Hello, I decided to purchase some Calea Z seeds offline recently. I did extensive reading online on how to grow Calea from seed, but it doesn't seem to be working yet. I have 4 pots with nearly 25 - 100 seeds in each (range in size of 4 in. diameter to 10 in.) I keep a humidity tent on two of the pots nearly full time, one that is on and off sporadically, and another with no tent. The one with no tent is kept outside (I live in Illinois, so temperatures vary) and the other three are inside. Two are only partially exposed to sunlight while the other is in the bay window and nearly full exposed. It's been nearly two weeks since they've been planted, and like most sites said, I simply sprinkled them on top of the soil. I water the plants once every two days, or once a day if it's dry (with spray). I'm a novice and don't know how crucial humidity tents are, or if they're actually needed at all (I've read contradicting reviews). I also don't know how long it'll take for seeds to germinate, and if there's anything I should be doing differently. I've heard seeds have an extremely low germination rate, yet Calea is one of the easiest plants to grow. If anyone here has any experience growing Calea and can lead me in the right direction it would be much appreciated! Thank you.
dream herb seeds are very tiny. when you get a seed pack youll end up with thousands. just give it a try and sow them atop regular potting soil, water lightly, and put in a humidity dome or leave a bag over the pot to retain heat/ humidity. It's ALL information.
I never started from seeds. Cuttings are much easier. Once they start growing, you can even even start with new cuttings. What is your interest in seeds?
Good luck with growing from seeds. I tried it with one pod and failed. Cuttings however are a pretty easy method to propagate the plant.
I ordered an ounce of Calea Z. on ebay, and was lucky to find several seed pods. Out of about ~50 seeds, i got about 4 good plants. They like a lots of sun, but some shade is good, and Ufostrahlen is correct, it makes roots incredibly easy... i will start some soon. *ALL WAYS WITH LOVE
Good job, best I ever got from the legitimate Calea was 2 seedlings from 50. I've heard professionals say its a naturally low germinator averaging 2% viability. I tried smoke treating them and it didnt help. I think cannabinated might be thinking of tobacco seeds or one of the fake Caleas. From memory the seeds should be about 1 mm by 3 mm. If you buy some herb (and its very bitter) there should be what looks like dried flowers in. Just tug at the fluffy end and the thin black seeds will be in the fruff that comes out. As tiger said, sprinkle on the surface and keep moist. Humidity should stay at 100% until the seedlings are growing. If some mold starts growing on the soil spray it with mild camomile tea, unsweetened of course.