Hi Ez4U ... much love btw
great experiment, I thought I would add something my friend has been doing!
Recently a friend has being doing a slightly modified version of lazymans tek and getting 12g - 13g extract from 500g of inner root bark!
yes this is medium dark yellow dmt, but when crystallized twice, she gets white crystals to about 60 - 65% of the original weight. there is quite a bit of n-oxide and oils left after re-crystallizing, which she enhances some leaf with.
All she does which is different to standard lazymans tek is the following ... Freeze the MHRB , blend it all up, then sieve it then blend the fibrous particles so its almost all pure powder.
Then mix in at first 2 litres of water with 200g of lye and 100 g of salt, then blend the hell out of it with a hand held blender, repeat this step thrice daily for 5 days, on day 3 she adds 50g more lye and about 30 g of salt, with about 1 litre of water, by this time, 3 days sitting in a very basic solution, the basified mix has thickened up and is quite viscous! I was surprised at how thik it gets!
On the 5th day add a further litre of water and blend again. Now here is the bit that we think makes the difference, instead of using a limited amount of naphtha, she uses copious amounts, like 1.5 litres per pull! I know its a heck of a lot of naphtha, but its not expensive in the scheme of things and damn does it pull some spice!, this is done 5 times and in the end just over 2% of extract is recovered with about 60% - 65% of this being pure white spice!
I know the bark in this batch is excellent, so this could be a deciding factor, she first tried to extract 100g and yielded just under 2g of extract using standard lazymans tek but with excessive naphtha but not blending up the bark, but just cutting up the bark into small chunks, and mashing instead of blending twice daily as per standard lazymans tek.
This is the extract from about 700g of bark, without recrystallizing
I hope this helps!
Peace love and unity
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention in fact everything I write here is a lie !
I hope in some way, my posts and replies may of helped you, I hope you like what I have said here if not feel free to send me a none flame PM