Feel free to add any information you might find on different mushrooms, their habitats/geographical distribution, traditional uses, identification, cultivation, extraction, analysis etc.
I'll start:
(info below from Trout's Notes on Some Simple Tryptamines)
PsilocybinFree base:
Stable compound. Colorless crystals. Hofmann 1971
pH 5.2 (in 50% EtOH) Merck 9th
More stable than psilocin. Shulgin & Shulgin !997
mp 175-180° Repke & leslie 1977
mp 185-195° (from boiling methanol) Ott 1996
mp 185-195° (from methanol) Picker & Rickards 1970
(Also in Perkal 1981)
rnp 185- 195° (dec.) (white crystals) Clarke 's 1986
mp 190° Mantle & Waight 1969
mp 218-228 (colorless needles from n-butanol saturated with water) Koike et al. 1981
mp 219-222° (6-angled plates from methanol) Troxler et at. 1959
mp 200-210° (dec.) Bellman 1968
mp 204-210° (rod-shaped crystals from methanol; after 10days in a freezer) [co-mp with reference material was 205-210°

Leung et al 1965
mp 220-228° (crystals from boiling water) Ott 1996
White crystals '~fairly soluble in ·water" . Hofmann 1959
Readily water soluble. Hofmann 1971
Forms crystals from boiling methanol or boiling water;
Soluble in boiling water (1 :20),
Slightly soluble in boiling methanol {1 : 120);
Slightly soluble ("difficultly"

in ethanol;
Practically insoluble in chloroform or benzene.
Merck 9'th
Practically insoluble in ethanol, chloroform or benzene. Hofmann
et al. 1958
"practically insoluble in the usual organic solvents'' Hofmann
Insoluble in ether. Picker & Rickards 1970
Soluble 1:20 in boiling water; 1: 120 boiling ethanol. Pcrkall981
Many workers have successfully used cold or ,room temperature methanol for isolations.
Soluble in dilute acetic acid (as acetate) Clarke's 1986
Soluble in dilute acids
Soluble in di lute bases
Insoluble in butyl chloride
Lee 1985
Base is amphoteric. Hofmann 1959 (Soluble in acids & bases; can 't extract from either with organic solvent)
Insoluble in acetone; insoluble petroleum ether; soluble in hot
ethanol; poorly soluble in cold ethanol. Isolate·d via crystal-
lization with cold from ethanol. Anon 2003
Unlike psilocin. wlllch is readily oxidi:ted, psilocybin is stable
enough to be detectable for many years in herbariums (Dried
psilocybin shrooms appear to remain usable for around 9 years
or sometimes longer if kept in proper storage; sbrooms wruch
contain psilocin o ften appear to rapidly degrade in storage)
Isolation:Hatfield el a/. 1978
Hofmann e1 a/. 1958 & 1959
Koike eta/. 1981 (Using preparative TLC followed by a column of cellulose & also using an anion exchange resin.)
Leung et at. 1965 (via LC on a column of cellulose.)
Picker & Rickards 1970 (LC on column of cell ulose.)
Crude isolation from initial extract using cellulose column with Butanol saturated with water as elutant. Separated from baeocystin using silica gel column with n-propanol-5 % ammonium hydroxide (5: 1) as elutant. Leung & Paul1967
"Optimum extraction"
Homogenizing 2 minutes in 30 ml of methanol per gram of powdered pshrooms recovered all psilocybin . Perkal 1981
Repke & Leslie 1977 used n-propanol-5% ammonium hydroxide (5:2) on silica gel for preparative tlc. Elution was with methanol containing 5% aqueous ammonia.
Many workers have used methanol successfully. It appears that it works fine either cold or at room temperature.
One trend noted in the literature though, after the extraction is complete, the faster it can be processed to pure or concentrated material (with the minimal heat exposure possible) the higher the potential yield appears to be. This is likely due to degradation despite psilocybin being a fairly stable compound.
Butanol or ethanol combined with acetic acid and water also appears to be ao excellent extraction solvent.
Wurst eta/. 1984 made the statement that "Boiling ojji·uit bodies in water results in a quantitative extraction of psilocybin. The subsequent extraction ... with methanol did nor yield even traces." but provided no further detail.
For direct consumption, the simple extraction of chopped or shredded mushrooms with water and lime juice (or citric acid) works extremely well (color of the resulting solution is tawny not blue) Heat & cooking time should be minimized (2X of 15 minutes or less of simmering each) as prolonged cooking is neither needed nor desirable. Works well in a microwave if allowed to stand following the each heating.
Hofmann et al. 1963 used a methanol extract, concentrated it to a low volume and cleaned it with petroleum ether. Heim & Hofmann . 958a had taken a residue from a methanol extract and cleaned it up with a successive series of solvents: petroleum ether, chloroform & chloroform-ethanol. The remaining residue was taken into the least possible amount of water and more contaminants precipitated with the addition of absolute alcohol. The residue remaining after the evaporation of the filtrate, was then passed through a column of cellulose using butanol saturated with water to elute and selection made for the appropriate fractions. For smaller quantities they used butanol saturated with water on ascending paper chromatography to separate.
Gartz l986a used dried powdered shrooms (2 gm) and extracted for 4 hours with petroleum ether (30 ml) and ether-chloroform ( 1 : 1) (30 ml) prior to soaking the recovered mushroom mass in methanol (100 ml) for 24 hours and isolated using preparative TLC with n-propanol-watcr-acetic acid (10:3:3) on 30 em ofkicsclgcl.
Neal eta/. 1968 found that using I() ml of methanol for each dried and powdered gram ofshroom shaken (mechanical) for one hour and this perfom1ed twice produced a clear solution but exhausted the marc of any detectable tryptamines.
Pederson-Bjergaard et al. 1997 used dried pulverized mushrooms (100 mg) in 3 ml of methanol in an ultrasonic bath for 15 minutes: repeated with 2 ml of methanol, to obtain a 98% extraction efficiency.
Christiansen et al. 1981 found methanol (hot) worked acceptably but only 91% of the psilocybin was extracted. They raised this to 98% by using 10% 1N ammonium nitrate in methanol. (They used 2X 30 minutes extraction times with a rotary mixer using a high potency mushroom.) (They also determined beat-drying shrooms removed 92% water by weight.)
Christiansen & Rasmussen 1982a used hot methanol to extract& Methanol- Water- 1M Ammonium salts (240:50: 1O) for preparative chromatography. (Buffered to pH 9.6 with 2 N Ammonia.)
" Psilocybin extraction": Taken from Anonymous 1992 as posted on the Internet. Printed in The Entheogen Review 3(2): 4.
Claimed to be derived from page 97 in Olah, Gyorgy 1970 Le Genre Paneolus: Essai taxonomique et physiologique.'(This work is currently unavai lab le to me so unable to verify.)
1. Dry the mushrooms (caps or mycelium).
2. Crush or grind to a powder.
(Note: For each of the following solvents use twice the dry
weight of the powder or enough to cover the powder well.)
3. Shake then allow to stand 30 minutes in Chlorofom1.
4. Filter and discard the Chloroform.
5. Shake then allow the residue to stand in Acetone
6. Filter and discard the Acetone.
7. Shake then allow the residue to stand in Methanol.
8. Filter.
9. Repeat 7 and 8 twice more.
10. Discard residue.
11. Combine Methanol extracts; evaporate to dryness.
The final product is a crude extract said to be a whitish-grey
crystalline substance. [Psilocin, if present, will be lost in step 4.]
Hofmann 1971 comments; " The synthetic production of psilocybin is much more rational than obtaining it from the mushrooms." [He was working with shrooms that contained 0.2-0.4% psilocybi]
Beug & Bigwood 1981 commented that extraction at higher temperatures or in a Soxhlet caused partial or complete loss of psilocin but generally less than a 20% loss of psilocybin. Methanol extracts stored at - 5° showed little changes after more than a year but within a few month storage at room temperature lead to
Interestingly, it appears that dried mushrooms with PSOH should be kept stored under freezing conditions, to prevent degradation, while those with ONLY PSOP or trivial amounts of PSOH can keep their potency (when dried) for many years even at room temperature.
Psilocin:Free base:
White oil; then crystallizing
mp 103-104° (white crystals from ethyl acetate/ hexane)Shulgin & Shulgin 1997
mp 173-176° (prisms from ethyl acetate) Troxler et at. 1959
mp 173-176° (plates from methanol) Ott 1996
mp 173-176° (white crystals) Clarke's 1986
mp 173-176°(dec.) Perkal1981
Very sensitive to oxidation. Hofmann 1971
Forms plates from methanol; very slightly soluble

in water; unstable in solution, especially alkaline solutions. Merck 9th
Slightly soluble in water.
Soluble in methanol [See note by Kysi lka & Wu rs t 1990
below], ethanol, chloroform. Ott 1996
Soluble in ethanol and in dilute acetic acid (will be as acetate)
Clarke's 1986
Soluble in ether. Koike et al. 1981
Soluble in dilute acids
Soluble in dilute bases
Soluble in butyl chloride or chlorofonn [or others?]
Lee 1985
Crystal structures monoclinic Weber & Petcher 1974
Chloroform \ Water Partition coefficient: 5.52
Gessner et al. 1968 (this had been manually changed in the UT library copy to 3.30; Migliaccio et at. 1981 also gave this latter figure as that reported by Gessner)
Octaooi-Water partition coefficient: 0.68 (uncorrected);
1.45 (corrected for ionization)
Migliaccio eta/. 1981
pKa 8.47 (N); 11.33 (OH) Migliaccio et at. 1981
(Degrades above pH 7; Casale 1985)
Isolation:Hofmann et al. 1958 & 1959
Cold & room temperature methanol have been employed by multiple workers successfully. Butanol or ethanol combined with acetic acid and water also appears to be an excellent solvent.
For direct consumption, simple extraction with lime juice and water works ex tremely well (color of solution is tawny not blue.)
Mushrooms were soaked for half an hour in methanol
( 15 ml for 2 gm of material) The methanol was removed and the residue dissolved in a 0.1 K sodium hydroxide solution (25 ml). This was then extracted with butyl chloride (25 ml) Evaporation of the butyl chloride apparenily left relatively pure Psilocin. (Alternately the butyl chloride was extracted with a dilute acid and the Psilocin migrated into the acid phase for spectroscopic purposes.)
There was no mention of the % of efficiency for either the initial extraction or any steps of the subsequent
Dried powdered mushrooms (210 gm) were combined with dilute acetic acid ( 100 ml) in a beaker. glacial acetic acid then used to bring the pH to 4. The beaker was allowed to stand for one hour and then heated for 8- I0 minutes in a boiling water bath. (Or until solution temperature reached 70°

The beaker was then cooled to RT using running water and vacuum filtered through glass wool. After the filtrate was brought to pH8 using concentrated ammonium hydroxide, it was quickly extracted
twice with 50 m1 of ether. (Psilocin degrades at pH >7 hence the need for speed.)
To prevent emulsion formation they recommended a gentle mixing and not shaking.
After separation and combining, the ether is then dried over sodium sulfate, filtered and evaporated w ithout heat under nitrogen.
The greenish residue was crude Psilocin. White crystals were obtained by recrystallizing from Chloroform-Heptane ( 1 :3).
The product was said to be "reasonably pure." Casale 1985 (No indication of efficiency)
Kysilka & Wurst 1990 commented that due to the use of methanol as an extraction solvent by many workers, a lot of the published figures for PSOH content and prob-
ably notes of its absence were likely to be low or erroneous. They found that replacement of methanol with 75% aqueous ethanol and use of a longer extraction
time (160 minutes) provided them with an increase in yield. Ga1tz on the other hand apparently claimed completely opposite results
Hasler eta/. 1997 foun d addition of ascorbic acid to PSOH effectively prevented oxidation at RT but was inadequate for use during autoclaving.
Perkal 1981 found that purging with nitrogen dramatically helped prevent degradation of Psilocin. He also found it to be unstable in alkaline solutions but morestable than psilocybin under neutral or acidic conditions. Storage in the dark helped preserve his mushroom's activity even at room temperature.