Hi all, I invented a new way for rue extraction: 1. 3 washes in naphtha, or gasolina blanca in Mexico 2. dry overnight 3. boil winegar and pour over the seed powder, sit for 30 minutes, and 3x 4. then go on with NaOH 5 washes in water so the only difference is naphtha and steeping seed powder in boiling vinegar. This makes no filtering problems at all. From 10 g of powder I got 2g of alkaloids. I dont' know if all are active, it is just too much. But we try them and they are very strong. So I am very very happy  with this tek and the yeald. let me know your opinions Jox
morning Jox, can I ask what the naphtha wash is for? and also a 20% yield from rue seems very high, I would be interested to know the weight of your alks after an A/B cycle. what colour are the alks you have obtained? cheers INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
Ime (and that of rivea), NPS do very little to remove fats/ease filtration when dealing with larger amounts of rue (i.e. 450g+). When doing 10g of rue, filtration is unlikely to be an issue to begin with, so it's unlikely that you could tell what effect(s), if any, the naphtha had on filtration. The absurdly high yield is most likely due to the absence of a manske component, leaving you with a mixture of harmine, harmaline, vasicine, vasicinone, etc. This extract will be weaker by weight than one that has undergone a manske, due to the dilution of harmalas with other alkaloids. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
This is not my idea, here is the scientific article with 3 free base extractions. I will post the pic. The color is grey of the harmalas, not snow white, but is good enough.
The procedure of the undergraduate paper you shared is not the same you mentioned in the first post. What the paper reports is 1) acid cook with vinegar, 2) wash of the acidic filtered solution with non-polar solvent (ethyl acetate), 3) Basification of the washed solution, and 4) Pull of the freebase alkaloids with the NPS. They report a yield of 2,97% harmaline (much less than your reported 20% of yield), and no harmine at all. Their method might be an alternative to extract harmaline, but I cannot see how this is better than the common methods that will extract both harmine and harmaline, leaving to you the option of separating them. Literature seldom reports yields higher than 6% total between harmine and harmaline from rue. The rest of your yield, as Snozzleberry suggested, are other alkaloids that will give you a less effective extract per unit of weight, and potentially more toxic. Personally I see no reson to leave the Harmalas Extraction and Separation Guide, for example, for this. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
Jox wrote:Hi all,
I invented a new way for rue extraction...
Jox wrote:This is not my idea, here is the scientific article with 3 free base extractions.
wtf? Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
Here the pic. So I guess I was not inspiring at all. Jox Jox attached the following image(s):  Harmalas22.JPG (34kb) downloaded 182 time(s).