LINKits always interesting seeing articles like this popping up on sites like this
I like it how many UK UFO sitings are usually reported from the norfolk/suffolk area.
There's all kinds of strange beings living in these areas.
Don't mention the people with 6 fingers!
I've seen what i believe was a UFO.. I was fishing with a friend when i saw a strange shape in the sky that suddenly vanished and came back again in a different shape...really weird...this wasn't happening close tho but in the was summer tho and the skys were clear.. Strange thing was that my friend saw what i did and completely dismissed it and then got all stressed and edgy when i pressed him on the was like he couldn't explain it so just shut it out of his mind. Spooky acolon_5 wrote:Welcome to club hypersex.
I've been there is amazing.
one night while driving down a country dirt road i noticed a 'star' in the sky that looked a little off-colored. i mentioned it to my friend who was riding shotgun, he looks at it for a second and says 'yeah, it's moving. too...'. practicly as soon as he said this it flew right up on us from a very far distance in what seemed like a blink of an eye. it's turned off it's extremely bright white light as it approached, and a red pulsing light was all that could be seen. it was a 'new moon', and very dark out, so i couldnt make out the shape/size of the craft or whatever it was. i stopped the vehicle, and stared in amazement as it sort of sit there hovering in this field within 50 meters of the vehicle. wanting to get try and get a better look at this thing, i got out and ran to the edge off the field. but just then it came right over the top of us, and suddenly turned off all lights. i got a little freaked and hauled ass back to the vehicle. then the pulsing red light suddenly appeared over the field on the opposite sde of the road, and eventually and somewhat akwardly went on it's way. we followed the red light as best we could for several miles, as it kind of bumbled around and dipped down into different wooded areas and shone a big flood/spot light type of thing like it was just kinda checking things out or whatever...slowly going about its business.
whatever it was, it was totally silent and had several different colored lights on it, aswell as a huge spotlight type thing. when we first noticed it wayyy off in the distace it 'flew' right up on us, but as it left it was moving about pretty slow and not in quick precise movements, hard to explain..but all in all it was very strange.
another time with a larger group of friends something simlar flew over us, there were lots of trees around/above us and all we could make out were the lights, but again it was totally silent.
Ive never seen anything unexplainable in the skys but you have to be totally ignorant or a religious nut to think the human race is the only intelligent lifeforms in the whole universe. But since it seems our arm of the galaxy is vacant if not the whole milky way galaxy I tend more to think that these ufo's people see could possibly be humans from the future. Mabey at some point we figure out time travel and decided to come back and make sure we didnt kill ourselves in primitive and violent times. That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
I find it hard to believe that there isn't other inteligant life in the universe. But I also find it hard to believe something can find the energy and technology to travel across it.
Not that I'm declaring it impossible.