I'm in Cali visiting with my dad and I asked him if he would mind if I planted a couple cacti in his yard here and he said sure. He even knows what I use them for. He's not much of a gardener anyways, so he doesn't have anything planted in the yard really (except a few plants that have been here forever). Now I need to figure out when I can make it down here again since I'm leaving tomorrow and the logistics of introducing some cacti here. I'm really excited to have some growing space where I can plant IN THE GROUND! I just had to share with my cacti brothers and sisters. Nagdeo
kudos to you bro thats gonna be great for years to come! achuma puma
Now I'm pondering what other entheogenic plants I could grow here... Any suggestions? I'd love to grow some kinda ayahuasca plants. Not sure what would be good to grow here though. Have to do some research. Nagdeo
Oh man, the thought of a huge stand of cacti growing tall in the California sun makes me weak at the knees! I hope your plants offer you many wonderful trips. Be an adult only when necessary.
passion fruit would grow well, i would imagine malpighiaceae vines would as well. i know for a fact that morning glory take off, so ololiuqui and HBWR probably would as well. cacti would probably do well, as well mimosaceae/mimosoideae trees. the more tropical plants would do well closer to the coast, but the cactus should do very well inland My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
thanks for the suggestions. Near the coast. Malpigaceae sound like a worth one to try after researching it a bit. I wonder how they'd do with no supplemental water though? Maybe if planted in the beginning of winter? I'm sure morning glories grow fine. Not sure on the other ones. yeah, curious about mimosa/acacea. I imagine there are a few that would do well. Also curious about psychotria and Diplopterys, but probably not humid and moist enough without a lot of care I would guess. I gotta keep in mind I don't live here and I don't think my dad's gonna be interested in caring for them for me. Nagdeo
nicechrisman wrote:I gotta keep in mind I don't live here and I don't think my dad's gonna be interested in caring for them for me. well if it is a coastal area, its probably sufficient to just keep them watered. My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
new development- I think I'm going to be moving down there soon. I will now be able to both grow AND care for my plants. And live somewhere warm again... Nagdeo
So envious of you nicechrisman. I cant wait until I am able to move somewhere warm and start naturally growing cacti by the dozens. Must truely be a dream come true for you to do so. --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
Living in mushroom country has been really nice and I will be forever thankful to the mushrooms, but I think it's time to focus on what these cacti are really all about. Nagdeo
Prediction: you will have an AMAZING garden! WHOA!
Finally made it here. I've still got my plants in the back of my truck to unload. Just got in last night. Let the horticulture begin! Nagdeo
nicechrisman wrote:Let the horticulture begin! My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
Niceeee. Plant! Plant! Plant! Maybe some pics when its planted hmmm? --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
Oh you know it! It's probably gonna be a gradual process though. My dad's not real into gardening, so I don't want to overwhelm him with it and have him regret his decision to allow me to garden in his yard. What kind of acacia should I plant that will be potent and not get giant? Nagdeo
you should be able to easily grow mimosa hostilis outdoors where you are. Long live the unwoke.
yeah I think you can grow most mimosas and acacias here. I'm just curious which is the right balance of active/non invasive/sustainably harvestable. Perhaps I need to do some more research on the matter. My knowledge is limited in this department, but isn't in primarily the root of hostilis that is used? I'd rather use a source that I can use the branches/twigs/leaves, but maybe this can be done with hostilis too? Maybe I should post about this in the proper ethnobotanicals section instead of the cactus section since it's venturing off topic for this subforum... Nagdeo
yes there is some reason to assume that mimosa branch and leaf will be active. It is not verified though at this time as far as I know. I have a jar of leaf and twig from my plants saving up for an extraction. Long live the unwoke.
Hey there! I have some gardening tips for you, mainly in the cactal department. Maybe some starter plants! WHOA!