if one evaporates a tea to dry rest, would this change the properties? Thank you very much for possible help.
That sounds weird, I would have thought that using a double boiler type set up like you describe would be fine for evaporating. As you say, the temp is never going to exceed 100 degrees C, and if the alkaloids in acidic solution can handle being boiled, it seems to follow they should handle evaporation at a similar temperature just fine.
Were you using the same batch of Mimosa each time? Or did you do something else different between trials, like packing it into gelcaps this time but not the last time?
I have never noticed a difference between reducing over a stove or in the dehydrator. Long live the unwoke.
Thanks Jamie. <3
(I repeat that its really about bone dry evaping, not just reducing, so the watery condition is no longer there.)
Further test would reveal truth anyway, I was just wary not to conduct unnecessary tests.
I've just evaporated the last of the liquid from cactus decoctions directly on the stove, using low heat. You have to keep stirring it constantly when it gets down to the end, otherwise you can scorch the bottom and then it tastes extra foul. However, I never noticed a drop in potency if done properly. Mescaline is quite heat stable.
Thank you for the assuring.
Good news! One can safely bake dry tea at 100 degrees C. Thanks for the inputs.
Further tests with the dried tea:
the powder has a real hard time dissolving back, it tends to goo or harden to clumps seriously before it dissolves. Take care.