want with no issues. And after a larger, psychedelic dose... more harmalas will be the last thing on your mind the next day.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#9 Posted : 7/9/2014 9:20:46 AM
Yeah, UniverseCannon, that's why I'm thinking I'm going to switch to Rue based harmala HCl after I finish this batch of tea (which should only last a couple of weeks at my rate of consumption. I'm not really measuring, just drinking a small glass worth.

At least with pure rue HCl I can measure and put it into small gelcaps to take daily.
#10 Posted : 7/10/2014 6:33:28 AM
Today was pretty rough for me, but that's because I made the mistake of smoking another cigarette after work on Tuesday. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I just ordered some Noopept, so I am going to add 20mg in the morning to the mix as soon as that comes in! Very happy
ModeratorChemical expert
#11 Posted : 7/10/2014 2:26:21 PM
universecannon wrote:
Caapi brews do go bad eventually, but if you just reboil it for a few minutes every 2 weeks it can last quite a long time in the fridge. Or you could just freeze a good portion of it if you want.

I 'microdosed' for the better part of 2 years, almost everyday, but usually at doses that were somewhat active... although it varied a lot. I usually took rue or harmalas I extracted from it, since rue is so cheap.

But I don't drink alcohol or coffee, and pretty much just eat raw plant foods..so the constant MAO inhibition never became a problem for me.

And no, I don't think anyone would really get addicted to harmalas. When taking them I could stop whenever I want with no issues. And after a larger, psychedelic dose... more harmalas will be the last thing on your mind the next day.

I wonder how that went for you UC.

I microdosed syrian rue extracted alkaloids for two years; (the equivalent of) 50mg freebase/day for 1 year, followed by (the equivalent of) 100mg freebase/day for another year. I dosed in the morning just after breakfast.

For me, nothing really was noticed. My work is demanding and I am busy most of the time and I would have noticed if there was anything benefit/drawback to my dosing. I drink plenty of alcohol and coffee and no interactions were noted either for me.

Upon stopping the microdosing, nothing observable was noted either, so overall harmala microdosing is a big meh for me, but for someone else things might be particularly interesting.

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Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!

#12 Posted : 7/11/2014 2:26:03 AM

You are talking some serious #, and serious length!... I wonder if anybody has done anything like this.

So, have you noticed harmala build up of any sort? Like did you do ayahuasca pharma, mushrooms, and was it different from when not micro dosing?

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#13 Posted : 7/11/2014 2:37:01 AM
For me it had an interesting effect but it's hard to explain. I was taking anywhere between say 30mg-200mg, or .5-1.5g of rue, almost everyday for over a year and a half, and then sometimes a few time a week after that period.

It seemed to change the nature of my thinking/imagination/ability to visualize/etc. overtime, shifting the mental space to other modes of thought apart from just words. And more immediately, my mood and emotions improved a lot and I'd feel very relaxed. I noticed this really helped the anxiety I'd often get from cannabis trips.

It was sort of like the 'thoughtchitecture' started to become something completely different, more expansive and visually oriented, etc..Which is something harmalas do in high doses on their own anyway, but long-term there was a noticeable shift in how I think and experience things in this general direction. A more extreme example is how on high doses of harmalas you can actually see/be a sort of hyperpace version of your ordinary imagination unfolding, and it seamlessly shifting from something just imagined, to something experienced much more directly. Sort of like the stuff McKenna talked about a lot, but usually your normal sense of self is in a kind of sleep until it realizes what is going on. On a high dose for example I would often be in a sort of dream trance, then realize that I was actually seeing/being the bizarre things I thought I was at first just 'daydreaming' about. I'd open my eyes and snap to attention and it would fade quickly. Sometimes it can be much more in your face though and persistent.

Anyways, I felt very grounded when I was doing it, even though a lot of bizarre synchronicities and other occurances became at times daily thing.

But it's sort of difficult to tease apart just what caused what. I have a peculiar diet compared to most, take a lot of melatonin, and was drinking aya or pharma and smoking changa around once a week, sometimes more sometimes less, and lucid dreaming pretty often. Dreams are something it did seem to effect quite a lot. I've always had bizarre dreams but it got to the point where it became like intense story like other worldly journeys filled with profound levels of synesthesia many nights a week.

One interesting result was that after about a year of this, I now need significantly less oral harmalas/DMT to produce roughly the same intensity of experience. 150mg harmalas and <30mg DMT has blown me away whereas before I was taking nearly twice that amount for similar effects.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#14 Posted : 7/11/2014 11:20:19 AM
isaaczibre wrote:
Today was pretty rough for me, but that's because I made the mistake of smoking another cigarette after work on Tuesday. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I just ordered some Noopept, so I am going to add 20mg in the morning to the mix as soon as that comes in! Very happy

Noopept and harmalas don't mix well good sir. I've tried it in the past and the result is a kind of serious fogged state. You're welcome to give it a go and find out how it goes down, for all I know you might have markedly different effects.
#15 Posted : 7/11/2014 10:41:07 PM
I'm probably not going to mix them after all. I'm instead going to just to Noopept because, although I like the Harmalas, they only do something for me for 4 hours, and I don't want massive nausea or headaches, so I'll stick to massive doses occasionally for pharma, as I've gotten more healing from that than anything else.
#16 Posted : 10/21/2014 10:13:33 AM
It's been over a 3 months since I've updated this journal....

Since then I've stopped smoking cigarette (had to employ the patches again for a few weeks), but recently I've been drinking... a lot... Like every night I can, 48oz of beer, kind of a lot...

Tonight I decided to take some harmala HCl full spectrum extract (75mg) a little shroom (40mg) and a pinch of DMT (11mg).

It felt amazing! I'm 90% sure everything I felt was just the harmalas, but it was awesome.. Almost like being stoned (which I finally got to smoke a hit of herb for the first time since late April of this year). I can honestly say that I like harmalas better than herb in terms of healing power at least.

Tomorrow I am going to take 100-150mg harmala and 15-25mg DMT.
#17 Posted : 10/21/2014 3:35:08 PM
universecannon wrote:
Dreams are something it did seem to effect quite a lot. I've always had bizarre dreams but it got to the point where it became like intense story like other worldly journeys filled with profound levels of synesthesia many nights a week.

that sounds really awesome , is it possible to reap such rewards by doing harmalas once every 4 days

i plan on using 4 grams and increasing my dosege 1/2 gram once in every 4 days till i reach 10 grams or so

will the effects on dreaming continue throughout , or do i need to dose everyday to reap such rewards

edit: i just realized i am not going to be increasing my rue dosage ,i will instead work with 4 grams and keep upping my DMT dosage
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