OK we are all decent people here. this 2012 has warped some brains. No offeince(sp) if I was young I would have fallen for it to. Some of you are talking complete nonsence I am slowwwwwwww to judge but if you cant grow up I an out. MATH LOGIC not IDIOT TRIPS P.S. I love TMK if he was here he would surley laugh at the fools{fools are ok laughter is the spice of life} his brother still alive detests you fools. young people need real inspiration stop comparing and adding scores i dont want to play your idiot dream. In the year two....................................thousand I worry because a cure for man kinds ills should not be ilegal. It is truly absurb that a living thing could be illegal. People babbeling on and on dragin me down. glug glug glug M.V.
The trick is not to take anything too seriously :] p.s. Gibberish is great! We speak // sing // think // howl gibberish when we practice kundalini yoga to scramble the psyche. Very effective
Why worry? I am just sitting back and going to wait and see what happens. That's my view on 2012. Even if something did happen, why be afraid of death? you cannot escape in the end... I mean, I don't want to die, due to the fact I don't feel I am ready. But I don't feel I am afraid. Don't go ape and start explaining that 2012 is not the end [not aimed at MagikVenom! Aimed at anyone els who enters this topic]! I have went through a great many 2012 theories. The above statement about death and such is IF that something was "the end". And Magi. Just stick back and watch the people worry about 2012. Not matter how silly some theories seem. The people who worry about 2012 are going to die from stress before 2012 even arrives! Stress really can kill you know! How To Stop a NightmareInsanty at its finest!The Dark reaches of The Void are there. But it is not to be feared.
Drake I agree. What ever happens today or tomarro I am ready. I have considerded all fates and fear nothing. no being could surprise me. This jibberish slows research. it pushes further from the truth (charles tart{
I worry because a cure for man kinds ills should not be ilegal. It is truly absurb that a living thing could be illegal. People babbeling on and on dragin me down. glug glug glug M.V.
Look at the intent of the gibberish. There's the truth.
yes my friend we agree. to each is own ps love that hypercube avatar but maybe you should add some colour to that thing.
MagikVenom wrote:yes my friend we agree. to each is own
ps love that hypercube avatar but maybe you should add some colour to that thing.
It's M. C. Escher's. And, I think there may be a way to add color just by looking at it.
Haha yea as much as 2012 is a bit out of wack and I don't think it any different then any other year, at least people on nexus have a positive outlook towards it. Like that humanity will improve or expand its consciousness. If you go searching on the internet you will see so much madness about magnetic pole shifting the end of the world it almost makes us seem normal.
Bump Yes the sh-t has become much much deeper and thats not a good thing. Time will tell just as it always has. Fools never apologize for there actions. They just go on pretending not to be fools. peace Venom I am dropping the M
same old same old...heard it all before. Long live the unwoke.
fractal enchantment wrote:same old same old...heard it all before. Yes its a old post. Old theme. Never less some thing that should not be forgotten in the opinion of the OP. One can not discard gut feeling with out being dishonest with the self. I do not expect nor ask for change I just express feelings. Peace MV
the thing is these 2012 thread always come back to the same shit..all this new agy crap that makes no sense overshadowing the reality of what the mayans say..which is so far removed from what most people think of 2012.. What 2012 has turned into is the most rediculous thing I can imagine... The real issue is that people feel the need to somehow justify their existance as worthwhile by believing in some made up hocus pocus crap...instead of doing any real work on themselves and making this place better one day at a time...they need something other than the hear and now to make them feel worthy or something..like as if people cant see the good that is already here. Its like a whole new level of "spiritual" lazyness..things dont just happen like that unless you create them..alot of people talk about this happening, who at the same time dont seem too eager to take up the mindset that would follow something like that.. Long live the unwoke.
I'm having trouble comprehending post #1.
Is that why this thread is called jiberish?