Thanks for posting this OM. It is important for people to realize this.
I can't count the amount of time I have people trying to convince me that whatever script they are using is safe and wholesome... most of the time without ever reading any of the material available on the chemical in question. I have to pull up the studies for them and show them that even the positive ones we are allowed to see are often frightening.
There is a blind faith in doctors and scientists that must be addressed. Most of them are not bad people, and are giving the best advice they know how, but they have clearly been manipulated by people with no interest in the truth or public health. The guiding force behind most research is profit. People who pay for clinical studies want results that justify the expense. Period.
When I was telling people this kind of stuff decades ago, people looked at me like I was a lunatic. But somehow, the climate is changing now. People are having their eyes opened. The rash of scandals and revelations about formerly CT things has made people pay attention. Currently 83% of Americans believe that there are conspiracies to manipulate them and do them harm. This means that more people believe CTs now than believe in Evolution.
I won't violate the CT policy here, but it is impossible to really discuss this issue without recognizing that there are people conspiring against the public good for purely economic reasons. This is not a theory. I won't speculate about the exact
nature of the scams being played out on us daily... as that would involve theorizing.
One last thing. I have been talking about this on a number of threads recently, but it deserves repeating.
There is no regulation on what must go into placebo pills. A 2010 survey revealed that 92% of the
published clinical trials never mention what they used for a placebo... and a study of what the other 8% used suggests very bad news for us.
http://www.naturalnews.c...cebo_medical_fraud.html We see that sugar pills are used in diabetic medicine tests, hydrogenated oils for heart medicine... and so on. This is the worst kind of fraud. When you only need to be 5% better than the placebo, water would be 5% more effective than a substance that aggravates the condition. Some medicines get approved with only 1% better than placebo results.
I don't blame the doctors so much, though they should know better and have the obligation to do due diligence research on what they prescribe. Legally they can be held responsible if the information was available somewhere and they did not avail themselves of it. Negligence is the largest form of malpractice. However, I do find the scientists who take the money from the corporations and run "clinical studies" they
must know to be fabrications extremely culpable. These people are evil and should be jailed along with their scruples deficient funders.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha