Firstly please make sure your sources are ethicaly harvesting and not negatively impeding on someone or something else. To endanger a species of tree or plant or to indirectly contribute to someone elses' loss, damage or pain in any way for the sake of your own intentions is selfish and you are already off to a bad start.
I was stood, hungry and tired in a supermarket que today after a rush hour drive after a long day at work and it was busy the checkout lady was understandably stressed. At first I was tetchy and agitated but then thought 'hang on there is no need to be. Eventually I will get served and go home and eat' So I relaxed and became patient again, and felt happy. Acceptance, patience, submittance and empathy were all present in that one situation.
This occurence led me to create this thread in the interests of harm reduction and the promotion of good health.
There are many practical applications in everyday life for preparing yourself for the journey into the unknown such as hyperspace. Once you decide that you will explore then the conscious journey and relationship begins at that point. For minimising stress on, in and around the journey you should become at ease with change and be ready to embrace the unknown however absurd scary or awe inspiring it could be. 'Change' is all around us it is a constant process occuring in every facet of existence it is natural.
Hyerspace is just another example of that change albeit often a mind blowing awe inspiring one! You may never think the same way again you may never see the world or yourself the same again but that happens anyway after everything we do, you might not realise it because its a small change and not as extreme.. So dont fear what changes may occur during any aspect of hyperspace be it the initial rush, during or after. Embrace the changes that occur bathe in them let them wash over you with no resistance, enjoy the extreme change of perception and sensations that occur. You've bought the ticket enjoy the ride! This brings us to the next practice of patience and trust , next time you are in a long que maybe a traffic jam on the way to work or in a shop or anywhere just take a breath and remember that getting agitated is not going to solve anything or help anyone it is merely a reaction to the lack of control. If you dont encounter ques in your day to day life go and seek out one or do something where you are not in control and become ok with that. Trust that whatever the outcome you will be ok and by fearing the lack of control and percieved security as it happens you are trading peace and happiness for discomfort and anxiety for no reason! It's a shit deal you've negotiated! The outcome may not be good there are no guarantees however by being at peace with yourself and as relaxed as can be during certain situations through a positive perspective you stack the odds heavily in your favour. That is the essence of "set". This relates to when sometimes during the first instances of lift off you get that "oh shit what have i done i dont want to go through this now!" Frankie sais relax; its now beyond your control there is no abort misson on this rocket hyperspace is upon you right now! So be cool dont be scared breathe gently and embrace what will come next its just your fear of the unknown that is trying to dominate, that primal survival instinct but its misplaced now. Breathe and let it pass there is no place for fear and regret its the time for peace and love let your ego.. go. So before you journey into hyperspace go somewhere that scares you be it a busy nightclub, shop, bar or cafe.. whatever, feel that anxiety and fear acknowledge it and beat it. Everything is going to be ok its not as bad as you expected give fear no weight or room to grow let it pass. Submitting to the hyperspace experience and whatever happens is important. If you go in wanting to find out something specific or to be the observer you will be uncomfortable gripping tightly to your ego as it will get wrenched away and fear may rear its head blocking the path of the most amazing purest joy you should be being part of at that time. Dont be unfair to yourself let your ego melt away without resistance you deserve to be, feel and experience the incredible joy that hyperspace offers. Yes it could be beyond strange and alien but so incredibly interesting and different beyond words.
To train yourself to accept weirdness and to avoid any disturbing feelings next time you see that weird man or woman go and speak to them or just smile and say hello. Or something that you've always thought odd or disturbing go and find out more about it what more is there to it? Strange can be interesting there is no need to fear. Trepidation about weirdness is just another thing rooted in fear of the unknown. Of course use common sense and keep yourself safe if it poses a real threat to your life or health.
Have empathy for yourself, as mentioned earlier you deserve to enjoy the experience why let fear take that from you? You shouldn't is the answer. Also be aware the after effects of your blast off ( hopefully more like float off) can last for days after, this is ok its still part of the experience of returning to this materi world and its usually uplifting as if you've spring cleaned your brain. I wrote this for anyone who is feeling the pre flight nerves, newb or anyone whom may be clouded by fear to remind them and myself that yes its no party drug and can be way beyond strange but it is also definitely something to be enjoyed and that we deserve to let ourselves enjoy it.
There are of course exceptions where it could be an extremely difficult experience and has to be for the person to heal or change for the better such as for drug addicts for example but that is another story that I'm not qualified to talk about but sure someone else will tell or has told.