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hallucinogenic fish Options
#1 Posted : 5/14/2009 2:07:07 PM
I think ive heard rumors of this before but it seems they have discovered a specific species.


Does anyone know more about this? What compound is responsible?

It says two men ate some sarpa salpa and experienced auditory hallucinations and nightmares for almost two days.It dosnt sound pleasant, sort of datura like, maybe.

I hope people dont start killing these fish just for a trip.But before long someone will probably have an extraction tek on the web.
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#2 Posted : 5/14/2009 2:21:25 PM
There's more on 'dream fish' and underwater entheogens here http://www.dmt-nexus.me/....aspx?g=posts&t=2563
At least for some of them, it seems to be the algae they eat that's hallucinogenic.
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#3 Posted : 5/14/2009 2:48:17 PM
pinche, did u see that on shroomery news?

i think they said it's from the plankton they eat, possibly phytoplankton.

check this out
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