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beings encountered on DMT Options
#1 Posted : 4/10/2012 10:12:37 PM
hello nexus Smile
I hope all is well with you.
i'm wondering why some people seem to encounter similar beings while on dmt.
Of course there are the elves,Shocked, but have you heard of or encountered 'praying-mantis-like' beings, or anything else?
just wondering, thanks for your time Smile
peace and love
peace, love, and gratitude -mantis12

note: mantis12 is nothing more than a five-dimensional carnivorous insect from a parallel universe that browses this dimension's web at night studying psychedelic compounds and their effects on the development and expansion of consciousness in the earth-man. he prefers to sleep upside-down in the shade of a psilocybin mushroom and biting the heads off the moths he catches by the porch light.
everything he says should be regarded as purely fictional.
--have you spoke to your mantis today?--
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 4/10/2012 10:20:04 PM
You should run a forum search. There are numerous threads about this.
#3 Posted : 4/10/2012 10:24:48 PM
Yeah search can usually answer most questions people post anyway... Wink

But jesters are somewhat famousSmile

I used to see them quite often when I began my explorations, but these days they pop up rather rarely
Walter D. Roy
#4 Posted : 4/10/2012 10:39:38 PM
The nexus does have a page where all the "similar beings" are recorded. You might want to take a look at it I found it very interesting!
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
#5 Posted : 4/12/2012 11:46:18 PM
the translucent dude with multi colors inside of him, he seems as if hes prepping you for something throwing these lines and other non explainable crap at ya dancing around while doing so. Its actually quite similar to a way an native American performs cleansing rituals by moving his hands rapidly shaking things above you. FREAKING AMAZING
Its in your head

#6 Posted : 4/13/2012 7:19:51 AM
i've actually found the beings experienced with acacia spice somewhat different to with mimosa. this particular acacia spice that i am using at the moment keeps yielding me the same entity. its really interesting and the experience just keeps growing every time i do it. mimosa has this really interesting phenomena for me too where a presence tries to show me things of beauty and impossibility on the material realm, which when gazed into kinda train the mind to surrender

this particular being i keep experiencing with acacia is a very male feeling entity that bears heaps intricate and majestic looking garments. he is a wise teacher for me and i feel comfortable under his wing when using spice as i feel a sense of familiarity, helping me to ease into it easier on breakthrough doses. and it is also quite humanlike in its structure. such beauty! the saying that god built humans in the image of itself has been quite an interesting concept for me recently after a few really profound experiences. i love how people look when under the effects of spice.. such an ancient vibe. its so easy to let your feelings out to people and vocalise them with articulacy when using DMT.
#7 Posted : 4/13/2012 7:21:28 AM
scudge wrote:
the translucent dude with multi colors inside of him, he seems as if hes prepping you for something throwing these lines and other non explainable crap at ya dancing around while doing so. Its actually quite similar to a way an native American performs cleansing rituals by moving his hands rapidly shaking things above you. FREAKING AMAZING

YES! the way you worded that struck such a chord just then. gave me a nice little flashback. thankyou scudge
#8 Posted : 4/13/2012 7:37:56 AM
Its extremely hard for me not to stare at people's faces while on deems, have to remind myself its rude lol. But even than I could care less at times. When else is someones face pouring out rainbows.
Its in your head

#9 Posted : 4/17/2012 7:42:42 PM
It is my personal belief according to my interpretation of the Hebrew Bible that the creator of the universe made the Angels(Elohim) which in turn designed planet Earth and it's inhabitents...Most are familiar with the verse "let us make man in our image". It is my opinion that the Angels designed the world here below as a reflection of the heavenly world above..
It has been my experience that the "DMT entities resemble insects such as praying mantis and also undersea type creatures because the "DMT entities" or Elohim created the world in their image.

A perfect example of insects on earth resembling Angels is the Blue Dauber Mudwasp who hunt down and feed exsclusivly on Black widow spiders. Look it up...I actully had the fortune of seeing one of these things kill and fly away with a Black Widow while I was sitting on my back porch...Wild!!!

Not trying to force my hebrew views on anyone just offering a theory..
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#10 Posted : 4/17/2012 8:04:45 PM
I saw jesters in my most successful astral projection, I thought it was very strange, i wouldnt consider what I saw an entity though it was more-so an image,

like random subconscious matter filling in the matter im witnessing that I cannot yet comprehend.

But I don't ever think about jesters and don't remember seeing them anytime recently prior to astral projecting, so perhaps there is something to the reason several people see it.

I think entities can be infinitely different based on your own manifestations, not to say that they are purely imagination... we all just have to describe them the only way we can, which is based off of things we already have definitions and descriptions for.
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