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Shared visions/collective conscience. Options
#1 Posted : 4/11/2012 5:43:03 AM
Some backstory, if you will:

A friend of mine came over a month or so ago. We had plans to go to the beach, her and I, with the intention of a J or two. I suppose I would say she is not nearly as familiar as I with drugs/psyc in general. Though I had a small amount of spice left from my first experiences with it, and the thought of the beach sounded wondrous to me. I briefly gave her the rundown (as she had never done, nor heard of spice) and she seemed rather positive, so I laced one of the J's with a (relatively small) bit of spice throughout.

We get situated at our destination. Partake in the first one, then the spice one.
We lay on our towels and soak up our new environment.

What a gorgeous experience for us both. Favorite thus far, however low the dose.
I need not go into detail over most of the voyage. As great as it was it isn't pertinent to this post.

But there's a moment in time; I can see it in my mind's eye like I'm there. It feels like a dream, both now and as it occurred. I'm sitting facing the water, as is she. She is a foot or so in front of me. A cluster of birds/seagulls catches my eye ahead of us to our left, and I see something I have yet to see while on spice. There is a slightly translucent 'aura' around each individual bird, and where the birds were very close, these auras would overlap. The light purple aura/bubble would move and stretch in conjunction with all of the movements of the birds.

This hadn't been an occurance with the other beachgoers, or their dogs, just this group of birds.

I'm pleasantly awestruck, then I look at my friend (who had not even looked in my direction) and she is staring at them intently herself. I'm instantly intrigued, but I wait to discuss it with her, as not to interrupt what we both may or may not have been watching.

It turns out she was seeing exactly what I was.
Before I had bumped into spice, there had yet to be an experience with me and other persons on psychs whom all witnessed the exact same or extremely similar vision/hallucination, so I was slightly taken back when she told me this, especially it being her first experience with it.

This led me to dwell on thoughts of the collective conscience of 'swarms' of creatures in the animal world. As in, birds/bats/insects flying completely in sync without harming eachother, as to literally share a subconscious piece of each others minds and intentions in real-time.

Basically where I'm headed is:
Anyone else get these experiences seeing physical creatures or beings while on a journey?

Seeing as my experiences are likely relatively limited, currently, I'm open to the fact that this is highly regular and something I had just yet to experience.
If so, thoughts on them and the concept of a collective conscience, or personal vantage point?

I'm quite curious.


- Xtramint
"If you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you."
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 4/11/2012 5:49:08 AM
Thank you for sharing this, I too have had undeniable shared experiences with people even over vast distances that seem to point to very interesting notions in regards to consciousness. That's really all I can say. I have no idea how this stuff works. There is a really good thread about this started by AlbertKLoyd entitled "Remote viewing" if you can find it, it is an excellent read!
#3 Posted : 4/11/2012 9:12:02 AM
Foil a Deux is a French word for it. It has happened to me a good bit. I've had conversations with people only to find neither of us had even opened our mouths.

Travel like a king
Listen to the inner voice
A higher wisdom is at work for you
Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier
When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
Every ending is a new beginning
Life is an endless unfoldment
Change your mind, and you change your relation to time
Free your mind and the rest will follow
#4 Posted : 4/11/2012 4:20:28 PM
To me this is one of the most fascinating aspects of psychedelics. I've had glimpses of this experience with friends, though never something so overt.
#5 Posted : 4/12/2012 1:02:58 AM
Great post OP, I too see auras. Great setting though, I would love to smoke the spice on the beach! Smile what a magical experience. People seeing or feeling creatures and other worldy beings is not very uncommon. But the collective conscioussness is somethin I've had a lot of experience with, too many to count actually, it feels pretty integrated into my normal social life, as I learn more and more. I don't talk about it much because it takes away from the mystery that it is Smile
Don't be afraid, Don't be afraid, Let everything flow through you

I AM Everything

You're In Class
A Nice Little Place
#6 Posted : 4/12/2012 9:52:22 PM
Toadfreak1 wrote:
Foil a Deux is a French word for it. It has happened to me a good bit. I've had conversations with people only to find neither of us had even opened our mouths.

Thanks for this. Quite a few interesting reads whilst looking into Foil a Deux. What you're saying about speaking with someone without speaking is a thought that occurred to me over the course of pondering this experience. Moreso in the light of "could this be possible?"

Spice has yet to feel like something that is sort of 'open to interpretation.' More or less, my experiences have always felt like I had absolutely no idea what was going on, but I knew exactly what was going on.

It always feels more like I'm handed a stack of 800,000 pages containing all of the facts about what is really occurring, and I'm only given the 15 minutes to try to hurriedly flip through these pages to obtain pertinent info.

۩ wrote:
Thank you for sharing this, I too have had undeniable shared experiences with people even over vast distances that seem to point to very interesting notions in regards to consciousness. That's really all I can say. I have no idea how this stuff works. There is a really good thread about this started by AlbertKLoyd entitled "Remote viewing" if you can find it, it is an excellent read!

I've often thought of these experiences you speak of over vast distances.

Many people (likely many of you, as well) have had the experience of thinking about someone, reaching for their phone to contact them, only for their phone to start ringing with the person they were thinking of awaiting an answer; or something of the sorts. This happens to me on a somewhat regular basis, and the more I just ask, the more it seems this isn't relatively uncommon.

Why? Obviously all that can be done is theorization, though I often read (via the Nexus and elsewhere) that travelers often feel spice is a tool of some communicative use of sorts. Well then, if spice is found in so many living things, could it be the groundwork of what we identify as collective conscience? Folie a deux?

Maybe then a surplus of what society would generally agree on being 'normal' level of DMT activity within the body can bring visualization to this which we call collective conscience, holding this communicative ability/purpose.

I know that I/we can truly know nothing factual in the slightest of the meaning of spice in the universe abroad, for the moment, but it's always fun to act like you've got it all figured out, for the hell of it.

~ Xtramint
"If you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you."
#7 Posted : 4/14/2012 12:45:51 AM
Fascinating post! I want to learn so much more about this phenomenon because I have experienced it before too!

Particularly a few years ago when I was in love with this woman we would often synchronize our thoughts from a thousand miles away. Especially with texts and other forms of communication. Almost anywhere where we could 'bump into each other' via thought, it would spontaneously happen. I haven't had a relationship like that since.

Now 6 months ago I was attempting pharmahuasca with a friend of mine, and there was a period of about 10 minutes that were 'Folie à deux'. We started completing each other's sentences, then began to know what the other was saying with just one word or gesture. It was EXTREMELY euphoric and I couldn't believe my mind! We were even communicating while laughing our asses off about the whole thing in disbelief. The rest of the trip wasn't notable or visual at all. But we were 100% speaking mind to mind for a while; incredible.

My initial research into the crazy idea of telepathy found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IvtZgrRk7k
#8 Posted : 4/14/2012 8:31:25 PM
Icon wrote:
Particularly a few years ago when I was in love with this woman we would often synchronize our thoughts from a thousand miles away. Especially with texts and other forms of communication. Almost anywhere where we could 'bump into each other' via thought, it would spontaneously happen. I haven't had a relationship like that since.

I'm wondering if you could expand on this. Do you mean that you would be writing a text to her just as you received one from her on about the very thing you were thinking? Something along those lines?
#9 Posted : 4/15/2012 12:01:21 AM
Yea, I would reach for my phone to send her a message and it would vibrate with one from her as I touched it. Or we'd both log onto a website or video game at the same times, with no prior communication to do so. Scanning me drawings and poems that she'd write while at work and emailing them to me as I open my email.

It was like our connection was supercharged, and any electric signals to each other were felt. This didn't happen all the time but enough to make me nostalgic of what I think love might have actually been.

Edit: another example that just happened minutes ago: I just finished some changa this week and wanted to tell 2 people in particular about it because they are enthusiasts who I haven't spoken to in months that would really be able to appreciate this. Both of them have text me out of the blue this afternoon asking "what's up?"
#10 Posted : 4/18/2012 3:04:48 AM
Icon wrote:
It was like our connection was supercharged, and any electric signals to each other were felt. This didn't happen all the time but enough to make me nostalgic of what I think love might have actually been.

It's interesting that you say this. The experiences that really got me to ponder this (before the onset of spice) was with someone I loved/dated. The reaching-for-the-phone-and-they-text thing was somewhat regular back then, long ago.

There was even an (single) occasion which we slept together in the same bed, and woke to find that it would appear (how we had come to recognize) as if I had glimpsed into a dream he was having from within my own dream. It sounds absurd, even to me, as I type it, though it was very real and most assuredly more than uncanny coincidence. It was only a brief instance: one isolated part from his dream, partially viewed from an isolated, seemingly random part of my own dream.

Seeing as the brain produces spice to generate dreams, it was this individual event that spurred my thoughts of spice being this internal means of communication with our species.

I originally thought this had solely to do with strong emotional connections. More recently I've been inquisitive as to spices involvement in this scheme, as a communicative substance. Maybe this ties into the "messages of love" type of reports I've come across on the nexus.

In addition, as I was originally typing this post, I was waiting on a friend to stop by. It was an hour and a half after we were expected to hang out and I had not heard from him. I was in the middle of typing a text to him, when I thought to myself, "Wow, while I'm typing all this stuff about spice being a communicative tool, it'd be nice if I could use it right now to remind this guy he needs to hit me up." As I pick up my phone to finish the text, who else would call but him. The moment after thinking about this, while typing about this. I had to stop this post to let him in and just got back to it now.

I like to always try and stay as unbiased as possible, so I'm completely open to the idea that any events like these are purely coincidental, but sometimes you can only ride on 'coincidence' so far after when it actually starts to feel like something more.

~ Xtramint
"If you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you."
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