Mass Disconnection
Opening your eyes with hesitation. Jam in your coffee IV, so that you can think less and work more. Thats it adorn your little generic uniform and march off to your little concrete box. Mentally suffocate yourself and sell off your life to doing something you don't have a passion for so that you can buy more stuff that you don't even need or want.
Consumerism is a sickness a mental sickness. We have voluntarily disowned ourselves from our very own mother, mother earth. We have been brain washed and funneled highly addictive and seriously harmful substances in order to aid in self destruction and self hate. From a young age we have been taught that natural and mind opening substances are harmful and we must have an aversion for them. The big corporations and the government do not want us to think or feel.
We are encouraged to have a mindset of low self love for ourselves and to feel a low or no amount of love towards others. Its a mindset that is wanted its much easier to start wars to plunder other country's and mass murder the people for power and economic gain. We do not question what is in the products that we buy, where did they come from or even what is in them blind consumerism is also a sickness a mental sickness.
Animals, traditional tribes and our planet suffer to give us our products that we convince ourselves that we need to remedy our self destructive distorted mind sets and body images.
Animals are brutalized and put through immense torture for the next "Fabulous hair styling product"
Dogs are strapped into cigarette smoke funneling machines, inhaling cancer causing smoke for the whole duration of their lives so that you can have a puff of that wonderful cigarette. Thank You Phillip Morris for doing such a great job.
There is beauty and love in this world but it is fading away more and more every day, we are all part of each other, we must start loving ourselves so that we can start to love each other and the planet and the animals on it.
Much Peace