I have noticed that I get a little cold at the end of each journey. I get the same thing sometimes after I eat, I get a little cold.
So now I prepare with my hoodie and some soft fluffy blankets.
Does this happen to anyone else?
yup When everything goes perfect I begin to notice it as the afterglow visuals fade and emotions rise. I just sit snuggled up in bed with blankets, oozing love. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
Yes indeed... mostly my feet. I need to get me some big DMT bunny slippers or something. But I keep a couple of fleecy blankets near now. Pup TentacleYou are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.Robert Anton WilsonMushroom Greenhouse How-ToI'm no pro but I know a a few things - always willing to help with Psilocybe cubensis cultivation questions.
Glad I'm not alone =) A good pair of slippers is a good idea. Stay warm folks!
I have come back shivering from being so cold. I noticed that it wasn't always just my body, the room felt much colder after vaping so I did an experiment measuring the room temp before I vaped and after the effects were subsiding and I was coherent to look at the digital thermometer. The room had indeed dropped in temp by 4-5 degree's in less than 10 min. Much more than the environment would cause normally. I think some dmt experiences draw upon the energy in the room to manifest. But its also a common thing with ayahuasca to be cold at the end of your journey. Maybe its both. I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here. The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
olympus mon wrote:I have come back shivering from being so cold. I noticed that it wasn't always just my body, the room felt much colder after vaping so I did an experiment measuring the room temp before I vaped and after the effects were subsiding and I was coherent to look at the digital thermometer. The room had indeed dropped in temp by 4-5 degree's in less than 10 min. Much more than the environment would cause normally.
I think some dmt experiences draw upon the energy in the room to manifest. But its also a common thing with ayahuasca to be cold at the end of your journey. Maybe its both. ok, thats to interesting to just let be. I have to try measuring the temp before, during, and after as well. I haven't tried ayahuasca yet. I have everything I need, minus one experienced person to be my sitter (a sitter would make me feel better for my first time). Very interesting.
SWIM gets very warm on lift off. I attributed the post-travel chills to the conclusion of that warmth.
Put your hoodie on backwards and use the hood to block out all the ambient light.
I get cold during aya, if I smoke dmt not so much. I though it was due to relaxation and possible due to low blood pressure (especially during aya).
DeMolecularTraveler wrote:
ok, thats to interesting to just let be. I have to try measuring the temp before, during, and after as well.
I haven't tried ayahuasca yet. I have everything I need, minus one experienced person to be my sitter (a sitter would make me feel better for my first time). Very interesting.
 yea it is pretty damn trippy. I might add that in my experiences the room only got very cold when actual contact was made with the entities. Almost as if the need to draw psychic energy to manifest for us. Just a theory, I only did the measuring once out of personal curiosity but maybe ill do it again with better documentation and see if the results can be repeated. Ill try to take a more science approach next time when I get home in May. I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here. The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
steve355 wrote:Put your hoodie on backwards and use the hood to block out all the ambient light. Thanks! I'm going to try that. I have yet to take a journey in complete darkness, mostly due to my work hours 12am-8am. I would imagine that a journey in complete darkness AND silence is a timeless experience=)
Yes I do get a little more chilly. 
i think the coldest i've ever felt in my life was during a snuffed breakthrough experience. Nothing would warm me up. sometimes on oral dmt, or just changa, i get pretty cold to. but nothing like that
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
It's strange i dont get the temperature change at all. Yet everyone I have witnessed do DMT go in feeling really warm sometimes hot, and come out feeling cold, sometimes really cold. I use a beanie, i recommend anyone try it as it works really great. The hoodie method doesn't work so well for me and a buddy of mine. It can slightly block my breathing and make it stuffy in front of my face making it slightly uncomfortable. A beanie just over the eyes works great, and its always where you left it as it moves around with you if you are physically active during your trips. "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]
yeah happens to me a lot. Even in 35C weather I still get the chills when I come back. I just keep a blanket wrapped loosely around me when I smoalk nowdays. it evens happens on low dose changa sessions. Sonorous fractal manifestastions, birthing golden vibrations, that echo through folds of space & time, ferry my soul closer to God
olympus mon wrote:I have come back shivering from being so cold. I noticed that it wasn't always just my body, the room felt much colder after vaping so I did an experiment measuring the room temp before I vaped and after the effects were subsiding and I was coherent to look at the digital thermometer. The room had indeed dropped in temp by 4-5 degree's in less than 10 min. Much more than the environment would cause normally.
I think some dmt experiences draw upon the energy in the room to manifest. But its also a common thing with ayahuasca to be cold at the end of your journey. Maybe its both. This is very interesting I will check the thermometer before and after also. I have shivering from being cold in totally worm room but never checked the temperature. I always though it was just me not the room. 5 degree's is really lot in 5 minutes. We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
smokerx wrote:olympus mon wrote:I have come back shivering from being so cold. I noticed that it wasn't always just my body, the room felt much colder after vaping so I did an experiment measuring the room temp before I vaped and after the effects were subsiding and I was coherent to look at the digital thermometer. The room had indeed dropped in temp by 4-5 degree's in less than 10 min. Much more than the environment would cause normally.
I think some dmt experiences draw upon the energy in the room to manifest. But its also a common thing with ayahuasca to be cold at the end of your journey. Maybe its both. This is very interesting I will check the thermometer before and after also. I have shivering from being cold in totally worm room but never checked the temperature. I always though it was just me not the room. 5 degree's is really lot in 5 minutes. Yeah that is a lot! I mean if I drive from the city centre all the way home on the coast (around 40km's) the temp usually drops by 3 or four degrees, but a 5 degree drop in a house is almost unheard of. I really wanna test this. It never occurred to me that it might be my surroundings making me feel cold after a trip. So very very intriguing! Sonorous fractal manifestastions, birthing golden vibrations, that echo through folds of space & time, ferry my soul closer to God
5 degree temperature drops are commonplace every 15 mins here  I find that I sometimes get very cold. Especially after tough ones I feel drained and cold. Other times it seems more random and often it is not thee at all. I usually have a blanket over me. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
It increases rectal temp according to wikipedia, so it might have something to do with it: http://en.wikipedia.org/...ltryptamine#Side_effectsAnyway I feel cold sometimes also after I decide to smoke, so about 30-120 minutes beforehand. Afterwards the cold feeling can be diminished with warm clothing and it doesn't come to me each time. BTW the wikipedia article's notion on vapor being very harsh isn't true at all with proper temperature at vaporization
smokerx wrote:
5 degree's is really lot in 5 minutes.
Hold on let me check my trip journal, it wasnt 5 degerees in 5 min, like i said somewhere around 4-5 degrees in 10 min which is still fascinating but it was a few years ago so id like to double check those numbers. I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here. The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
olympus mon wrote:smokerx wrote:
5 degree's is really lot in 5 minutes.
Hold on let me check my trip journal, it wasnt 5 degerees in 5 min, like i said somewhere around 4-5 degrees in 10 min which is still fascinating but it was a few years ago so id like to double check those numbers. I did not mean to say it does not sound right or believable I was only expressing my surprise  I will definitely check this next time I smoke. Lets see if we can have more people experiencing the same thing We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.