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egg whites and ayahuasca Options
#1 Posted : 7/10/2009 5:46:31 AM
so im going to be trying ayahuasca soon with a very close friend of mine so i have been reading up on some things on here and as far as i can tell, the brew is incredibly hard to get down and stay down. now i wouldnt say that i have a weak stomach or anything but a couple of people mentioned somethings about egg whites and how it may make the brew go down easier. i looked on here and didnt really find much to explain the tek. what exactly is this and how is it done? what else may make it easier to drink? i know it is sacred so i want to keep it as traditional or as natural as possible but anything would help
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#2 Posted : 7/10/2009 5:51:14 AM
If you're brewing mimosa, you're going to want to do the egg white tek. Add a bit of egg white to the brew and heat it slowly to a boil and when it cooks remove it and it will contain tannins. tannins are really hard to drink and keep down.

If you're brewing chaliponga or chacruna, don't worry about egg whites and just reduce the brew to ~50ml and drink down. Maybe have another one handy in case you purge too soon.
#3 Posted : 7/10/2009 5:53:33 AM
cool will the egg whites float to the top or are they hard to fish out of the brew?
#4 Posted : 7/10/2009 10:27:29 AM
Id imagine staining the mixture through a t-shirt would get them out.
Might give that a try actually as i am bout to do a mimosa brew.

Slidewinder, how much egg white would one suggest brother? 1 eggs worth or is that too much?
Also, your supposed to add vinegar when brewing the mimosa right. Doesnt that "cook" the egg before it get hot enough to remove the tannins?
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#5 Posted : 7/10/2009 10:33:44 AM
A lot of tannins get through a T shirt. 1 egg works. When you're done brewing, before you reduce, cool the brew and then bring to a boil slowly with the egg white. Remove egg white. Reduce! :]
#6 Posted : 7/10/2009 10:36:08 AM
I meant use a t-shirt to get rid of the egg whites.
But ok, 1 egg white yeah?. Will give it a bash.
Thanks man
You have to go within or you go without
#7 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:07:50 AM
I was considering trying out the egg white idea (or perhaps gelatin) to remove impurities when brewing chacruna, until I read your post. (I found this thread while looking for instructions on when/how to use the egg whites)
Do I understand you correctly?
Are you saying that there is NO benefit in using egg whites if you're brewing chali or chacruna? That this is only helpful with mimosa?

This will be my first attempt at brewing p. viridis, and I am always interested in reducing the nausea/purge factor...but don't want to waste my time, or good eggs! Laughing

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#8 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:27:33 PM
IMO I wouldn't bother with detanning chacruna I rather like the tea the way it is.
Mimosa, on the other hand, I consider an impossible tea without the egg white tek.
#9 Posted : 7/13/2009 2:58:13 PM
For Caapi the egg white filtration method is WONDERFUL!!!!!

For any of us that have issues with full blown bowel explosions while in the midst of an oral purge, removing the tannins with eggwhites will eliminiate that issue.

It also makes it taste quite a bit better.

2 tips

1) Make sure your brew is acidic, hot, and unreduced...if the eggwhites don't congeal almost instantly then you need to either add acid, or heat it up. If it is reduced you might be losing potency

2) a cloth is the best thing to filter the eggwhite out with. It's very simple to do and there is no eggy taste left. You brew will have gone from muddy to a golden/reddish crystal clear brew.

Personally, I use 2 large eggwhites for a 4 dose brew (120g caapi). I don't do it for the chaliponga.
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#10 Posted : 7/13/2009 3:22:34 PM
acolon_5 wrote:
For Caapi the egg white filtration method is WONDERFUL!!!!!

For any of us that have issues with full blown bowel explosions while in the midst of an oral purge, removing the tannins with eggwhites will eliminiate that issue.

It also makes it taste quite a bit better.

2 tips

1) Make sure your brew is acidic, hot, and unreduced...if the eggwhites don't congeal almost instantly then you need to either add acid, or heat it up. If it is reduced you might be losing potency

2) a cloth is the best thing to filter the eggwhite out with. It's very simple to do and there is no eggy taste left. You brew will have gone from muddy to a golden/reddish crystal clear brew.

Personally, I use 2 large eggwhites for a 4 dose brew (120g caapi). I don't do it for the chaliponga.

So you do it on the caapi??
SWIM is about to do a caapi and mimosa brew, both of which he is cooking seperately.
Do you suggest he does an egg wash on both brews then?
You have to go within or you go without
#11 Posted : 7/13/2009 3:59:11 PM
An alternative to that if SWIY has powdered MHRB is a cold water extraction.

5 g of MHRB powder + 150 mL of room temp water put in a bottle, shaken repeatedly over the course of 3-4 days, then carefully strained, produced a POWERFUL trip (Too powerful, in fact, SWIM was expecting something along the lines of his 40 mg of pure DMT pharmahuasca. Instead, it was much more intense) for SWIM without nausea and only the smallest bit of tannin astringency. SWIM is 40 kg, so it might be a good idea to scale appropriately for SWIY's weight and tryptamine sensitivity.

SWIY might be able to reduce it down to make it even easier to drink, though I've heard that there may be some active alkaloids in MHRB that are heat sensitive, so evapping it could be problematic.
#12 Posted : 8/16/2011 8:01:02 PM
SpasticSpaz wrote:
An alternative to that if SWIY has powdered MHRB is a cold water extraction.

5 g of MHRB powder + 150 mL of room temp water put in a bottle, shaken repeatedly over the course of 3-4 days, then carefully strained, produced a POWERFUL trip (Too powerful, in fact, SWIM was expecting something along the lines of his 40 mg of pure DMT pharmahuasca. Instead, it was much more intense) for SWIM without nausea and only the smallest bit of tannin astringency. SWIM is 40 kg, so it might be a good idea to scale appropriately for SWIY's weight and tryptamine sensitivity.

SWIY might be able to reduce it down to make it even easier to drink, though I've heard that there may be some active alkaloids in MHRB that are heat sensitive, so evapping it could be problematic.

EDITED BY MOD: Please refrain from mentioning these substances. The Nexus is a forum for DMT and classic psychedelics

I'm going to do a CWE on MHRB, so do you think it is the use of acidic water that causes nausea-creating substances to dissolve into the solution? Do you experience nausea with mimosa tea prepared with acid cooks? How much harmalas did you take?
olympus mon
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#13 Posted : 8/16/2011 9:14:24 PM
here's a thread/tek if you can call it that i posted some time ago that will help. its got pics and is super easy. it makes a big difference i havent had any nausea since i started doing this unless i really push the envelope.

tannin binding with egg whites + pics -UPDATED WITH RESULTS
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#14 Posted : 10/7/2011 12:00:08 AM
I have recently come across some information while thumbing through the chemistry section of my wife's Anatomy & Physiology textbook and and have not seen it mentioned anywhere on this site so I thought this thread was as good as any.

This textbook states that egg whites have a Ph of 8

I have read some discussions in which some state that the egg white tek reduces potency, while others state that it does not affect potency. I was thinking that this could, at least partly, help to explain the reason for that. My thoughts were that if one is brewing mimosa in a liquid that is not of low enough Ph (6.5 for example), then this slight alkalinity of the egg white may be enough to basify some of the DMT in the brew, thus attaching it to the egg whites which are being discarded.

I am no chemist, this is just my amateur analysis, but I think from now on if I am using the egg white tek, I will be sure to make my brewing liquid substantially more acidic than I would if I were not using the egg white tek.

Hope this helped someone

With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know. - Hunter S. Thompson
#15 Posted : 10/7/2011 6:23:26 AM
Just something to consider, but I do not recommend eggs or gelatin in mimosa brews. I've tried it and despite removing lots of purple chunks from the brew, I don't think it makes the brew taste any better, not easier to keep down, and does not even seem less acidic. Also, I believe the egg white thing most likely decreases potency. DMT is mimosa and the tea is presumably in salt form, dmt-tannate. So if the egg is congealing around tannic acid, I strongly suspect it's concealing dmt in the tannate ball.

What's important is that you simply make sure your brew does not contain any insoluble sediment. The easiest way to achieve this, I believe, is to let the brew sit for a couple days, and then siphon off as much of the water as possible. You could also add more water and let it sit for a while to get the stuff you missed in the first pull. It really doesn't taste that bad as long as there's no sand or that fine insoluble red stuff. That's the stuff that's going to make you gag.
#16 Posted : 10/7/2011 7:55:56 PM
Apoc, if i did the egg method, and it didnt make it taste better, (almost tasteless) and clear of solid matter, i would not do it.
But the results are always good and extremely tastless, a vast improvment over any unfiltered brew.

I think you are just doing the technique wrong, there is a definite trick to it that is built overtime, but the method is EXTREMELY WORTHWILE and ill never not use an egg in a jeruma brew again.
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#17 Posted : 10/30/2011 3:06:47 PM
Apoc wrote:
Just something to consider, but I do not recommend eggs or gelatin in mimosa brews. I've tried it and despite removing lots of purple chunks from the brew, I don't think it makes the brew taste any better, not easier to keep down, and does not even seem less acidic. Also, I believe the egg white thing most likely decreases potency. DMT is mimosa and the tea is presumably in salt form, dmt-tannate. So if the egg is congealing around tannic acid, I strongly suspect it's concealing dmt in the tannate ball.

What's important is that you simply make sure your brew does not contain any insoluble sediment. The easiest way to achieve this, I believe, is to let the brew sit for a couple days, and then siphon off as much of the water as possible. You could also add more water and let it sit for a while to get the stuff you missed in the first pull. It really doesn't taste that bad as long as there's no sand or that fine insoluble red stuff. That's the stuff that's going to make you gag.

I have exact opposite experience.. Here is what I did: I diluted my brew with some tap water. (200 ml of brew plus another 200 ml of water) then I put two raw white eggs in WARM brew and then very slowly brought it to boil. For me it didn't form one large piece, rather it formed colloid suspension. But I think thats actually better because of more surface. So I let it sit overnight (with egg whites) and than filtered it thru lab filter paper. It took almost 15 minutes to filter, but I ended up with CLEAR liquid. I reduced it to 100 ml and added two spoons of honey. I was amazed. It was very tasty. I didn't purge that night either. I haven't noticed any decrease of potency.

Note that this doesn't contradict with Apocs statement. He obviously talks about traditional brew without using any acid. I, on the other hand, have used tons of fumaric acid so I am sure all of present dmt is dmt-fumarate which doesn't bind to proteins. Oh and if you want your brew less acidic, why don't you use 'baking soda' (sodium bicarbonate) or other food safe base Smile
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#18 Posted : 10/30/2011 3:32:56 PM
a "food-safe" weak base doesn't substitute a strong base, and eggs are for breakfast.
activated carbon is the more effective way to clean up tannins.

if you want to make your brew less acidic, just use a more dilute weak acid
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#19 Posted : 11/2/2011 8:53:36 PM
Egg does the job. I didnt puke and no alks were lost as far as I can tell Smile.. Oh and food safe base is IMHO safer to suggest.. Hell, you can even use lye if you want, but we are on public forum so lets keep it safe. Also, using more dilute weak acid would result in less efficient brewing, so using more acid and than basifying is better.
#20 Posted : 11/6/2011 12:24:29 PM
Okay, I take back what I said earlier :-). While egg does the job, the carbon is really much better. So if you have both, use carbon. If you have only egg, use egg. By the way, powdered carbon is REALLY hard to filtrate, so I strongly recommend to try filtrate it at first with just water.
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