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Took some Rue again tonight. It wasn't good. Options
#1 Posted : 5/21/2012 7:48:53 AM
So it was suggested to me to do 4 grams of rue and 5 grams of mhrb made into a gelatin.

So, I figured, why not put both in the gelatin right????

I made 5 grams of rue tea. Ground the seeds in a coffee grinder....put them in a pot with some vinegar and let them soak for about 20 minutes....then I added water and boiled them for an hour...then strained them and reduced it down to a small amount which I then added to my gelatin mix and put in the fridge.

Then made the mhrb tea and put that in the gelatin.

Well....I ate the Syrian Rue jello and about 40 minutes later I couldn't even fucking move. My body was so heavy and my I was starting to trip. Then I threw up about 25 times in a 45 minute time period. After that, I couldn't make myself eat the mhrb jello. Just the thought of jello made me want to throw up.

After the vomiting was over....it was cool for the next 4 hours...but I need to figure out why I threw up so much and how to prevent that from happening again, because if that is the norm, I won't be doing rue ever again...not worth it.

1. Why did I throw up so much. The last thing I had eaten was a big salad about 4 hours earlier.

2. Maybe it was the jello that causes me to vomit that much?

3. Should you not eat anything the day you are planning to do the rue?

4. Someone mentioned something about drinking 5 drops of lemon oil before you do it. Can that really stop the sickness?

#2 Posted : 5/21/2012 8:01:13 AM
hahahahahahaha i had a similar evening just now. except it was acacia confusa and rue. rue is a beast on your stomach.. phew.
‎"Trust in your own wetware; your psyche and your body will be reunited." -Gracie and Zarkov

in plants we trust
#3 Posted : 5/21/2012 8:05:22 AM
no doubt.....I love the feeling after the sickness goes away....gotta be away to get around that...
#4 Posted : 5/21/2012 8:45:28 AM
you need to embrace the purge, its good for youVery happy.

not sure if you have seen this thread but it may be worth a read.


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

Senior Member
#5 Posted : 5/21/2012 9:39:51 AM
I'd say try a again with 3 grams of rue. It's enough, the more harmalas the deeper purge and nausea it goes.
You can take a few lemon essential oil to conteract nausea, then drink the 5 grams mimosa.
As for the jelly I never worked with it. But the tea is bearable is drunk in one shot.
If you want you can also go the pharmahuasca way, extract from syrian rue and take about 200mg harmalas, then either drink mimosa tea or extract that and dose spice (from 50mg to 150mg is the standard pharmahuasca dosage).
There is less nausea with this latter.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#6 Posted : 5/21/2012 9:58:19 AM
..behindthelight, 3.5 grams would be the dose of rue i would suggest to most people..and some people are more sensitive to it than others, in terms of nausea..
5 or more gram brews can be overwhelmingly strong, and make most purge..i agree with
3rdI saying to embrace the purge..i look forward to getting over so i can enjoy the experience..i see it as a clean-out..
..if you don't want nausea or purging, i would suggest much more vigourous diet than many recommend..i've done 5 or more grams of rue with no nausea, but only after following the most strict 'dieta' for at least a few days, which was: only rice, a few greens, very small amounts white fish or tofu, citrus (excluding grafefruit), black/green tea (in very moderate amounts) or very mild herbal tea, yeast free bread, very reduced salt..
and nothing else..really..but that's me..others are more tolerant of ordinary diets with Rue, but i don't know how often they go above 5 grams..
#7 Posted : 5/21/2012 2:31:21 PM
behindthelight wrote:
So it was suggested to me to do 4 grams of rue and 5 grams of mhrb made into a gelatin.

So, I figured, why not put both in the gelatin right????

I made 5 grams of rue tea. Ground the seeds in a coffee grinder....put them in a pot with some vinegar and let them soak for about 20 minutes....then I added water and boiled them for an hour...then strained them and reduced it down to a small amount which I then added to my gelatin mix and put in the fridge.

Then made the mhrb tea and put that in the gelatin.

Well....I ate the Syrian Rue jello and about 40 minutes later I couldn't even fucking move. My body was so heavy and my I was starting to trip. Then I threw up about 25 times in a 45 minute time period. After that, I couldn't make myself eat the mhrb jello. Just the thought of jello made me want to throw up.

After the vomiting was over....it was cool for the next 4 hours...but I need to figure out why I threw up so much and how to prevent that from happening again, because if that is the norm, I won't be doing rue ever again...not worth it.

1. Why did I throw up so much. The last thing I had eaten was a big salad about 4 hours earlier.

2. Maybe it was the jello that causes me to vomit that much?

3. Should you not eat anything the day you are planning to do the rue?

4. Someone mentioned something about drinking 5 drops of lemon oil before you do it. Can that really stop the sickness?


behindthelight, I am terribly sorry for your experience and even more so because I fell that I might have put you up to it. In a previous thread, you had mentioned a possible tolerance to the syrian rue and had mentioned you had consumed 8 grams of syrian rue seeds. I can fathom how you managed this before. Anyway, I have previously gotten ill from 4 grams of syrian rue, but only vomited three times, and I was convinced it was not from the seeds themselves but from either the addition of too much citric acid or something I ate. I wouldn't go so far as to say don't eat the same day as you drink the syrian rue, but certainly allow up to several hours beforehand for an empty stomach. To be safe, try fasting next time. As nen888 has suggested, you can exceed 5 grams if you observe strict dietary restrictions.

I suppose you can safely work within 3-4 grams of rue seeds, but based on your post I would think that three grams would be an even safer estimate. Consider the following: even when the rue seeds are working, you should feel neither nauseous nor any psychedelic effects. I suppose you could attempt pharmahuasca, but I've recently learned that consuming plants in their entirety is a much more complete and spiritual experience.

My new recommendation? I've gotten unpleasantly ill from syrian rue, but I continue to work with it, so I suggest that you use the same preparation for three grams instead, and I can honestly say that should not make you sick in the least. After mentioning that you had previously taken 8 grams worth, I didn't consider that 4 would be so problematic. I am sorry. Also, making jello from syrian rue is unimportant and so too for the mhrb I suspect, but it definitely makes it easier to palate.

"Culture is NOT your friend" - TMK

- Yolks N' Stuff ( 2008 )

The year is 01 ADMT
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#8 Posted : 5/21/2012 4:54:34 PM
This is why people do not eat jellow and drink ayahuasca or analogues..also why it is best to not underestimate this medicine based on only like 2 prior experiences..4g can be a lot!..even if 8g did not do much before. We all learn the hardway at some point.

Sounds like a mix of 2 things..a large dose of rue and the fact that you mixed it with jello. Mixing it with jello just sounds stupid and discusting in my opinion, so in the future avoid that advice..and maybe try 3g of rue..

Also I would do 2 or 3 boils on the rue for 25-30 minutes each to get everything out..and then before you reduce it let it sit for a day or 2 in the fridge in a jar so the sediments drop out..then decant the liquid off slowly and filter it once or twice..then reduce. This will eliminate much of the sediments that can add to the sickness. You ingested all of those sediments because they take about a good day to really all drop out.

What you want to do is get a bucket and have it near you in bed and some water or juice. Get into bed in complete darkness with maybe some music or just silence and be very still. Just lay there. This is how you go into the harmala visions and this is how you minimize the nausea feeling. With harmalas you dont get melting walls and visuals in the carpet etc the way you do with tryptamines..if you are up moving around or in the light you can get powerful tracers but nausea goes along with them. The true visions happen when you lay very still in the dark and they come almost like vivid daydreams.

You want to brew mimosa the same way..mimosa jello sounds even worse than rue jello.

That said, they do not call ayahuasca "la purga" for nothing..sometimes if your not clean on the inside you are going to vomit for a few hours.
Long live the unwoke.
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#9 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:04:47 PM
"Consider the following: even when the rue seeds are working, you should feel neither nauseous nor any psychedelic effects"

This is not true. If you take enough rue for inhibition there is some effects felt. 3g of rue for me does have some psychedelic qualities.
Long live the unwoke.
#10 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:34:00 PM
3rdI wrote:
you need to embrace the purge, its good for youVery happy.

not sure if you have seen this thread but it may be worth a read.

I don't mind one or two purges....but 25 is definitely way, way too much.
#11 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:34:43 PM
rOm wrote:
I'd say try a again with 3 grams of rue. It's enough, the more harmalas the deeper purge and nausea it goes.
You can take a few lemon essential oil to conteract nausea, then drink the 5 grams mimosa.
As for the jelly I never worked with it. But the tea is bearable is drunk in one shot.
If you want you can also go the pharmahuasca way, extract from syrian rue and take about 200mg harmalas, then either drink mimosa tea or extract that and dose spice (from 50mg to 150mg is the standard pharmahuasca dosage).
There is less nausea with this latter.

I think you are right, 3 definitely seems like a better number to try.
#12 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:35:43 PM
nen888 wrote:
..behindthelight, 3.5 grams would be the dose of rue i would suggest to most people..and some people are more sensitive to it than others, in terms of nausea..
5 or more gram brews can be overwhelmingly strong, and make most purge..i agree with
3rdI saying to embrace the purge..i look forward to getting over so i can enjoy the experience..i see it as a clean-out..
..if you don't want nausea or purging, i would suggest much more vigourous diet than many recommend..i've done 5 or more grams of rue with no nausea, but only after following the most strict 'dieta' for at least a few days, which was: only rice, a few greens, very small amounts white fish or tofu, citrus (excluding grafefruit), black/green tea (in very moderate amounts) or very mild herbal tea, yeast free bread, very reduced salt..
and nothing else..really..but that's me..others are more tolerant of ordinary diets with Rue, but i don't know how often they go above 5 grams..

Yeah, like I said earlier, I don't mind 1 or 2 purges, I can deal with that. But last night was 25 times and that was not fun at all. Thanks for the tip on the diet, that is definitely doable.
Senior Member
#13 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:36:07 PM
Was it jelly as animal gelatin ? aka pork one ? if yes it's disgusting and IMO not indicated with ayahuasca, syrian rue, pharmahuasca...
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#14 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:38:11 PM
un-known-ome wrote:

behindthelight, I am terribly sorry for your experience and even more so because I fell that I might have put you up to it. In a previous thread, you had mentioned a possible tolerance to the syrian rue and had mentioned you had consumed 8 grams of syrian rue seeds. I can fathom how you managed this before. Anyway, I have previously gotten ill from 4 grams of syrian rue, but only vomited three times, and I was convinced it was not from the seeds themselves but from either the addition of too much citric acid or something I ate. I wouldn't go so far as to say don't eat the same day as you drink the syrian rue, but certainly allow up to several hours beforehand for an empty stomach. To be safe, try fasting next time. As nen888 has suggested, you can exceed 5 grams if you observe strict dietary restrictions.

I suppose you can safely work within 3-4 grams of rue seeds, but based on your post I would think that three grams would be an even safer estimate. Consider the following: even when the rue seeds are working, you should feel neither nauseous nor any psychedelic effects. I suppose you could attempt pharmahuasca, but I've recently learned that consuming plants in their entirety is a much more complete and spiritual experience.

My new recommendation? I've gotten unpleasantly ill from syrian rue, but I continue to work with it, so I suggest that you use the same preparation for three grams instead, and I can honestly say that should not make you sick in the least. After mentioning that you had previously taken 8 grams worth, I didn't consider that 4 would be so problematic. I am sorry. Also, making jello from syrian rue is unimportant and so too for the mhrb I suspect, but it definitely makes it easier to palate.

Thanks for the words man, but it is definitely not your fault. I did 8 grams the weekend before pretty easily, so I had no fear of doing 5 grams. Maybe adding the vinegar to it made is stronger?
#15 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:40:35 PM
jamie wrote:
This is why people do not eat jellow and drink ayahuasca or analogues..also why it is best to not underestimate this medicine based on only like 2 prior experiences..4g can be a lot!..even if 8g did not do much before. We all learn the hardway at some point.

Sounds like a mix of 2 things..a large dose of rue and the fact that you mixed it with jello. Mixing it with jello just sounds stupid and discusting in my opinion, so in the future avoid that advice..and maybe try 3g of rue..

Also I would do 2 or 3 boils on the rue for 25-30 minutes each to get everything out..and then before you reduce it let it sit for a day or 2 in the fridge in a jar so the sediments drop out..then decant the liquid off slowly and filter it once or twice..then reduce. This will eliminate much of the sediments that can add to the sickness. You ingested all of those sediments because they take about a good day to really all drop out.

What you want to do is get a bucket and have it near you in bed and some water or juice. Get into bed in complete darkness with maybe some music or just silence and be very still. Just lay there. This is how you go into the harmala visions and this is how you minimize the nausea feeling. With harmalas you dont get melting walls and visuals in the carpet etc the way you do with tryptamines..if you are up moving around or in the light you can get powerful tracers but nausea goes along with them. The true visions happen when you lay very still in the dark and they come almost like vivid daydreams.

You want to brew mimosa the same way..mimosa jello sounds even worse than rue jello.

That said, they do not call ayahuasca "la purga" for nothing..sometimes if your not clean on the inside you are going to vomit for a few hours.

Yeah Jamie, the jello is a bad idea, I will not be doing that again. I learned the hard way, I am gonna attribute the throwing up a lot to the jello.

Next time I am gonna try your method you listed here of multiple boils and putting it in the fridge to let the sediment fall out.
#16 Posted : 5/21/2012 5:41:18 PM
rOm wrote:
Was it jelly as animal gelatin ? aka pork one ? if yes it's disgusting and IMO not indicated with ayahuasca, syrian rue, pharmahuasca...

It was strawberry jello....which I am assuming is animal gelatin.....yep...big mistake
#17 Posted : 5/21/2012 6:52:31 PM
behindthelight wrote:
rOm wrote:
Was it jelly as animal gelatin ? aka pork one ? if yes it's disgusting and IMO not indicated with ayahuasca, syrian rue, pharmahuasca...

It was strawberry jello....which I am assuming is animal gelatin.....yep...big mistake

It's not contra-indicted either, and it is preferable to drinking mhrb tea. For my friends and I, it reduces the possibility of gagging on the tea and allows for a more gradual introduction of DMT into your system. It also masks the taste of the mhrb rather effectively. Also, after having eaten gelatin on several occasions, the taste of mhrb hardly bothers me anymore. Of course, taking 1.5 ounces or less in a shot glass would be easiest, but if you gag you might lose it all, and your stomach might want to send it back up all too soon.

I recently went through a thread regarding a hydrochloric acid preparation of ayahausca and it definitely caught my interest. The idea is to soak in dilute HCl, boil, evaporate completely, and reconstitute into tea with water, which would then be pH neutral, have no acidic taste, and be chock-full of the hydrochloride salts of the alkaloids.
"Culture is NOT your friend" - TMK

- Yolks N' Stuff ( 2008 )

The year is 01 ADMT
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#18 Posted : 5/21/2012 8:55:34 PM
jello and ayahuasca just sounds gross. I would never suggest anyone do that..that would sure as hell make me feel sick.

I dont get it. So what if ayahuasca and rue taste bad, I would rather endure 5 seconds of rue and mimosa taste than dealing with my stomache churning the whole time due to the jello. Jello is not good for you anyway. Ayahuasca is medicine, I would not want to waste that by adding some jello crap to it.
Long live the unwoke.
#19 Posted : 5/21/2012 9:16:26 PM
jamie wrote:

I dont get it. So what if ayahuasca and rue taste bad, I would rather endure 5 seconds of rue and mimosa taste than dealing with my stomache churning the whole time due to the jello.

Yeah, really. Why try and turn medicine into candy? A perceived-bad taste is just price of admission. I think there's a reason mushrooms, rue, and all that does not taste like apples and oranges. Imagine the chaos that could ensue if chugging down some ayahuasca tasted like strawberry milkshake instead of a shiver-inducing unpleasant taste. One could very easily drink waaaaay too much, waaaaay too fast.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
corpus callosum
Medical DoctorModerator
#20 Posted : 5/21/2012 9:24:46 PM
A good way to get a disgusting-tasting liquid into the ones stomach is to tightly occlude ones nostrils at the time of gulping it down.This is because the olfactory receptors play a large part in constructing the perceived taste 'in the brain' and without olfaction, the taste receptors on the tongue become much less sensitive to the taste of the liquid passing over them.It may not make your heave-inducing concoction taste like nectar, but does diminish the nastiness.And always gulp fast.For he/she who hesitated becomes nauseated!!Smile
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

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