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Body taken over, but why? Options
#1 Posted : 4/9/2012 12:02:57 AM
I recently had my first breakthrough with DMT, mind blowing, In short I am a new man!
As I was coming out of my breakthrough what woke me out of my trance was extreme heavy breathing, seconds after my arm began to move serpant like without my control this happens for about one min, long story short i just smoked DMT the first time since my breakthrough and I picked up right where I left off(3weeks later) this time I took 2 huge hits layed down and immediately started breathing extremely heavy, I did not go into a unconscious trance but instead my body was taken over and I started to do yoga/ Thai chi moves, I do not do yoga or Thai chi, I was unable to control these movements but it felt like something that was embedded in my DNA, these moves came so natural to me like I was well trained in them, After the DMT wore off I was unable to mimic these moves. has anyone else experienced this? It was magical but I don't understand.....
Pup Tentacle
#2 Posted : 4/9/2012 12:05:21 AM
Wow, cool. Haven't experienced that but would love to hear more.
Pup Tentacle

You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.
Robert Anton Wilson
Mushroom Greenhouse How-To
I'm no pro but I know a a few things - always willing to help with Psilocybe cubensis cultivation questions.
Senior Member
#3 Posted : 4/9/2012 12:18:25 AM
Might want to study mudras.
#4 Posted : 4/9/2012 1:10:02 AM

In my most recent journeys i've been feeling like something invading my physical body. Mostly in my upper back and arms. there is pressure on my head and weird feelings in my brain. I find it disconcerting and honestly a bit troubling for me.

There is a line that is starting to get crossed thats different than anything in my previous years of work with this stuff. Its beginning to border on an abduction level that I am uneasy with.

Theres something that is trying to merge with me on a deep level . If I knew its motives I might not feel so uneasy.
whatever it is it does not communicate intention whatsoever.

lately my instincts have been telling me its not good and i need to take a serious break for a while.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#5 Posted : 4/9/2012 2:41:31 AM
Felnik wrote:

In my most recent journeys i've been feeling like something invading my physical body. Mostly in my upper back and arms. there is pressure on my head and weird feelings in my brain. I find it disconcerting and honestly a bit troubling for me.

There is a line that is starting to get crossed thats different than anything in my previous years of work with this stuff. Its beginning to border on an abduction level that I am uneasy with.

Theres something that is trying to merge with me on a deep level . If I knew its motives I might not feel so uneasy.
whatever it is it does not communicate intention whatsoever.

lately my instincts have been telling me its not good and i need to take a serious break for a while.

the feeling was overwhelming but not negative in anyway, it was like i was being taught proper breathing exercises, i am am a newbie when it comes to DMT 4 trips in total , i didnt even know what a "breakthrough" experience was , until i had one and then proceeded to to research like crazy, i feel like part of my brain has been opened up and i am excited to see what will happen on my next journey, just a little history about myself, i must always be in control , my "breakthrough" experiewnce was the first time in my 32 years that i ever completley "let go" with this last experience there were no closed eye visuals and hardly and open eyed visuals either, just this force that took over me and made me do theses, thai chi/ yoga like movements that went along with heavy breathing. it didnt feel like an abduction, but more like i was being taught, this was also my first time with my eyes open the entire trip.....
#6 Posted : 4/9/2012 2:46:41 AM
۩ wrote:
Might want to study mudras.

thank you for this, i will research more on this , it seems very similar to what i experienced, these moves were completley foriegn to me, and i have never heard of anyone else experiencing something taking over body movements while on the substance, so weird, so magical....
#7 Posted : 4/9/2012 3:11:51 AM
Thanks for sharing your story=)
Much Respect
Senior Member
#8 Posted : 4/9/2012 3:31:19 AM
It's a lot more common than you think. I think there is much to learn from things like this. Smile
#9 Posted : 4/9/2012 4:04:00 AM
Yes. Lots.
#10 Posted : 4/9/2012 11:53:29 AM
there are yoga traditions where, under the influence of kundalini, this happens. Try Googling something like kundalini-automatic-posture.

Your report is fascinating, not only because you experienced this, but because its' the first time I've ever seen such a linkage between a DMT experience and serious, traditional "meditation". I personally believe that "spiritual" practices are able to alter one's biochemistry - I did not invent this idea - and in a way your report does not surprise me. But it certainly is something new to look at in the "DMT in the brain" arena.

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#11 Posted : 4/9/2012 2:42:51 PM
notetoself wrote:

As I was coming out of my breakthrough what woke me out of my trance was extreme heavy breathing, seconds after my arm began to move serpant like without my control this happens for about one min, long story short i just smoked DMT the first time since my breakthrough and I picked up right where I left off(3weeks later) this time I took 2 huge hits layed down and immediately started breathing extremely heavy, I did not go into a unconscious trance but instead my body was taken over and I started to do yoga/ Thai chi moves, I do not do yoga or Thai chi, I was unable to control these movements but it felt like something that was embedded in my DNA, these moves came so natural to me like I was well trained in them, After the DMT wore off I was unable to mimic these moves. has anyone else experienced this? It was magical but I don't understand.....

This happens to me regularly. I find it to be extremely fascinating. There seems to be this energy that's present during my DMT experiences. Sometimes it may be invisible, other times it takes on the forms of holograms. It seems like the very "stuff" of hyperspace including entities are composed of this energy. To me, when I touch it, it feels like a magnetic kind of force. It has the ability to repel or attract my limbs upon contact (in some rare circumstances, upon having a white light hologram in my hands, there is no attraction/repulsion as it feels neutral and anesthetizing to whatever part of the body it's in contact with - this is interesting because perhaps the immersion in white light is what allows for OBEs by not being able to feel the rest of the body). I have also found myself doing Qi Gong-like moves in a number of experiences because of contact with these energies, and I too have never been trained in any martial or related arts.

There are several things I've noticed that can affect this energy, and likewise affect your involuntary motions. First off is music. It seems that frequencies play a very large role in the functioning of hyperspace. Since music is structured around frequencies, it interacts quite profoundly with hyperspace. Being that music can affect the movements of hyperspace including the environment, objects and entities, when the energy that composes these hyper-things comes in contact with my body, it will be heavily affected by the music, and thus the music literally moves me.

In addition to music, light seems to play a role as well. This should make sense since light also operates on frequencies. I first noticed this last 4/20 (hard to imagine it's almost a year now). Anyway, I made enhanced leaf by infusing my DMT into cannabis, and went to my friend's house. It was a sunny day outside, but we were in my friend's room and the slotted shades were drawn. I was sitting right near the window where slots of sunlight were allowed to shine through. I had my eyes closed, and I started to notice that there were some very strong pulls on my face. I was involuntarily being pulled along the gradients of light until I had "found" the strongest concentration of light. Being incredibly intrigued by this phenomena, I decided to take some more rips of the enhanced leaf and go outside in the full sunlight. The sun was pulling on me hard! if I planted my feet and faced the sun, I would start slowly walking forward involuntarily as the sun quite literally seemed to yank one foot in front of the other. Since then, I've noticed that strong concentrations of light have the ability to "override" or perhaps modulate these hyperspatial energies, much like the music.

Through meditation, I've become more and more sensitive to these energies while sober. I can conjure them in meditation through breathing and a little bit of focus. As I said, I don't know Qi Gong or anything of the sort, so I simply let the energies show me what to do. If they don't move me, I don't move. Over the course of time, the energies have seemed to opted for more and more complex moves. [Edit]: Even though I can summon these energies through meditation, taking DMT is akin to training wheels for energy work - it's just too easy with the DMT).

I discovered on accident that crystals produce/concentrate these energies as well. One day, I was studying the new quartz crystal I got, holding it up to my face, when all of a sudden, it began forcefully oscillating back and forth, pulling and pushing my hand over reasonable distances. I held it in front of another part of my body, but nothing happened, so I brought it back up in front of my face, and discovered that when it was in front of my forehead, it would create this effect. I began to wonder if chakras had anything to do with it, so as I held it in front of my other chakras, the effects would manifest rather instantaneously. Some were more forceful than others, and I postulated that this could be due to an imbalance in chakras. The only chakra, where I got close to no activity at all was the heart chakra. I really didn't know what to make of it. It was like a dead spot. It finally occurred to me that in my head, I've always pictured the chakras running down the spine, but the heart is off-set to the left, and I was holding the crystal in the center of my chest. So I first moved the crystal off to the right, and nothing happened. Moved it back to the center, and nothing happened. Moved it to the left...and bingo! The crystal began moving instantly. Additionally breathing seems to have a direct affect on the interaction of the crystal and the chakras as well.

In some way, I'm rather glad that the crystal experience went the way it did because it's easier to infer that I may have been using some kind of auto-suggestion, and it was really just my mind moving my hand with the crystal, but my expectations were such that I expected all of the chakras and therefore all of the interactable sources of energies to be centered down the spine. I was unaware of the apparent exception to this rule, and therefore if this were a case of auto-suggestion, I simply would have moved the crystal all the same as when in front of the other chakras, but I didn't. These energies can be so incredibly forceful, that to me, it's not very convincing anyway that this is a case of auto-suggestion.

I can go on and on with this stuff, I've had so many variations of experience with it. Mull this over for a while, experiment for yourself, see how your position and proximity to walls and your environment affect the energies. Don't fear this phenomena; it's a blessing to be able to observe what may be the essential mechanics of hyperspace and potentially much much more.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#12 Posted : 4/9/2012 5:58:21 PM
No experience with this myself, but I remember reading a trip report where this girl said that after vapping she suddenly felt the need to dance. A friend was with her at the time and described it as very intricate and methodical, though when she came down she couldn't recreate the dance. Later she was watching videos of some eastern tradition (you'll have to forgive me because I can't remember which one specifically) that included a ritual with extremely similar movements as the ones she spontaneously did.
Grand Equinox
#13 Posted : 4/10/2012 2:59:13 AM
I tend to do the same, on low doses. I start moving a muscle consciously, and it quickly develops into a flowing sensation down my muscles that I don't want or try to control, I simply let them do their thing. Its as if there is a breakwall, as if I don't initiate the movement, it wont continue, but once I do, it wont stop until the end of the trip.
I've been doing a made-up tai chi style since I was about 11 or 12 to help me relax at night and calm down from the day, and I find the entire experience extremely reminiscent. My body moves of its own accord to relax me, methinks.
Feast on the fruits of the gods to return to the garden.
#14 Posted : 4/10/2012 4:17:15 AM
Once during band practice I was watching my band mates and it looked like each of them was being possessed for 10 to 30 seconds at a time by different beings living vicariously through them. It was like watching spirits come in and out of bodies.
All Flows
#15 Posted : 4/10/2012 5:17:11 AM
This is a highly interesting phenomenon indeed!
I think your intuition is correct!

This effect was produced overseas by fresh cyanescen tea + smoked vine on multiple occasions.

Terrence Mckenna's Omnibus talks about "the dao of the ancestors" where one tunes out the static of individual existence.

Graham Hancock says we're a species with amnesia.

The body holds wisdom. Could this be the same wisdom that the Yoga masters found?

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