Wow. its been a few months since ive had some good lsd. took 2 hits.. i wish everyone had this stuff. pure knowledge. truth. ive been high for over 10 hours, like fuckin high, total body orgasm, fuck i needed this.. i almost cryed, fuckin laughed my ass off, smiled like there was no tomorrow & just felt down that noone else was with me, or that the world couldnt feel this as well.. love you all! just wanted to share ps.. thinking about hitting up the spice pipe.. haha idk though... Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
DO IT DUDE...smoke the is SOOOO AMAZING on the come down of lsd...seriously..FUCKING DO IT!
SWIM's first hit was apparently straight from Amsterdam. SWIM's never had anything that's come close, since. But that was SWIM's absolute favorite psychedelic experience. SWIM especially enjoys making music on it, as no other substance lends itself to music-making quite the way LSD does.
yea i love making music with psy drugs.. especially shrooms.. i wanted to jamm the guitar today but i was just too high and never got to it.. I think i might smoke a hit of spice.. shit that will probably do it for me. i just need to remember it all again ya know... i mean i feel like i have come so far into the truth & dmt would lead me all the way to myself or to the source ya know.. ive done DMT with LSD before.. but i mean the spice is strong!!! maybe.. il def. report back! Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
SWIM has had some of the most amazing open eye visuals from that combo...its like a rollercoaster for your eyes..
Jorkest wrote:SWIM has had some of the most amazing open eye visuals from that combo...its like a rollercoaster for your eyes.. haha fuck yea.. i just dont know if im ready for their trickery tonight.. like i mean damm.. sometimes there is taking the truth to far.. but then again what the fuck am i saying haha Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
i just want SWIY to do it because i cant wait to hear what it was like for SWIY
you dont have to start with a massive dose...maybe just a small one might get you all warmed up..ehehhehehe anyway those are nice paintings dude..i really like the second one a lot
thanks dude! ahhhhaha word dude yea just a lil hit... there goes my heart Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
just took a little hit & damm brought it all back fucking coo coo crazy land, just a few shapes & 4d stuff, fekt like a towl was on my head that i couldnt breakthrough... a veil i guess might smoke a bigger toke.. they seemed welcoming Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
SWIM knows that feeling of being blocked from a breakthrough...he thinks that it comes from just a bit too little dmt..its like your mind is ready for it..but the chemical process just isnt quite right
yea word.. its like your there at the finish line, & the elves or whatever are saying almost there.. & then they just said try again & bailed.. all in all I smoked a couple hits,, instead of one BIG hit.. like a pussy. so i lost out.. but not entirly! i remember all my past & just the basic weird ness of it. AHHH AND A NICE LIL CHARGE TO MY LSD BODY HIGH ALSO WHAT THIS HAS DONE WAS PUSH SWIM TO EXTRACT IT ON SWIMS OWN.. CUZ SWIMS DEALER GOT POPPPED SO... Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
selling drugs is a good way to jail
Is it just me, or does anybody feel a very specific electrical/warm vibe when they're around people on LSD? I smoked a few bowls with some friends who were coming down off of LSD, and immediately as I walked into the basment where they were, I could just feel the presence of LSD in the room... and apparantly their cats could too because they wouldn't stop burying their faces into anything that had a pulse. I really can't explain that feeling... but it just specifically reminded me of LSD. Maybe I was just really stoned? So glad to see you have overcome them. Completely silent now With heaven's help You cast your demons out -------------------- I lie compulsively, and I am subjected to mental disorders as to where I have trouble even considering my own existance.
Nah your not imagining it. Its probally those 13 point bolts hitting you as you walk in the room But seriously I know what you mean. I think its more just the general chi of the area when you enter. Usually its very happy and light unless they are having bummers then its dark and moody. That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
From what I hear, apes go crazy when a member of their group is on LSD because he does not adhere to their social rules anymore. You lock the door, and throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me
I think LSD has to do with energy, when you take it your energy field strengthens, your senses hit their max.. it opens your brain so you feel vibes more easy, even if your not taking it, you still feel vibes when you walk into different rooms normally.. ive heard alot of stories of people not telling their friends they were tripping & the friend walked in & said he felt like he was on acid & then they told him that they were on it. My cat yesterday knows when im on acid & my family of course.. no food, stay in my room listening to techno.. not going outsuide to smoke weed as often.. & plus i think our brains are able to open up other peoples brains in ways too. Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!