Just curious because I love the experience you get from taking high doses of rue, but I really, really dred drinking that tea. I almost throw up as I am swallowing it.
Can you eat 5g of rue and get the exact same effects as if you made a 5g tea?
Obviously you would think so, but I didn't know if making the tea breaks it down for you already and hit you harder or something like that.
I don't have direct experience but I'm sure it will be fine. It may be beneficial to grind or chew them thoroughly, you can also grind them and gel cap them for even less taste. 'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
pure ground seeds in gelcaps usually hit just as hard if not harder, perhaps with a slightly longer delay compared to a concentrated tea. Harder on your body though. Try reducing your tea to a shot and add it to something else. I like pure cocoa(2-3tb in half a cup of hot water) because it works synergistically with harmalas/dmt and masks the rue flavour(and not sugary). Edit: 5grams rue with some cocoa might kick your ass though if you take your normal amount of dmt/aya with it though. INFORMATION No input signal
reduce the tea down to 1 teaspoon. Shoot it back and chase it with a shot of orange juice if you must. Chewing a mouthful of the seed is more discusting than shooting back a tiny shot. BTW I would not reccomend you take cacao to cover the taste unless you really enjoy stims. Long live the unwoke.
alright cool....thanks guys...
so Jaimie, I know you take a lot of rue, do you make a tea out of it or do you just like taking the extracted harmalas?
if you take the tea....are you use to the taste of the tea now? does it even bother you anymore?
Just powder it, grind it and cap it. Using a coffee grinder is the best way but you can also do it the ghetto way by folding it up inside paper and hitting it with a hammer.
No need to cook, or endure taste. Just whip out some caps and knock em back. It hits you about as hard as the tea.
Using the big 1g (size 000 I believe) caps is the best way.
behindthelight wrote:alright cool....thanks guys...
so Jaimie, I know you take a lot of rue, do you make a tea out of it or do you just like taking the extracted harmalas?
if you take the tea....are you use to the taste of the tea now? does it even bother you anymore?
I brew up large batched of rue and mimosa..with some other admixtures as well. Sometimes I will take pure harmalas sublingual for microdoses or before I vape DMT etc..but not often. Most of my work is with brews. No, the taste does not bother me. It is real bitter but I dont have a problem with it. Some people are more effected by the taste than others it seems and get the gag reflex.. Long live the unwoke.
I get better results with 4 grams in a tea compared to 6 in caps. Everyone's wired a bit different. I take a lot of rue. I've found adding peppermint tea to rue really cuts the rue taste away, though I don't mind the taste of rue (caapi, though . . . **shiver** ) . Also, the rear purge, for me, it massively intensified with rue in caps as opposed to tea. Though rue is all kinds of good for cleaning you out, so you might want to try caps just for that side benefit. Experiment, figure out what works best for you, then experiment again. The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
tetra wrote:I get better results with 4 grams in a tea compared to 6 in caps. Everyone's wired a bit different. I take a lot of rue.
I've found adding peppermint tea to rue really cuts the rue taste away, though I don't mind the taste of rue (caapi, though . . . **shiver** ) .
Also, the rear purge, for me, it massively intensified with rue in caps as opposed to tea. Though rue is all kinds of good for cleaning you out, so you might want to try caps just for that side benefit.
Experiment, figure out what works best for you, then experiment again. I've got a peppermint plant, I wonder if adding some leaves to the brew will help. I can give it a try I guess.
Ok, well I decided to try the capsule route tonight to see if it works for me.
I ground up 4.1 grams of rue and put them in capsules.
Just swallowed them about a minute ago. Wish me luck please..>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been a little over an hour and I feel absolutely nothing....WTF???????????????????????????????????
damn...what a let down....90 minutes and I still feel nothing.....
this is the EXACT same batch that I have made tea from that totally wrecked me....I don't get this at all??
totally baffled.
at least now you know why tea is the best method.. Though you might get hit later due to slower absorbtion from capsules.. Long live the unwoke.
It's been 3 and half hours now and I kind of feel a little something....maybe like a 1 or 2 out of 10.
I would have never guessed that it takes your body that long to breakdown the capsules and the seeds.
I just hope that like an hour from now it doesn't really kick in hard.......I am ready for bed now. lol
^thats why I dont eat them  Ive had that happen eating caapi sediments where it hits..and then later REALLY hits and I am up all night..if it happens go with it. Long live the unwoke.
jamie wrote:^thats why I dont eat them  Ive had that happen eating caapi sediments where it hits..and then later REALLY hits and I am up all night..if it happens go with it. It ended up not happening....pretty crazy that 4 grams did nothing. Well, I guess I will stick to the tea and try to get use to the taste of it.
i ate 4 grams powdered rue that i later extracted and obtained harmalas from and then 30 min later ate 5 g mimosa
i rolled them into 1 ply of toilet paper and parachuted them
i may have gotten maoi effects
i thought this was going to work too
yeah mew....not sure why it didn't work....but I will only make the tea from now on....
Interesting. I've had many failures with the tea myself, while powedered/capped were always a foolproof method. INFORMATION No input signal
I don't dislike the taste of the tea at all, but I don't boil the crap out of the seeds and don't add acid, that's only for extractions. Just a slow simmer of roughly ground seeds for 10 minutes is enough. Some honey can help to counter the bitterness, I'm the type that hates coffee without sugar  I bet real tea or coffee made by boiling and reducing for hours would taste horrible too!