Last night I had yet another strange experience with changa. I'll do my best:
50 mg of 1:1 11xcaapi changa. Get most of it in one hit, finish the rest off in a second about 3 seconds after exhaling the first. Body feeling, check. The only strong CEV's I was getting were of these cocentric rings which were spinning into eachother. I focused my attention to the center of those rings, and to my amazement there was some sort of visionary scene inside of them... it was much more like the visions I get with jurema or sometimes pharma, a scene with more "dream"like figures, not made of visual fractalizing patterns or anything like that...
I saw a lot of young African women around what appeared to be a pool, the were in bikinis and were laughing in a way that was
almost mischievous. They were running around this pool, looking at me directly, giggling like they had an inside joke. They were doing this really odd thing where they would grab eachothers shoulders and my perspective would change... almost an escher-esque scene, with these girls flipping around eachother on their shoulders, almost doing hyperspace acrobatics. I was fairly entranced at this point, but I noticed that down the pool, in an actual pool-chair and lounging - another african woman in a bikini. However, this one had a mask on that was rather evil-looking. Actually I was having a hard time getting a good look at her, it was like some force was averting my sight. This masked woman gave me that sense of dread that only DMT can provide... I kept trying to look at her, almost to disregard her desire to
not have me look at her, to show that I had the guts to stand up to her or something... but the experience was rapidly dissipating.
I load another 80 mg. I want to really see what was going on there, I wanted to face it head on... to gain courage. I get most of it in a single hit, and I was expecting the rapid universe-cannon blast that usually accompanies that strong of a charge... well, I felt the acceleration but just as I was acheiving escape-velocity, another weird vision-entity appeared. It looked like a shadow-person, but had some details that I could make out. It was like a teenage boy, with tight bluejeans on. He also seemed to be wearing a mask. He
very quickly jumped into my vision and reached with both hands up to my eyes and seemingly "Stole" trip from me. He real fast like "snatched" something away from me... and the trip just aborted! I got a
very creepy feeling but had the wherewithal to ask them "Are you the trip-stealers?!" I was almost mad, but my fear outweighed being miffed about losing a trip to this guy. For the next minute or so, these masked teenager entities jumped in and out of my line of sight, very close to my face. They would flash in and then flash out... perhaps 4 distinct masked teenage entites all wearing tight blue jeans. After a minute or so of this I was like "OK! Tonight isn't the night!" and gave up! I don't push the envelope with creepy trips anymore, after the last time I tried...
Anyway, thanks for reading... has anyone had these sorts of entities before? The girls were almost like the "Flirty Fairies" that HyperspaceFool describes in the Hyperspace Lexicon, but not in how they looked. Just how they were acting. And they seemed a bit more on the ominous side...
There it is!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Fairly responsible Kratom user.
"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.