i just got to smoke the spice for the very first time. i found it to be nothing short of awesome and beautiful with the intensity only dmt knows how. i had not expected my vision to go black and white before the colors began, after the initial shock of "oh shit, this is intense, this is DMT" i was overcome by the open and closed eye permeating hallucinations. a barrage of energy swelled within me and i went limp, then the show really started. funny thing though, after i prepped for the trip and lit the pipe i got a call from my girlfriend, so that was an unexpected, overall unaffecting aspect to the absolute power of the spirit molecule. i didnt feel the divine connection with this as i did with ayahuasca or intense shrooms, many more jumps are needed before im both content and more confused. i say that smokeable spice is the best way to introduce psychedelia to the masses as its so overbearing one has no option but to submit, lest they be a fool. bwahahah! good night everyone
Thank you for sharing. All illegal narcotics are medicinal. Boredom is a disease worse than cancer. Drugs cure it, with little or no side effects if used as directed - Doug Stanhope.
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. - Thomas Jefferson