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DXM + DMT experience Options
Chemical expertSenior Member
#1 Posted : 6/9/2009 6:22:43 AM
SWIM has had excellent experiences with DXM combined with psychedelics (presumably some sort of 2c). He finds the experience to be more engulfing and vivid, as substances that are usually not very visionary (to include MDMA) become incredibly visionary. SWIM's entered realms comparable to the best that smoked salvia has to offer, without the severe debilitation, though SWIY's account of feeling insane certainly rings true.

DXM can be an entirely decent substance if taken in the correct manner (SWIM likes to extract it, put it in a juice as a cocktail, and sip it slowly over the course of the night). SWIM hasn't done DXM in some time (a year or so?), but has been itching (robo-humor) to try it with his newer assortment of psychedelics.
Chemical expertSenior Member
#2 Posted : 6/10/2009 1:07:51 AM
reduxredux wrote:
DXM is very dangerous to take with any MAOI or SSRI. MDMA might be a dangerous combo - amor_fati did you try it or are you just mentioning it?

SWIM has tried it toward the tail end of the E and had an incredibly visual experience. Most psychedelics (and other substances for that matter) are dangerous with SSRI's and MAOI's, MDMA is not an SSRI or an MAOI.
#3 Posted : 6/10/2009 1:33:01 AM
I had a experance where my room was split in half. One side was normal inside my house the others side was a forest with a river running. This persisted for 15min. 500mg then smoked several bowls of rue. once the rue is burning good in the pipe i sprinkle dmt on it a changa thing.

Once in a wile seems ok. I have gone as high as 1100mg pure powder i could see math equations floating around like baloons 24 hours later. Tried 2 ct7 combo also excellent.

I would NEVER consume rue but smoking seems to be pretty safe.
#4 Posted : 6/10/2009 4:21:27 AM
I have a lot of past experience with DXM, in pure powder, cough syrup, and tablet form. Typically, anything but the syrup is best. I've gone from baseline dosages, all the way to 1200mg's which had put me in the hospital for posioning when I was a few years younger.

DXM alone was never all that visonary. I always kept my lights off (besides a clock radio) and normally once your eyes would dialate and you could barely make out the outlines of the rooms, I would sit and stare at the ceiling as long as I possibly could and then every little fraction of light that bounced off the walls would just melt away, and swirl away completely until you would reach a dark void of nothing but black, colors darker than black, and greys in just a non-stop rotation. The void would come and go. The void was always a symbol to me that the trip was hitting its peak, and more was sure to follow. By this point I would have my headphones on just blaring Tool or something. I'd load up some nitrous canisters, and at the peak of a good song. I'd let a rip, and then another, and just watch my body fall into infinity. (Which often felt like fall through a matrix like tunnel with all of the crazy green numbers), until I visually became a part of the song. The music would twist and shape my body around into the story and dialogue of song. I would snap out of trance and find myself in the void again, and eventually back in my room.

DXM is a potentiator of just about anything, and before I knew about the nexus, or barely anything about DMT or entheogens of any kind (besides mushrooms, and LSD), I would take basic drugs and just mix them. One drug I would often mix specifically with DXM was Diphenhydramine HCL (common sleeping pill/anti-histamine) which is extremely similar to the tropane alkaloids in their effect. Now, just ask 69Ron about the potentiation fact of Datura seeds. They potentiate just about anything even at a reasonably safe amount. Now, I would take Diphenhydramine with DXM and the experience would be different. Everything became much more visual. It almost exchanged the mental aspect of a DXM trip, and altered into nothing but a visual trip which had a tendency to be very inconsistent depending on the dosages.

After abusing DXM for 2 years of my life and watching myself end up in a mental hospital and losing my best friends. I just say watch out, but... as with any drug... Too much of one thing will always be bad. But the experience of DXM within itself is something I would never let go because it was unlike anything I've ever come across.

It does have a lot of potentiation power. Experimenting could easily be done, but I would just heed a lot of caution knowing that DXM is addictive, and for me it was extremely addictive. And, also from what I've heard... it'll change your personality whether you know it or not. I never knew why my friends hated me until I look back on myself now. It'll make you reckless, and completely irresponsible in any matter and just a complete all around jackass, and you won't even know it.
So glad to see you have overcome them.
Completely silent now
With heaven's help
You cast your demons out

I lie compulsively, and I am subjected to mental disorders as to where I have trouble even considering my own existance.
#5 Posted : 6/10/2009 4:29:26 AM
Chemical expertSenior Member
#6 Posted : 6/10/2009 5:09:51 AM
SWIM's had some pretty rough side-effects from DXM. He's really only had what he would refer to as an overdose from taking zicam shots (bleh!). He's never vomited from the syrup but has vomited from caps and zicam. He's broken out in hives, he's lost control of his facial muscles to the point where his face was temporarily distorted, and he's noticed the onset of delusional thought-process. He's never gotten addicted to it, as he only ever did it over the weekends, once or twice a month. He's had weak visions with it on occasion, but nothing ever to a significant extent, except with psychedelics. Though, he has gone to some interesting places with it while somewhat blacked out on it.

That whole period was a rite of passage for SWIM. It helped lead him to psychedelics, and researching ways to extract it eventually led him to DMT. He's got a soft-spot for it and will always think of those times when he hears "Boards of Canada."
#7 Posted : 6/16/2009 3:08:55 AM
40oztofreedom wrote:
I have a lot of past experience with DXM, in pure powder, cough syrup, and tablet form. Typically, anything but the syrup is best. I've gone from baseline dosages, all the way to 1200mg's which had put me in the hospital for posioning when I was a few years younger.

DXM alone was never all that visonary. I always kept my lights off (besides a clock radio) and normally once your eyes would dialate and you could barely make out the outlines of the rooms, I would sit and stare at the ceiling as long as I possibly could and then every little fraction of light that bounced off the walls would just melt away, and swirl away completely until you would reach a dark void of nothing but black, colors darker than black, and greys in just a non-stop rotation. The void would come and go. The void was always a symbol to me that the trip was hitting its peak, and more was sure to follow. By this point I would have my headphones on just blaring Tool or something. I'd load up some nitrous canisters, and at the peak of a good song. I'd let a rip, and then another, and just watch my body fall into infinity. (Which often felt like fall through a matrix like tunnel with all of the crazy green numbers), until I visually became a part of the song. The music would twist and shape my body around into the story and dialogue of song. I would snap out of trance and find myself in the void again, and eventually back in my room.

DXM is a potentiator of just about anything, and before I knew about the nexus, or barely anything about DMT or entheogens of any kind (besides mushrooms, and LSD), I would take basic drugs and just mix them. One drug I would often mix specifically with DXM was Diphenhydramine HCL (common sleeping pill/anti-histamine) which is extremely similar to the tropane alkaloids in their effect. Now, just ask 69Ron about the potentiation fact of Datura seeds. They potentiate just about anything even at a reasonably safe amount. Now, I would take Diphenhydramine with DXM and the experience would be different. Everything became much more visual. It almost exchanged the mental aspect of a DXM trip, and altered into nothing but a visual trip which had a tendency to be very inconsistent depending on the dosages.

After abusing DXM for 2 years of my life and watching myself end up in a mental hospital and losing my best friends. I just say watch out, but... as with any drug... Too much of one thing will always be bad. But the experience of DXM within itself is something I would never let go because it was unlike anything I've ever come across.

It does have a lot of potentiation power. Experimenting could easily be done, but I would just heed a lot of caution knowing that DXM is addictive, and for me it was extremely addictive. And, also from what I've heard... it'll change your personality whether you know it or not. I never knew why my friends hated me until I look back on myself now. It'll make you reckless, and completely irresponsible in any matter and just a complete all around jackass, and you won't even know it.

I LOVE DXM. Maybe too much. Does Sam's club have delsym or zicam??lol

Unfortunately i only got to mix dxm with marijuana which really helps with the visuals for me. DXM by itself at a high dose. (for me is 1 5oz bottle of delsym and 1 bottle of zycam MAX) became hallucinogenic. I started having INTENSE audio hallucinations and mild to strong visual's. For the next entire day I would hear my phone going off in my head although it wasn't, and when it did i couldn't hear it. I also could hear music in the back of my head. And my inner dialog would become audible at some points I heard my thoughts.

While i'm talking about delsym I once knew a friend of mine (we call him DJ) that drank 12 bottles of delsym in 3 days... just picture that and try not to laugh. He is gone from my life now. He was a funny man. As far as I know he has moved away from drinking cough syrup though. It almost wrecked his life but he quite.
#8 Posted : 6/16/2009 4:06:48 AM
While i'm talking about delsym I once knew a friend of mine (we call him DJ) that drank 12 bottles of delsym in 3 days... just picture that and try not to laugh. He is gone from my life now. He was a funny man. As far as I know he has moved away from drinking cough syrup though. It almost wrecked his life but he quite.

I used to be much like that, except I just grew tired of drinking cough syrup. The taste, the smell, and the texture... even just thinking about it now makes me shiver and gag. So I started making pills, which in the end was a terrible idea because it allowed me to take more, and more often. Thus leading to a worsened addiction.

The I love the effects of DXM still to this day, but what bothered me the most, (when I got sober) I realized how severely delusional my thinking process became. It took me 6 months (and almost two ounces of mushrooms Razz ) to figure out how badly, and how reckless I was acting.

I would do DXM again especially with DMT, but the only thing that remotely bothers me about it is just relapsing. I know I wouldn't immediately be addicted once again, but it happens.
So glad to see you have overcome them.
Completely silent now
With heaven's help
You cast your demons out

I lie compulsively, and I am subjected to mental disorders as to where I have trouble even considering my own existance.
#9 Posted : 6/16/2009 4:35:11 AM
hey 40oz you say you had a bad habit with it and you wound up in a mental hospital. Please man dont do anymore dxm ok. Im not giving you a hard time I am concerned and from my viewpoint I can tell you the best thing you can do for yourself is put it behind you for good. Its easy and simple as that just make the decision now and stick to it. No more please ok?

take care
#10 Posted : 6/16/2009 7:18:41 AM
MagikVenom wrote:
hey 40oz you say you had a bad habit with it and you wound up in a mental hospital. Please man dont do anymore dxm ok. Im not giving you a hard time I am concerned and from my viewpoint I can tell you the best thing you can do for yourself is put it behind you for good. Its easy and simple as that just make the decision now and stick to it. No more please ok?

take care

I completely appreciate your concern, and thank you. I've already planned on not going back, I should of made it more clear that it was a "what-if" statement. I've kept it behind me long enough, and I know (especially with DXM) that if I started again it would probably get nasty again because... I still crave the effects, but I know how delusional it makes me, and thus I would assume the delusional thinking process would put me back into the downward spiral. I only said that I would only try DXM with DMT, even though the DMT would probably over power the DXM, I'm still wayyyyy to shaky to make that decision, and I doubt I ever will, and keep myself happy where I am at. Laughing

Besides, I have other things to choose from to keep me from being "too bored".Laughing
So glad to see you have overcome them.
Completely silent now
With heaven's help
You cast your demons out

I lie compulsively, and I am subjected to mental disorders as to where I have trouble even considering my own existance.
Chemical expertSenior Member
#11 Posted : 6/16/2009 8:07:01 AM
iv always thought it was a bit odd - people trying to get high off cough syrup etc but one day as a lame teenager i decided to put my reservations/opinions/ego/liver/conscious aside and try it -
i tried half the recomended dose and it gave me some kinda delay - i would move my head to the left and the smooth image of movement was split up into about 10 frames - hehe my brain was running at about 4fps(frames per second) - very odd
2 weeks later i decided to try 1 last time - this time the full dose - bad idea
i turned pink, then red then i started swelling up like a marshmellow - my face was so swollen i couldnt really open my eyes - i was home alone tripping balls - looking around my house - the walls were on fire - it was like i was in a burning house - then i was in hell - there was poison lava pulsing thru my veins i was in pain - i was on fire. it sucked - next day i woke up even more swollen and pink.
i think there is a small percent of the population that has some kinda allergy or something to it - im one of the lucky few

odd thing about the experience is that i dont beleve in hell Smile or heaven, or god(as religeons sees it) - neither before, during or after.

imo - dxm was a pointless man made poison

swim has not touched anything unnatural now for a good few years - and still doesnt understand why ppl take random meds - nature supplies everything we need - want a downer have some kava, kratom, poppy pods, ganja, etc - want an upper - have some sida, ephedra, khat, mate, sceletium - want a psychadelic - theres fungus, spice, cactus, etc...

i dont see why ppl need zoplidems or xanax or whatever - is it thru lazyness ? Does anyone outside of america do this ? sorry if i sound a bit naive on this but iv had no exposure to this - all my friends just use what the earth provides.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#12 Posted : 6/16/2009 9:56:24 AM
Let me just say that I was first introduced to Dxm when..

I was about 16.
I was in school and i overheard a classmate talking about a "legal way to get high".
So i turned my ear to them and they said it was like taking acid and ecstacy at the same time.
I was very naive and didn't think it would work.
They said i had to take 16 Coricidin Cough and Colds.(by the way back then it was pure dxm no Guaifenesin.)
So i stole a pack from my local drugstore and was riding my bike around town was completely out of it!! (Like i was high on pcp!!!)
I finally made it home where my parents were 100% sure I was on mescaline, but i explained it was cough pills.
I was having open eyed visuals like crazy as i was sprawled out on my floor.

Everything in my room came to life, then melted and died, then crawled along the floor looking for other dead creatures to consume and reincarnate into another creature...I also saw the grim reaper staring into my eyes...he was hunched up in the ceiling corer right above my doorway...He was there!I got up and turned on the lights and he vanished.I turned off the lights layed back on the floor and fell into a black hole where i blacked out!

As far as it goes nowa days..

I have tried it again and its a diff experience.

***Delsym sux unless you got a lot..Its made with plastic so the dxm is regulated over a 12 over time span. ***

I usually go for the "Adult 8-hour lasting Tussin cough"

The only thing I've noticed bad about it is..

1. Obviously the taste!!!!

2. The sugar! (I'm in no way diabetic but if you take it without food
in your stomach you will go into Diabetic shock.I have it sux(shakes,pale,hot-
cold flashes) )

3. Weird intestinal noises usually accompanied by gas.

Other than that call me crazy but the trip is awesome!
I never realized how crazy it actually is on your mind.

My name "The_Silent_Nothing_Ness" is actually refering to a time when i was tripping and everything got qiuet for an eternity it seemed, even the thoughts that i was hearing were halted.

I felt the presence of something, but nothing.It was comeing for me.It dwells in the dark silent nothingness (void) and it was a delrious monster Therefore the "Silent Nothing_(Ness)".I remember giving in to this and letting everything go...
I fell into a blackhole... falling and falling forever while burning furiously, but it felt good for some reason.I had accepted Death , and was reborn.
Its ffffffucking crazy! i know.

After i had gotten pass the speed bump i was overly happy and was numb to death.
Very Blissfull
Dxm is not at all "physically" addicting but it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
"mentally" addicting.I feel its just as bad as crack..
I find myself thinking of ways i can come up with money to get it.(its legal to buy but not to steal! I wouldn't wanna go to jail for it, thats the whole reason i enjoyin it ,cuz its easy to get cheap and legal)
I have restrained myself from doin it in a week i wanted to do it tonight and was 20 cents away from buying it but i told myself that i had beer and it wasn't worth it.

I know alot of people who are homeless because of dxm alone...its great but fucking evil!
Eat a little, and go to sleep.
Eat some more, and have a dream.

Eat some more, and don't wake up!!
Old Navajo Proverb
Chemical expertSenior Member
#13 Posted : 6/16/2009 10:24:01 AM
wow - i had never heard of that side of it.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

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