he Don,
I have been working on this topic for some time now and these are my thoughts,
First distil all solvents used, and when possible use usp grade,
For the fasa/i step all solvents are made anhydrous filtered and then distilled.
1 first extract with xylene
2 fasa/i out the product, clean it with IPA and vacuum dry it
3 then redissolve in distilled water
4 pull with pet ether or hexane to strip of all products that are already soluble in the pet ether/hexane.
5 then base with sodium hydroxide (until PH 12)
6 and pull with pet ether or hexane, freeze precipitate and vacuum dry
7 dissolve in IPA and ad fasi then filter dry
8 re ex from water twice
9 re ex from boiling IPA and vacuum dry it (maybe one more water rx after this and grow very big crystals on a new petrydish)
10 then dissolve in saline (0,9) (or for the testing vials(step 12) in distilled water) suck it up through a syringe filter and insert into glass ampoule and close.
11 sterilize in autoclave or PC for 30 min
12 final, the most
important step sent it to a drug testing lab for testing on purity.
if anyone wants to comment on this procedure please do.
Also if someone has suggestions or info on the PH management in the final solution this would be greatly appreciated. Ph 7,4 would be best although not 100% necessary there are more IV medicine that have a different PH in the final solution. I still need to dig deeper in this topic.
For injecting, I suggest a close friend that happens to be a doctor would be optimal.
All Expandeum's notes, messages, postings, ideas, suggestions, concepts or other material submitted via this forum and or website are completely fictional and are not in any way based on real live experience.