I returned home Monday from a weekend trip and during that time, we had a hard freeze in my area. I placed 1 out 4 caapi I've tried to overwinter indoors into a fabric style greenhouse on Friday and all the top growth froze and was dead Monday. I'm pretty sure the 6 gallon pot it's in protected the roots and I'm hoping for regrowth. Has any had the same problem? Did it regrow a new top?
I left a caapi vine out all winter once, the leaves fell off (normal) and the trunk looked dead. I cut a bunch of it off and it grew back, but I think I could have gotten away with not cutting it, too.
Thanks ۩ I was going to give it a week or so but now I've got more than hope!
How cold did it get? iirc House is on the west coast, very temperate compared to the great lakes if the pot froze solid its likely a goner
Unfortunately, I do not know. The official weather is recorded at an airport 50 mi away(Z6), local temps can be way different. Supposedly it vwas only 30 that Sat evening. I think the top growth took the brunt as it was in a protected fabric greenhouse. No sign of life yet at nodes of any branch.
Did yours resprout from the nodes of the trimmed back vines or from the base?
New nodes appeared at the base and it definitely dropped a little below 30 that winter in my case.