It seems that there are two different type of trip reports I read. The first seems to be a generalized sense of psychedelia - seeing patterns and CEVs, awareness of energetic fields, alterations of the inner thought patterns, etc... Maybe even a complete disassociation from normal reality into another space.
The second seem to be stories that have an almost narrative quality to them, though not necessarily linear. These seem to be less frequent and usually high dose experiences. People describe being(s) who do something - talk to them, operate a machine, change the fabric of reality, show them some meaningful place or thing, give them an object, etc...
I am curious for more info about the second type of experience. For those who have such an experience, can you tell:
Was the experience 'real'? Did it seem like you were 'really there'? Were you aware of a space, surrounding, etc? Movie like? Cartoon like? Real as everyday 3-D life (loaded question there, I know)? Or was it abstract? Did you see instead patterns and imagery but somehow 'knew' that it was illustrating some other thing? Did you know you were on a substance or was that knowledge completely gone at the time?
Do you think you have an 'abstract' or 'concrete' personality? Do you prefer things in life to all make sense or are you OK with uncertainty and indefiniteness?
Do you think the experience and being(s) had a 'reality' outside of your own mind or was it a reflection of your own self?
I am just really curious about these sort of trips, as they are totally different from the sort of experiences I have ever had. I have felt that a journey was 'guided' before, but never yet had anything like the sort of story-like experiences I see described on the web and in some of Strassman's subjects. The descriptions are so literal.
Images of broken light,
Which dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on...