Bdevall158 wrote:question one: does acetone need to be anhydrous for the final seperation and evaporation, or can i just use regular hardware store acetone ?
Anhydrous acetone certainly doesn't hurt. I'm not sure if the very small percentage of water in hardware store acetone would make any huge difference, but it might leave a small amount of contamination in the final product.
Bdevall158 wrote:question 2: Does it make a difference to use tap water compared to purified when miking fumarates and calcium hydroxide?
I always use distilled water for purity and pH's sake. Tap water may leave some minerals in your final product depending on the additives in your local tap water (if any), but obviously nothing that you don't already ingest every time you drink a glass of water!
Bdevall158 wrote:question 3: when filtering solids, can i filter through a coffe filter. or would that be bad?
You might lose some product by doing this, but probably not a significant amount. Plus anything that remains in the filter can be retrieved relatively easily by soaking the dry DMT-laden filter in warm IPA for a while and evaporating the IPA. Or you could probably use the DMT-laden coffee filter to roll a changa-blunt!