Does someone know this site?
Are they trustfully? Is treir Ayahuasca really strong as they say? The proposal sounds very good and altruistic, if they really do what they say. But nowadays I am distrusted.
well maybe they do ship and product is good and everything but what they are doing is illegal in Dreamland actually. One is not allowed to sell ayahuasca and transportation/shipment must have authorization of the IBAMA, which is the nature department or whatever you call it..
so im not sure what to say..
actually it seems to fall in a certain gray area.. the final decision of the government regarding ayahuasca forbid any selling, BUT it allowed for cost-sharing.. So the fact that they specifically say this is what they are doing in the website, and that one cannot just buy but they have to get 'in contact' with them and 'make a partnership' maybe allows them to not be illegal..
it does seem quite well thought out the whole thing, and they manage to make a good impression with their website... I wonder if this good impression matches their ethics in the planting/harvesting/brewing, and if the product is indeed good..
endlessness wrote:well maybe they do ship and product is good and everything but what they are doing is illegal in Brazil actually. One is not allowed to sell ayahuasca and transportation/shipment must have authorization of the IBAMA, which is the nature department or whatever you call it..
so I dont know what to say... Thanks for the notice friend! Wow, it looks dangerous if is illegal. I will be careful. I ordered a 0.5 liter bottle for test and now i'm afraid... Well, if it does not arrive i will ask a refund (PayPal). I'll post a comment when it arrives, guess in 10 to 15 days as they said.
I added them to msn, maybe talking in secret language I can find out more about them...
I dont think you have much to worry, actually, it does seem quite ok.. I meant more that, THEY should be worried or careful because they are on a not so defined legal area and they could theoretically have problems, but if they have their bases covered and have good intentions, then it could very well be a very nice supplier
Hi friend endlessness! They say that they are charging only costs, they put all the contability inside my partner page, everything seems right. Hummm but I don't know, it's very expensive yet. I paid 97 euros for a 0.5 liter bottle (10 doses) + shipping, plus Yopo and Icaro CD for gift. Altought cheaper than to buy analogue Ayahuasca or much much cheaper than St Daime ceremonies here in my country. Let's wait. If they're honest so we have a new and reliable Ayahuasca supplier.
Hi friend Dagger! Maybe are the two sites the same entity? I knew this site (Ayahuascaworldwide), they are maketing heavy on google adwords, everytime i type Ayahuasca their ad is shown, it seems nothing reliable or honest, lacks informations on the site and they sell for everyone, as our friend endlessness said: it's illegal in Brazil. I don't know, but there's something wrong with that. Did someone has buy from AyahuascaWorlwide and received?
aya_shaman wrote:Hi friend endlessness! They say that they are charging only costs, they put all the contability inside my partner page, everything seems right. Hummm but I don't know, it's very expensive yet. I paid 97 euros for a 0.5 liter bottle (10 doses) + shipping, plus Yopo and Icaro CD for gift. Altought cheaper than to buy analogue Ayahuasca or much much cheaper than St Daime ceremonies here in my country. Let's wait. If they're honest so we have a new and reliable Ayahuasca supplier. yeah the price is not so cheap indeed, i guess some sort of profit they are making from it but ayahuasca is in general quite expensive due to all the growing/harvesting/transporting/brewing costs which are more than the average plant. there is still ayahuasca coming from different areas of the amazon, which would naturally cost more, but Ive also seen plantations in the southeast of Dreamland that supply smaller churches/groups. I dont know where the ayahuasca of daime/barquinha/UDV come from. I guess at least partly from their 'centers' in the amazon. Also no idea where the ayahuasca from these websites come from, thats why I added them to msn and will see if I can get more info. Its funny that they say no shipping or transporting restrictions exist, because at least from products coming from the amazon one needs the 'authorization for transport of forest products' from the IBAMA. Maybe cultivated plantations in other areas is not necessary, but im not sure. In the final drugs agency report allowing ayahuasca they do 'suggest' that the transport in general should be watched and restricted and also that it should be seen whether the extraction is not damaging to the environment, but it doesnt say specifically how that was established.
You say it comes in bottles, which I'm assuming means it's pre-brewed. Have you researched whether or not it is legal for you to buy the prepared brew? In the US the court decided in the UDV case that once it's brewed it's illegal (although the UDV themselves were to be given back their brew due to the religious freedom legislation). Again in the UK the plants are legal, but the actual brew is I think a legal grey area. SWIM personally wouldn't risk having brew mailed through customs to himself for that reason. Don't know about Dutch law, but that's something to think about if you don't already know, because customs might see no difference between you receiving a parcel of brew, and receiving a parcel of pure ILLEGAL DMT. Buying the plants unprepared would be safer (in ignorance of the law) and probably cheaper too. Something to think about. Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change: End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
ok so I talked to them and they seem pretty trustable. They get ayahuasca to their center with permission of the government, and from there they mail it in very concentrated form and ship as medicinal tea. Getting the authorization also in theory means it was sustainably extracted.
Because sending liquids in the post is sometimes a problem, they reduce it to a very concentrated version with low heat and one can just rehydrate with water if he wants for easier dosage (or take as is).
they run a center in Rio that treats alcoholics and people in need, for whom they do not charge anything. The ayahuasca orders help them pay off their costs but is apparently not for profit. They first seem to talk to whoever wants to buy, to help them get informed and so on, so it feels more personal and not so commercial indeed..
The other company that is offering with similar prices that was mentioned here in the thread seems to be a copycat that came a couple of months ago. Nothing is known of these other people and their intentions.
So from their part seems ok. I guess it depends on the customs of each country if it will be allowed in or not.
Hi Endlessness do you know the Name of Center In Rio ? In my Opinion 90 € is still to much... do you have to donate/contribute or is 90 € a fix price ?
Normally you give a free contribution to participate ceremonys in Brazil, sometimes they have a fixed price but if you can`t pay, you can participate anyway... The same applies for Ayahuasca. Generally you don`t sell her and you don`t give her to people which you don`t know, if you give her for free to somebody, the generall consens is a free contribution which the taker defines, thats how i know it...
Yes the "feitio" of Ayahuasca involves lot of costs like water, tranport etc.. you already mentioned, but 90 € are almost 300 BRS, this is one average income in Brazil for one month and 90 € are still here very much here in europe and for 0,5 l? I don`t know...
But if you're right, then i think they might be selling smth. that ist cold "mel" in Brazil; a very thick and concentrated Ayahuasca, the consistent refers more to honey (mel) than two water, then you could get 10 doses out of it and 90 € might be reasonable... i think we will know if it`s worth as soon as smb. here has tested it...
It`s more are generall Question of selling, i mean selling spice is not appropriate so is selling ayahuasca !
Finally it might just be the space and the conditions under where you give psychedelics away to other people?
So, Independed from the question; if their ayahuasca is worth the price. I personally would like to know the people from whom i get my ayahuasca, know their intentions, how they are doing their spiritual work and so on... unfortunately we don`t get so much info about them on their website. It depends if you`re looking for a bottle where you can say this is Ayahuasca, it`s brewed with B. Caapi + P. Viridis then you might get what you want but you don`t know what`s arround the people who made it.
Annother thing, does anybody know a vendor that sells fresh P. Virids ? It seems everbody is selling just dried ones, i`m really skeptic about the potency of those leaves, normally people that make Ayahuasca i got to know, throw such leaves away ! I never made Ayahuasca with plant material that comes from the internet....same is with caapi the barks are almost dry! How are you`re experience with material so dry, except mhrb...?
ZaZen wrote: Hi Endlessness do you know the Name of Center In Rio ? In my Opinion 90 € is still to much... do you have to donate/contribute or is 90 € a fix price ?
He told me the name but I didnt know it. He said they are relatively new, 2 years old, so maybe thats why I didnt know. I will ask again, its possible to check if its true and this center exists, but from my talk to him it seemed quite serious. As for the price, it seems is a 'guide' price. I guess its negotiable to some extent but I dont know how much.. Would have to inquiry further. ZaZen wrote: Normally you give a free contribution to participate ceremonys in Dreamland, sometimes they have a fixed price but if you can`t pay, you can participate anyway... The same applies for Ayahuasca. Generally you don`t sell her and you don`t give her to people which you don`t know, if you give her for free to somebody, the generall consens is a free contribution which the taker defines, thats how i know it...
yes this the case in most of the rituals I've participated in Dreamland also. Some did have a certain fixed price (like for example when some group I was participating in was paying for the indigenous pajés to come to Rio, so there were costs that made it reasonable to settle on a fair set price). Others like daime were completely open to you to decide. As for 'not giving to who you know', well there's always some stranger joining some group, so not always people know. They in this website dont sell straight away, you have to get in contact with them and then a relationship can be built not just a commercial one. This is a good sign, but one just never knows.. He actually did say how much in percentage of the price they charge is 'profit' that they all invest in their 'charity' center. I think if trully the extra money goes to the help of others through an honest well intended use of these plant medicines, then it is good. If I would be needing some ayahuasca I would probably make an experiment and try getting from them. To the person that already bought from them, please tell us how it went ZaZen wrote:
But if you're right, then i think they might be selling smth. that ist cold "mel" in Dreamland; a very thick and concentrated Ayahuasca, the consistent refers more to honey (mel) than two water, then you could get 10 doses out of it and 90 € might be reasonable... i think we will know if it`s worth as soon as smb. here has tested it...
yes it is sort of like mel but from what I understood even more concentrated, it gets to marmelade sort of consistence, but with low heat so the sugars are not caramelized. He said from 1l ayahuasca they reduce to 50ml. ZaZen wrote: I personally would like to know the people from whom i get my ayahuasca, know their intentions, how they are doing their spiritual work and so on... unfortunately we don`t get so much info about them on their website. It depends if you`re looking for a bottle where you can say this is Ayahuasca, it`s brewed with B. Caapi + P. Viridis then you might get what you want but you don`t know what`s arround the people who made it.
I also always took my ayahuasca from known sources, never bought it. Agree its good to either be there in the preparation or know about it, also if possible knowing about the source of the plants and so on. But for some people its not possible and I dont think necessarily they should be forbidden to partake in the experience. Thats why indeed if they make this bigger relationship with those who grow for them and with those who 'buy' from them, then its not so bad. But all of this considering their intentions are true. My impression was that it is, but each one should decide for themselves. He mentioned it comes from the amazon, from the state of acre, and that it comes with an ibama authorization, which as I mentioned, should say that the harvest was sustainable. He said its from a number of smaller growers there. He said they were not affiliated with daime or UDV or barquinha. ZaZen wrote: Annother thing, does anybody know a vendor that sells fresh P. Virids ? It seems everbody is selling just dried ones, i`m really skeptic about the potency of those leaves, normally people that make Ayahuasca i got to know, throw such leaves away ! I never made Ayahuasca with plant material that comes from the internet....same is with caapi the barks are almost dry! How are you`re experience with material so dry, except mhrb...?
yeah as mentioned never bought these plants so far. But I do seem to remember having seen somewhere selling fresh leaves. I will see if I can find out where it was
i wouldnt buy premade aya online - could be anything(battery acid) in there. Rather make ur own - its more likely to be legal and it will work out cheaper. antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
yeah okay so the price is not so bad and caapi and viridis is the best but still - dunno what else may be in there - freshness, etc... Sounds like a good deal but i wouldnt do it personally - dont u feel that it is important to make ur own dose - kinda like part of the ritual ? antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
well one thing is true.. as I mentioned, if they have the authorization of the ibama then the extraction was sustainable. The main products come from the amazon. They are not authorized to mix something else in the drink under this permit, so it has to be the viridis and the caapi.
freshness might be an issue for some people I guess, but honestly, I have drank old ayahuasca that was perfect. The actives are not destroyed, the only thing that happens is possibly fermenting, but then one just boils a bit before using again and this will get rid of any bacteria and alcohol. But this is not the case with them it seems, as they anyways will reduce it down to very thick concentrated before sending, so there would be no time for fermentation in the short shipping time (plus it might even not happen with such a concentrated extract, but Im not sure).
but yes plux I agree that if possible one should be able to brew his own or have his brew made by good trustable people (or shamans), but this is not always possible for some people. Also, this ayahuasca 'packets' or the separate ingredients that are sold around in ethnobotanical shops, god knows where they were planted, how sustainable the harvesting is, how old the plants were and so on, so its also tricky...
I guess one should see for themselves what they prefer, what risks there are, what kind of people they are giving money to and so on.
btw, if there is any more information anybody wants me to ask them, I can do it and post here
Endlessness, so far i want to thank you for your detailed informations. Maybe it`s worth a try to get in touch with them, i was a little skeptic, but all in all, regarding to the information you brought to us, Ayahuasca-Distibution appears more serious and reasonable, lets see....
Hi friends!
I am happy, now I know that I didn't lose my money. Besides, they already sent me the tracking number of the order. It seems quite well. Thank you very very much friend endlessness. You're our secretary for Portuguese subjects LOL
Best wishes,
Hi friends!
I received the Ayahuasca on 16th, but I's a bit busy to write before. The package is perfect, it holds the tube and a CD in a very discreet way. I guess no customs would be able to deny it for any reason since it is a normal letter.
The Ayahuasca is very viscous, like honey, and smells sweet.
Yesterday i decided to make my own ceremony. I didn't restored the original tea, i took about 5 ml in a teaspoon, but it didn't worked fully on me up to 2 hours, so i took more 20 ml.
What wonderful and magical thing! I am plenty of love, peace and gratitude, everything makes sense, i'm experiencing an incredible feeling of completeness. I saw many lights, colours and events of my life that i thought i had forgotten.. But hard to explain or tell in details. Everything remains on me. The message i received is that feelings were always there, the love, the peace and the gratitude belong to my being's essence. Simply glorious!
I recommend this experience for everybody at least once in a lifetime, it's profoundly transformer. It's quite different than smoked DMT.
Love for all!
thanks for sharing, good to know!
The initial site is no longer shipping but the worldwide site is still up and running.
They had quite big problems with police, govern and interpol, because they made several atempts to ship Ayahuasca to USA, France, Spain, Germany and Australia, countries with severe retrictive laws about Ayahuasca. Some members were arrested and other are being prosecuted. They lost their Institute and farm, and every brew confiscated for legal proceedings. This is what i heard from a friend in Brazil, he said it was reported in newspapers. Maybe someone find a link with the news, i couldn't.
The other site probabily is not working too, the only reason it is still online is because the owner (or owners) are arrested and can't turn off the site. So, everyone who tries to order will lose money and might have problems with interpol too. Avoid.
I realize that we are paying for the dispute: Religion X Govenment X Obscure Insterest.
Best wishes!