Hello all members, With great joy I can announce to you all that the moderator club is strengthened with a very special person. The person I am talking about is known to be polite, diplomatic, articulate and very smart! I am also pretty sure that she can uplift our core values. So I like to welcome Enoon as a new moderator; welcome Enoon! Kind regards, The Traveler
Enoon, Congratulations my friend. I am glad to see you back. Rivea Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
Congrats Enoon! Welcome to the team
Thrilled to have you on the team, Enoon! I've always really enjoyed your style and substance. Your personality is a great compliment to the cast of characters here. Congrats!
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
You've always had a special place in my heart Enoon and seeing you promoted to moderator gives that spot a warm & fuzzy feeling!  Congratulations!!  Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Woop woop! Score one for the good guys.
Congratulation We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
Congratulations Enoon! You're awesome, this is great. The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call. You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.
And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.
Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
Finally! Another real woman moderator. Now, Enoon, will you be present on Nexus? Seems as soon as this happens with anyone who represents true diversity they all of a sudden become scarce around this place. A great personal disappointment to me. And one that has made me pull back from this place. Also, regardless of this announcement which is wonderful news, I would really, really like to see more female mods in the chat. Congratulations Enoon! "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU
Congrats enoon! I'm sure you'll do wonderful! Let the plants guide you, for they teach lessons beyond what we humans can offer. Distorted is our perception of reality, because reality is much more distorted than we could ever perceive it to be.
All posts made by this username do not actually exist. They are hallucinations caused by the reception of light photons by the retinae of homo sapien sapien. You are already inside the rabbit hole.
Follow the path you have chosen, travelers, you will not regret the outcome, that I can assure you.
Enoon You will be a lovely addition to the moderator team, I have always been fascinated by your posts and incredibly impressed by your logical perspective.  Much Peace and Happiness
.Wonderful choice - I'd always assumed Enoon was a mod already, but that is very welcome news...made me happy! .