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DMT along with other psychedelics? Options
#1 Posted : 4/17/2012 10:12:32 PM
Have you ever tried to smoke DMT while on any other psychedelics, for example LSD og Mushrooms? I have never taken DMT yet, but have plenty of experience with high doses with other. How is it compared to DMT alone?

My dream / goal is to smoke DMT while flipping, either its candy, hippy og jedi mind flip.
Sky Motion
#2 Posted : 4/17/2012 10:15:54 PM
There are many many many threads on this already, try the search bar please.

Even better actually:


Why is that your dream anyway? Work with DMT by itself before saying you want to do it with x and x and x.
Leon Trout
#3 Posted : 4/17/2012 10:18:50 PM
nothing you have done previously compares to the worlds DMT opens... i possess not the language to explain further... i've done several LSDmt voyages, and several with mushies as well... i find it quite enjoyable, but it has much potential to kick that ass... you should probably eliminate the phrase "high dosages" from the ol' vocabulary for a little bit, baby steps are a-otay...
spinning a set the stars through which the tattered tales of axis roll about the waxen wind of never set to motion in the unbecoming round about the reason hardly matters nor the wise through which the stars were set in spin...

"Chemistry is applied theology." Augustus Owsley Stanley III
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#4 Posted : 4/17/2012 10:41:12 PM
What I am wondering is what the hell is a jedi mind flip?

DMT will go beyond anything you can imagine all on it's own.
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 4/18/2012 1:22:42 AM

Hola and Shalom! This is a favorite topic of mine...

Combining DMT with other substances is one of the most rewarding pursuits for the serious DMT explorer. I have tried several combinations myself and I will attempt to outline my impression of each combination that I have experienced....One variable to keep in mind is that I am somewhat more sensitive than most to psychedelic compounds. Also the substances mentioned were in no way used for recreational purposes..

DMT+LSD....The potentiation factor here is one of the most drastic I have ever experienced in any combination of anything I have ever tried.
1st session-
Two hours after ingesting around 100 Micro-grams of LSD I smoked approx. 30mg in an oil burner using paper matches...I Never use a lighter unless it's a quality torch lighter....as it is nearly impossible to vaporize properly with a regular lighter)

Whenever I use DMT I consider it like opening a corridor into the spirit realm
The corridor goes two ways. Entities can either take me into the spirit realm or entities can come out of the corridor into the material world where I exist in order to demonstrate information. On this particular occasion I experienced an impressive Extra terrestrial visitation by a single angelic/alien being who entered my living room and imparted to me some vital information as well as invited me and encouraged me to inject DMT instead of smoking it so that they could "show me more" (I did eventually accept this invitation.)

2nd Session LSD+DMT (1 month later)
I took about 250-300 Micro-grams then about three hours afterwards smoked around 25mg through the oil burner..
result--I was catapulted through the corridor and guided by Angelic spirits to a deep hyperspace bee hive like place where I was taken on a brief guided tour of that place and was told that it was "the future of humanity" About a year later I read about someone who had a very similar experience in the Spirit Molecule.

3rd Session
Smoked DMT with another person who was also on LSD and Mescaline.. We smoked at the same time passing the pipe and then proceeded to witness the exact same paranormal phenomenon of a mystical purple amber cloud(The Shakina) that hovered around us and astonished my friend who had never had a jaw dropping visual until that moment...Sharing Visuals is the best!!

Conclusion: DMT+LSD is on par with an IV DMT injection and should be attempted only by the most hardy Veteran explorer....I have also Taken LSD+Ayahuasca with equally explosive results...the difference is that the Aya+LSD combo is a lot warmer although none the less terrifying..

DMT+Psilocybin mushrooms..
I have tried this combination more times than I can list....Being of similar molecular structure they complement each other perfectly...Psilocybin mushrooms and Ayahuasca are a standard combination for me.....(Generally when you combine something with Ayahuasca it serves to make the Ayahuasca force in your trip more powerful and this is true with Mushrooms.
I took two grams of powerful Psilocybin before my second IV DMT experience and the result was 15 minutes of hyperspace followed by 5 minutes of an unforgettable visual extravaganza that had very mushroom like visual aspects.

This is an often overlooked combination but none the less powerful. Amanita can magnify the effect of smoked DMT or Ayahuasca by a factor of at least 10..I believe this combination may be truly the Soma of legend.... Important steps must be followed however!!! The Amanita absolutely must be dried in the hot sun for it to work otherwise it will just give you horrible stomach cramps and a headache..it is also worth while to mention that Amanita potentiates psilocybin in an equally effective manor.

I have never found a vendor on the internet that offers sun dried Amanita so I pick my own....This is something that you have to be careful with however as Amanita potency can vary greatly depending on when and where it's picked. I get super potent springtime Amanita so I use a tiny speck. Literally like .01-.02 grams before taking a shot of Aya or about 15 minutes before smoking DMT....If you use too much you will regret it..not only will you get cramps but it can also put a very dark spin on your trip.. If the right amount is used however the results are staggering and there are next to no side effects.

DMT+Mescaline ....This combination is truly majestic...The protector ally famously known as Mescalito guides me through the DMT trip....The mescaline tends to keep the voyager restricted to planet Earth but what it has to show you about this planet is truly out of this world. I have also tried it with San Pedro and San Pedro Bridgessi Var. getting similar results to with pure Mesc. Mescaline + Ayahuasca is one of the best combos ever it's like two long lost brothers reuniting and then kicking your ass all over the place with real precise teamwork. I also tried DMT+2ci which was quite similar although not as warm.

DMT+LSD+Mescaline...Pretty much like DMT+LSD but with even more extreme visuals and of course Mescalito....

This combination was somewhat disappointing as it was not nearly as synergistic as the LSD DMT combo...LSA works fairly well with Ayahuasca in small doses....ofcourse the only LSA I mess with is FRESH off a FRESH Heavenly Blue Vine. And by fresh I mean picked five minutes ago.. Anything other than fresh morning glory has gotten me really sick....

This is a suprisingly incredibly nice combo as the opium keeps me calm and potentiates the
DMT like crazy...No way I would do it with Ayahusaca...also I hate being constipated so I really have not tried this one more than a few times....

DMT+ Red Wine
This an amazing one....Just one glass of fine red wine 5 minutes before smoking and get ready to leave the launch pad!!! Obviously it's a no go with Ayahuasca This is a really great combination if you dig the whole Wine-Yeshua connection. Really high quality Beer works too but if you get anything beyond a slight buzz it messes up the effect...Also had great luck with small amounts of Goldschlager but not ohter hard liquors ,,,I wonder if the Gold has anything to do with it???

DMT+Blue Lotus
This works very much like the opium+DMT effect except no constipation...too much blue lotus is no fun however and will just make you fall into a deep sleep..

This resulted in one of the most horrifying and traumatic Bad Trip experiences of my life....probably because I used too strong of salvia...it might be ok with just the leaves but with 25X it was NO BUENO! I could not wait for the experience to end!!!

I had no luck with this one...nothing other than pure disorientated confusion and ultimate strange wierdness...I had some friends say they had good experiences with this but for me it was a no go.

I know Maynard from Tool recommends this combo although I didn't have Krispy Kremes available at the time...For me it was no Rosetta Stoned I was unable to break through to anything beyond pure confusion...It was similar to the Ketamine+Dmt combo

Coca Leaves + DMT
This combination is incredible and I almost always break through with it...Obviously you don't want to use too much coca though...otherwise your heart beat might launch into hyperspace right along with you. Don't use with Ayahuasca.

Marijuana+DMT or Marijuana+Ayahuasca
It goes without saying that this combination is meant to be. Also I had really great effects with mixing DMT with marijuana and smoking from a bong.

Mixed results sometimes dramatic effects, sometimes nothing.

DMT +Caapi/syrian rue blend
Care to be cradled in the arms of all powerful mercy???? And rejuvenated by the fountain of eternal youth??? Then try this combo!!! I use 100 grams of Caapi and about 1-2 grams of Syrian rue or 25-50mg Harmaline and 20-40mg Harmine instead of the rue. But again that is my personal dosage preference as I tend to need some Harmaline and additional Harmine to along with the Caapi to really get me where I want to go otherwise I can never seem to quite break through for long enough. I would NOT recommend using just Harmine or Harmaline + DMT without either Caapi or at least some THH to provide much needed warmth and guidance for your voyage.

OK so that was more work than I thought listing all that...Hopefully it's helpful for someone who uses this information very wisely...If this information falls into the wrong hands then I would not want to be the owner of those hands.

Thanks for reading this!

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#6 Posted : 4/18/2012 3:11:41 AM
jamie wrote:
What I am wondering is what the hell is a jedi mind flip?

I believe a "jedi mind flip" or just "jedi flip" is when you take LSD, Mushrooms, and MDMA all at the same time.
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