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rue crude extract clean-up? Options
Parshvik Chintan
#1 Posted : 10/25/2012 9:21:46 PM
so i made a very strong brew of rue (probably close to 25g done in two batches of 3x30)
now after filtering, reducing, and evaporating; i have a jim-jam like resin, and i was wondering if this can be cleaned up by doing essentially a re-x with IPA. i figured i would post and double check before i attempted it.
My wind instrument is the bong
#2 Posted : 10/25/2012 10:17:00 PM
Harmalas don't really dissolve well in IPA, so you could use it (IPA) to defat the crudeness of the extract and then follow up with some methanol or ethanol. Methanol dissolves harmalas like a breeze while ethanol takes a little bit of work to get everything into the solution. Once you've got everything dissolved you can then run it through some filter paper or cotton and evaporate the filtered solution.

An alternative is manske them by starting with step 6 of the Tao although it probably wouldn't hurt to dissolve them in some hot vinegar and filter it a couple of times before ya do. The more times you dissolve in vinegar, filter, manske, base the cleaner the alks will become.

You could also get away with just dissolving them in some vinegar, filtering, basing and enjoying.

You've got options, just depends on which way you wanna go.
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Parshvik Chintan
#3 Posted : 10/26/2012 4:03:21 AM
MelCat wrote:
An alternative is manske them by starting with step 6 of the Tao although it probably wouldn't hurt to dissolve them in some hot vinegar and filter it a couple of times before ya do. The more times you dissolve in vinegar, filter, manske, base the cleaner the alks will become.

doesn't the manske require the alks to be fb? or would they be already.

i have sodium bicarbonate for basing, if i need to do that first.
My wind instrument is the bong
#4 Posted : 10/26/2012 4:18:12 PM
Why bother evaping to slurry? Make tea + filter
base/precip & waterwash the precips til ph 7 - 8
Then I do 1 x more solving in diluted vinegar, filter,
base/precip & waterwash the precips til ph 7 - 8
dry precips and look at them, say helooo friends.

Only if you're interested in loosing 40% of precious alks, go for a manske on that, such loss have been reported here, and exactly same losses I found out myself.
#5 Posted : 10/26/2012 7:02:08 PM
Parshvik Chintan wrote:
doesn't the manske require the alks to be fb? or would they be already.

Nahh, they need to be in an acidic solution for the manske to work so either vinegar or a fumaric acid solution. I'm sure other acids would work too but I don't have any first hand experience with any others.

Jees does make a pretty good point. It's been speculated that you lose THH with the manske but I'm not 100% positive on that.

Either way, to keep the losses to a minimum, just dissolve your alks in a bit of hot vinegar, filter, base, wash and enjoy. If you want them cleaner you could repeat the process another time or three.
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#6 Posted : 10/26/2012 8:07:13 PM
I have found 2 A/B enough, the second A solution filtering gives me some dirt in the coffee filter, a third A solution nada dirt, so I keep with 2.
Parshvik Chintan
#7 Posted : 10/26/2012 9:28:06 PM
MelCat wrote:
Either way, to keep the losses to a minimum, just dissolve your alks in a bit of hot vinegar, filter, base, wash and enjoy.

i feel like i should know this (and they say there are no stupid questions Razz) but what do you mean by wash?

also can i evap basified water or would the sodium bicarbonate remain?
My wind instrument is the bong
#8 Posted : 10/26/2012 10:16:09 PM
Washing is getting rid of the excess sodium bicarbonate or NaOH. Endless did some tests that showed the sodium bicarbonate doesn't always push all of the alks out so NaOH is preferred if you want to make sure you get everything.

Evapping the basified water would also leave traces of the base.

To get rid of these traces, it's recommended to follow step 6 of Gibran2's Caapi tek.

It's basically just adding fresh water, let it settle, decant it off, repeat until the water is back to neutral.
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Parshvik Chintan
#9 Posted : 10/27/2012 12:34:00 AM
♥ thanks for your help, melcat ♥

EDIT: those of you attempting to do this, don't forget (As i did) the elementary lesson of what happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda Embarrased
My wind instrument is the bong
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