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Harmala To Mushroom Scale? Options
#1 Posted : 9/27/2013 4:21:21 AM
Hello all, I've been doing some research on using Caapi (or Rue) to potentiate psilocybin mushrooms, and I was wondering if there is any kind of pattern of formula that would be an easy reference? (Eg: X amount of Caapi will double the effects of mushrooms).

Does such a wonderful thing exist? Mushrooms are hard to come by where I live, so if I could stretch them, that would be awesome.

"There are many paths up the same mountain."

#2 Posted : 9/27/2013 10:57:10 AM
Hey Nathaniel, i have found this calculater recently from the shroomery and its very useful for exactly this problem.


If you start using these 2 teachers in combination, you dont want to supress the MAO completly like you would want if you combine a RIMA with DMT.

The calculator uses a simple formula. Just devide the amount of shrooms by 2.

I would advice you to be VERY careful with the dosage. Same as with Ayahuasca(analogs). Work you way up slowly.
It seems to be much more safer, to ingest the shrooms first, then take the RIMA. For example you could smoke some caapi leaves, or rue seeds, or even mapacho when the shrooms are already working. Its best to avoid having them both in your stomach at the same time. You know why...Sick

I did this combination this week for the first time ever.
Took 2 gram fresh undried Golden Teachers and 3-5gr Rue tea (i have a high tolerance for Rue), and they kicked my ass, really hard. It was great, but a little too intense for my taste.

You see my personal formula is WAY off. 2gr. fresh Cubes with a RIMA should give an easy level1 trip, in my case it was a decent Level 3.

So maybe to be on the safe side devide through 4? Of course this is depedent on your sensibility to the RIMA as well as the shrooms. You have to find your sweet spot.
Happy Trails...Thumbs up
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