So, it's only Obama's 2nd day in office and one of the major semi conservative media networks (cnbc)is doing a special called "Marijuana Inc." Unfortunately, i only got to watch the first 10 minutes but the fact that they were discussing the benefits of decriminalizing Mary Jane is a good sign. Also, on one of obama's website's, there was a forum or discussion board that allowed people to ask question's concerning his administration's views on certain issues. The top three issues were about the decriminalization of MJ and other drugs and those topics didnt get deleted from the site even though other "not so significant" issues did. I remain cautiously optimistic or.... hopeful about the future of the United states and our new administartion but i am DAMN HAPPY to see bush go back to texas. Just the fact that this issue is being adressed on his second day in office is a damn good sign, although if he were to decriminalize it, i dont think it would be untill his second term in office. " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
huh, i read he was against it. i doubt he will, possibly medical i guess.. if its fully legal ill give him more respect & the gov't for that matter. Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
He initially supported decrim although he had to change it while he ran for president (which is BS but the way it is) Regarding medical, he said that he will let science decide. Which it already has shown countless times beyond a doubt that marijuana has medical value. So hopefully he will allow research to be done and let the sates decide.
That would be nice. I think by then I would almost feel obligated to stay in the United States. The thing is, if he were to decriminalize Marijuana it would turn into something widely availible like alcohol or tobacco. Of course we have a lot of stupid, ignorant people who would easily get it into their possession and do something (like crash a car) under the influence and kill someone. It happens with alcohol all the time. It would give Marijuana a bad name due to someone elses stupidity, and it would cost a few lives. Personally, as far as decriminalization goes, maybe, and maybe not. Where I reside (Michigan) if you get busted for Marijuana possession its a hefty fine of (I think $500), you lose your license (up to 6 months) and get probation for a year or more. I feel as if it should be legal to have in your own home, but if someone is driving around with it, then slap em' with a fine. So glad to see you have overcome them. Completely silent now With heaven's help You cast your demons out -------------------- I lie compulsively, and I am subjected to mental disorders as to where I have trouble even considering my own existance.
C'mon....You know obama's burned fatty's. He admitted to doing coke in the past. I dont know where you read that he was against it or who wrote it but i think there is a good possibility the he will decriminalize it...not necessarily legalize it completely. It probably woulnd't be during his first term (he has to get elected again),plus he's got a lot of other serious issues to tackle first. Shit, willie nelson claims to have smoked a dube on the roof of the white house, while visiting jimmy carter and you know bill clinton alway's looks a little "red eyed" w/ a perma grin with Hillary as sec. of state.....i can see bill clinton walking around the white house in flip flops with his ulta casual demeanor and lighting one up with obama every now and then. I tell ya...i think it's coming, mabey not this term but it's coming. Even "sting", who goes down to peru every so often to patake in aya ceremonies, was singing at the enaugural ball...heck mabey obama will get turned onto the spice. " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
40oztofreedom wrote: The thing is, if he were to decriminalize Marijuana it would turn into something widely availible like alcohol or tobacco. Of course we have a lot of stupid, ignorant people who would easily get it into their possession and do something (like crash a car) under the influence and kill someone. It happens with alcohol all the time. It would give Marijuana a bad name due to someone elses stupidity, and it would cost a few lives.
MJ is already widely available. Heck all i know is that if i'm stoned and i'm driving, i'm usually driving under the speed limit.Alcohol is the real killer,behind the wheel. Also...prices would probably go down. " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
Dwhitty76 wrote:40oztofreedom wrote: The thing is, if he were to decriminalize Marijuana it would turn into something widely availible like alcohol or tobacco. Of course we have a lot of stupid, ignorant people who would easily get it into their possession and do something (like crash a car) under the influence and kill someone. It happens with alcohol all the time. It would give Marijuana a bad name due to someone elses stupidity, and it would cost a few lives.
MJ is already widely available. Heck all i know is that if i'm stoned and i'm driving, i'm usually driving under the speed limit.Alcohol is the real killer,behind the wheel. Also...prices would probably go down. I completely agree. I've driven stoned... probably more than a thousand times and never had a problem because I'm aware that I'm high therefor I go slow. But a lot of other stupid, immature teenagers could possibly crash a car and kill someone and just blame it on the drug instead of themselves. So glad to see you have overcome them. Completely silent now With heaven's help You cast your demons out -------------------- I lie compulsively, and I am subjected to mental disorders as to where I have trouble even considering my own existance.
Remember that Bill Clinton put Barry McCaffrey in as Drug Czar to make ammends to the politicos for his past drug use. He had to prove that he had reformed by putting a guy in charge that treated pot smokers like violent criminals. Carter was the last president that tried to take on the Drug war industrial complex. Carter had his start at drug law reformation blown away because of his Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders getting run out of office because of making the comment that she thought that masturbation was a part of human sexuality. That added to her permissive views on drug use became a scandal and Carter decided that he wasn't going to cripple his presidency over the issue. The Drug War industrial complex orchestrates main stream America's drug fears just like McCarthey did with the fear of Communists in the 50s. I hope that Obama can take it on but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't, sometimes I think they feel they need to choose their battles and the persecution of pot smokers isn't the highest priority. There may be some strange bedfellows with the religious use of psychedelics though. The religious far right is so afraid of the threat to their way of life from laws and education being reformed because of scientific progress that they got the Religious Liberty Protection Act passed which has lead protections for the UDV (Uniao do Vegetao church)etc. Avatar art created by unknown Cambodian or Laotian. Everything else is fiction.
Yes really the main thing Obama can do in this regard is just let research be done. Now marijuana is already been proven to be medically effective but not to FDA approved studies. That's the stupid technicality. Will the federal government allow such research while I am hopeful is still in question.
Obama has been quoted that the war on drugs is and utter failure (in 2004 I believe), as well as saying that he will not condone the use of federal agents to shut down medical cannabis growers/ dispenceries. Just these two things alone are great steps in the right direction.
i read a report in 2008 or 9 about him saying that he would never consider legalizing it. They told him that it would create more jobs, more products, more peace less caging people up.. he said straight up no. now im sure before this in 04 or whatever he said he was for it, what an easy way to get votes.. IMH Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
Dwhitty76 wrote: C'mon....You know obama's burned fatty's. He admitted to doing coke in the past. I dont know where you read that he was against it or who wrote it but i think there is a good possibility the he will decriminalize it...not necessarily legalize it completely. It probably woulnd't be during his first term (he has to get elected again),plus he's got a lot of other serious issues to tackle first. Shit, willie nelson claims to have smoked a dube on the roof of the white house, while visiting jimmy carter and you know bill clinton alway's looks a little "red eyed" w/ a perma grin with Hillary as sec. of state.....i can see bill clinton walking around the white house in flip flops with his ulta casual demeanor and lighting one up with obama every now and then. I tell ya...i think it's coming, mabey not this term but it's coming. Even "sting", who goes down to peru every so often to patake in aya ceremonies, was singing at the enaugural ball...heck mabey obama will get turned onto the spice. No offense dude but cmon now obamas just another puppet put there by a controlled political system. I mean the face and administration may have changed but the agendas the same. Controlled by the same people. Some folks seem to think this obamas a messiah or something, think again! Cant beleive your almost nostalgic views on clinton. He was linked with loads of mysterious deaths and "suicides" when he was the governor of arkansas in connection to his drug deals with south american cartels. These fuckers have diplomatic immunity, they control the drugs, great earner, what benefit would legalising drugs be to them?? Though im talking more about cocaine than weed, but still these people have been proved in the past to be invoilved in shady dealings. I dont think because people have obama up on this great pedastal that things will change. Or that he wont allow things to continue they way they have done in the past. Look at the evil in the world, look at the wars america are involved in, look at gaza christ. The countries with the worst human rights records, colombia, turkey, israel etc. correlates with the amount of military aid received by the US. So that means who gets the most arms from the US are the worst offenders of human rights. Do you think obamas going to change these serious issues? You think the military aid to these countries will drop because obamas a cool dude? I dont think so!
They took votes for a long period of time, and have said that the top 10 items that people voted for would have people assigned to look at, and come up with policies to make them happen. Whether or not it actually happens in regards to medicinal legalization, or the ending of the drug war remains to be seen. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
... I personally believe MJ should not be legalized.. Yea i admit to being an occasional smoker but you gotta think, the way the government is right now, and this damn bitch of a recession we are in, all thats gonna happen if it did become legalized is its going to be taxed up the @$$. Yea it will be widely available and probably alot better than some street shit we get but expenses are going to sky rocket, For example a gram would be about $20-$40. If you look at medical marijuana clubs, they do not play games when it comes to paying up. Its about $50 for about 1.5 G's and some even more expensive. If it is legalized, those prices are going to go beyond that! You also have to think how much of a recreational drug it really is. Like, when you go to your dealers place, you most likely don't wanna grab your sac and leave but maybe smoke a bowl and enjoy some video games or just do something to enjoy your high even more, but if you get it from a market you go home by yourself and sit and do nothing... absolutly nothing and have that urge to go hang with someone or be active in some sort. So, would you rather go to your dealers house, chill play some games maybe eat and what not, or have a high taxed market that sells bud for a rediculous price and have to look for someone to hang with? Its alot more than just getting high these days, but we all have our cravings. So decide if you wanna spend more and not be able to laze around or just chill for a good price. Spirituality is just another unanswered question that the weak minded throw away, let them be as flowers in the dark abyss of time, let no sun shine upon them and let them shrivel up beneath the feet of the wise...
...ygolonhcet si taht tsaeb eht ma I ,em reaf ,dne eht fo regnirb eht ma I
Read it backwards =]
Are you kidding me? If it was legal the price would almost definitely go down. Even with taxes. Not to mention it would generated billions in much needed tax dollars, pulling america out of the current economic issues. Without question price would decline, do you understand economics? One of the reasons it is so expensive is because of the demand and supply. There are limits on the medical supply and the illegal supply is obviously limited. Medical clubs in cali are about the same price as the street for good quality stuff. They also have cheaper lower grade varieties. The good quality shit is by far worth it as it is incredibly potent.
If it were legal the supply would go up and thus the price down even with some degree of taxation.
Hanging out with a dealer is a reason to keep it illegal? You can still hang out with your friends and get high man. you just don't have to worry about being arrested and going to prision and having a record for life. Most pot dealers are our friends anyway. What about going to jai for being in possession of a fucking flower?
All drugs should be regulated, this is the only way to ensure they are used safety with minimal cost to society in the form of health safety and crime. Prohibition creates high prices, more dangerous drug preparations, unsterile use techniques, propaganda about safe use and crime. Not only all drugs but especially marijuana, it is an remarkably harmless intoxicant that has many medical and therapeutic uses. There is no question that it should be legal, there is not a single reason to keep it illegal, everything about prohibition is a disaster.
I can't believe you said this. Another thing is that because of prohibition marijuana is easier for kids to get than alcohol. This is because drug dealers rather than the people decide who can buy these substances and the prices With regulation we can control price, purity, availability, education...and the billions of dollars saved from not wasting it on prohibition and the other billions gained from taxation can be used for providing help and education to those who need it among other things.
Most people do not sit around and smoke pot. I think your view is from watching too many stoner movies. Do you need to buy pot to have friends? Many people use it to relax after a long day at work or when they go out in nature or a movie to enhance the experience. Many use it as an antidepressant or to help them sleep. Others use it to help them think about philosophical or scientific questions. What does sitting around playing video games have anything to do with it. Tons of people who don't smoke pot do this all day. Pot doesn't cause this behavior. Just because some people do two things doesn't mean that the one is the cause of the other. Sometimes it amazes me how even within our community there is so much drug war propaganda. People just don't get it. Prohibition is not only a failure but it has actually made our world more dangerous. Not only for drug users but for everyone. Look at the crime rates correlated with prohibition. 70% plus of people on prison are for drug related crimes. But even with the other 30% many are murders related to drug dealing and other violent crimes resulting from prohibition. The same things that occurred with alc prohibition are occurring today. Crime and health are made worse by prohibition for everyone.
not to mention that one could always plant himself if its legalized, so prices cant be too high
To the original poster- The show on marijuana had nothing to do with the Obama administration. Obviously it takes time to film such programs, and I'm sure it's been in the works throughout the election, and would have aired even if mccain won. I'm not sure how you're connecting a show about the benefits of marijuana to the obama administration decriminalizing it. It's not like Obama requested the program be aired.
And while I don't want to participate in this little "debate", I'd like to simply add that the U.S. government grows more marijuana than they do wheat and corn combined. Marijuana is the USA's most grown annual renewable crop, and is also the most profitable. These statistics are released every year by the FDA and are accessible to anyone in university libraries. Our government makes more money off of weed than they do off any other crop!
Hey bufoman, it looks like Caligulitica is just using the same avatar as 69ron. I doubt it's the same person and if it was he is probably being sarcastic. Avatar art created by unknown Cambodian or Laotian. Everything else is fiction.