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Cold Soak of Mimosa and Solidified Mimosa Brew? Options
#1 Posted : 4/17/2012 4:12:12 AM
Hi, I'm sure this has been asked before, but how would one go about doing a cold soak of MHRB? Should I simply do as I did in my cooked brew (water and vinegar), but let it soak for a few days? How many days?

Additionally, for reasons unknown, it appears as though my previously brewed mimosa has somehow solidified into a sticky substance INSIDE of my airtight container. It previously held about a 1/3 cup of water, when I cooked it about a week ago, and has been sitting inside of my closet. Yes, yes, I know I should have put it in the refrigerator, but I do not see any contamination, so I'm more interested in knowing if the actives are still within the solid mass, and how I should go about reliquidifying it. Simply add water?
#2 Posted : 4/17/2012 8:28:03 AM
water, vinegar and hot water bath to speed the things up about the re-liquifying. otherwise it is alright to do cold water soaks on the mimosa, but you will need to do one or two extra soaks IME to extract everything from the bark. otherwise i leave every soak for few hours.

the first one is the shortest(usually i make every soak to be few hours) , the last is left overnight(shake your vessel from time to time between soaks) . usually without boiling and when doing multiple soaks you end up with alot of liqiud so you can reduce it afterwards to your manageable ammount.
#3 Posted : 4/17/2012 9:48:56 AM
would doing cold soaks lessen the amount of plant oils in the solution?
#4 Posted : 4/17/2012 10:07:44 AM
ime, not really..

but in case your solvent pulls some fats at the top(it means your solution is not basic enough so partly you are still de fatting), just add more lye, mix it again and wait for it to separate nicely. the extra lye should do the trick.
#5 Posted : 4/17/2012 5:39:16 PM
CWE mimosa for a brew? Or are you trying to extract?

CWE mimosa is great for anahuasca, I feel cooking leaves something out, I get more and more vibrant visions with CWE than boiled. I would leave it for a week at least, I've gone up to more than a month. I wouldn't use an acid (yuremamine degrades in strong acids or bases) or if you do maybe just a small amount, 15 ml or so. Boiling is better if you don't have time or don't want to wait at least a week, as a boiling session can be done in about 2 hours not including filtering/decanting overnight if youfeel inclined.

If you do it no acids and keep the CWE under 2 weeks there is a bit less tannin-y-ness, especially if you decant once or twice.

(ps, this has totally been talked about quite a bit, try searching?)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#6 Posted : 4/17/2012 7:11:28 PM
AluminumFoilRobots wrote:

CWE mimosa is great for anahuasca, I feel cooking leaves something out, I get more and more vibrant visions with CWE than boiled.

I think it should be the other way around. Hot water is much stronger solvent than cold water.

AluminumFoilRobots wrote:

I would leave it for a week at least, I've gone up to more than a month.

This also very much depends in which form the bark is in. I guess if it would be whole or shredded pieces you would need at least week or month.But if the bark is in powder form, than it can be extracted in 2 days at most.

AluminumFoilRobots wrote:

I wouldn't use an acid (yuremamine degrades in strong acids or bases) or if you do maybe just a small amount, 15 ml or so.

The acid is almost always diluted when brewing so i think the ph is not dangerously low for the alkaloids. Yuremamine is suspected to be destroyed in high ph conditions in normal a/b or stb extractions as far as i know. if you have some source that states otherwise correct me please.

Boiling is better if you don't have time or don't want to wait at least a week, as a boiling session can be done in about 2 hours not including filtering/decanting overnight if youfeel inclined.

If you do it no acids and keep the CWE under 2 weeks there is a bit less tannin-y-ness, especially if you decant once or twice.

(ps, this has totally been talked about quite a bit, try searching?)

The biggest factor that will determine how you will prepare it is the form you will get your bark in.What form was your bark usually ?
Again, if it is shredded or whole pieces and dont have pulverizer or coffee grinder you would like to boil it yes and also add a bit of dilute acid.

The warm water will increase solubility and dissolve more of the stuff in the bark. Surely you have seen that when washing dishes for example, or some greessy stain. The acid will only increase the solubility and the stability of the alkaloids in the water as far as my understanding in chemistry goes..

The powder on the other hand is very easy to extract. CWE or HWE it always matter of day or two. The water gets dark violet instantly and after few hours its saturated so it needs to be decanted and changed.
#7 Posted : 4/18/2012 6:58:44 PM
Sure, cooking it may get more actives out, Im sure doing an extraction on CWE'd mimosa would still yield product - what I am saying is that experientially, there is a difference between the two; the only thing I can surmise is that some component is lost due to the heat, and I can only suppose that the unstable yuramamine is the culprit.. Cooking with an acid is certainly more efficient at extracting the DMT, however!

Perhaps the acid isn't what destroys the yuramamine, I'm guessing it's the heat. If yuramamine IS in fact what is leading to the experiential difference, that is. It could very well be just in my head, that's a possibility that cannot be discounted!

I always powder my rootbark. You say that the stuff is saturated at 2 days, however I have found that the color will change significantly between 2 days and two weeks. The time I left it soaking for a month, the stuff was basically black. That is of course probably just tannins, but I'm just saying that the water had more whatever in it after a few weeks.

Everything I say is just impressions and observation, I have no concrete facts to give, unfortunately!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#8 Posted : 4/18/2012 7:33:51 PM
Hey AFRobots,

i think this is big assumption you are making with very little information to back it up and take it as fact.i am not sure if there are any bioassay studies with yuremamine to show its activity at all.

AluminumFoilRobots wrote:
Sure, cooking it may get more actives out, Im sure doing an extraction on CWE'd mimosa would still yield product - what I am saying is that experientially, there is a difference between the two; the only thing I can surmise is that some component is lost due to the heat, and I can only suppose that the unstable yuramamine is the culprit..

AluminumFoilRobots wrote:

Cooking with an acid is certainly more efficient at extracting the DMT, however!

I agree on this, surely every tek includes a certain type of acid for a reason.

AluminumFoilRobots wrote:

Perhaps the acid isn't what destroys the yuramamine, I'm guessing it's the heat. If yuramamine IS in fact what is leading to the experiential difference, that is. It could very well be just in my head, that's a possibility that cannot be discounted!

I always powder my rootbark. You say that the stuff is saturated at 2 days, however I have found that the color will change significantly between 2 days and two weeks. The time I left it soaking for a month, the stuff was basically black. That is of course probably just tannins, but I'm just saying that the water had more whatever in it after a few weeks.

Everything I say is just impressions and observation, I have no concrete facts to give, unfortunately!

I guess your powder isnt fine enough, i dont know what other factor could be involved...but whenever i have dealt with powdered bark it was very fine dust. I was usually extracting on 50 or 100 g of mimosa, and when i introduced acidic water to the bark, the water got saturated instantly, not days or weeks. As soon as the bark was settled, dark(black) violet liquid was left visible as upper layer in the jar.

So i think the time needed for soaking or boiling depends very much on the form your bark is in and how well is grinded.

My experience with extracting powdered bark was always 2 days, or 3 when i have something else to do.

#9 Posted : 4/18/2012 8:20:37 PM
I was tryIng to state; but perhaps wast clear enough, that all of the above is just impression and by no means fact! Like I said, I don't know if yuramamine is the culprit or if this is just in my head! It may very well be self-suggestion, that can never be taken off the table! Also, I've looked and no there aren't any bioassays of yuramamine,

So we don't know if it's even active.

When you say "extract", do you mean aqueous or crystalline? Im speaking of anahuasca... You said all TEKs use some sort of acid, but what of all the STB TEKs out there?

Here, to test this for myself, I will take some of this CWE jurema I have had gOing for 24 hrs and if it works same-same I will heavily revise my impression! My bark is fine dust as well.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#10 Posted : 4/18/2012 9:30:48 PM
AluminumFoilRobots wrote:

When you say "extract", do you mean aqueous or crystalline? Im speaking of anahuasca... You said all TEKs use some sort of acid, but what of all the STB TEKs out there?

Sorry for not explaining myself good enough.I am lazy when typing sometimes. I was referring to acid base extractions when i said "all teks", we was talking about separating the aqueous solution from the plant matter after all.

As for the therm extracting, i meant extracting the alkaloids from the bark, in the aqueous solution yes. I have always done 3 or 4 soaks in the period of 2 or 3 days. After that the bark yealds almost nothing . my experience's were with brazilian bark.( yields were always consistant, arround 1 %)
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