I'm sure this topic has been gone over time and time again. My aim is different than others'... I think lol.
After many experiences with flashbacks (best word but, not really the best description) SWIM was interested even more in how DMT tied into life.. His most logical area of interest seemed to be dreams.
He's time upon time had flashbacks to dreams while influenced by DMT by the way..
Today though, he spent a good few hours taking hit after hit (15-30mg) pondering this subject..
Most of his tokes were flukes... Nice but, not covering the subject at hand.
One though... interesting to say the least..
I'm sure many of you have experienced the infinite levels DMT can unfold into..
Well, in one of the many dimensions that seemed to unfold from his head, there were trails so to say..
The were like tails coming out of his mind (which was floating above his body if you care.)
He sent his mind down each trail... At the end was a past dream..
It was odd as he could see multiple dreams at once if he wished.
He noticed that each dream he was being shown each had a "strange vibe" when he originally had them.
These were dreams spanning from a few years to only a couple nights ago.
SWIM is convinced that either DMT is strongly tied to our dreams OR that DMT has an incredible ability to bring
things out of the sub-concious mind that were once long lost.. No matter what, SWIM has gone from once THINKING DMT is something to be respected to KNOWING. He's amazed by it's abilities..
Who else has dabbled in this area? Upon hearing SWIMS experience, I'm interested in also hearing yours.
This brings me to also wonder, what other true uses have you guys found other than sitting there in awe?
Like, uses with true benefit
Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.