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Your preferred setting Options
#1 Posted : 4/4/2012 8:27:22 AM
I'm interested in what every ones preferred setting is for their typical
journey through hyperspace.
I've found that your setting, and who is present in your vicinity really makes
a difference in the outcome of your trip.
I've only journeyed but 5 times so far,
but so far, my best setting has been darkness,
with a few candles lit and just me, alone.
I have yet to introduce music to my practice, but I feel it may be worth considering.
Also, what herbs have you found especially beneficial to the quality of your experience?
(I know I've posted quite a few threads recently, but I've just been having
good questions come to mind:}]
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass
#2 Posted : 4/4/2012 10:36:59 AM
home - in the morning or at night; watching a candle or sitting in total darkness
with/without lights
with/without music
at night, with a Laserpod
outside - I feel great in nature

As for herbs, cannabis is my good friend. Passiflora is another great ally. Oh, and tea, of course. Hot tea always calms me and puts me in a good state of mind.
The truth...lies within.
#3 Posted : 4/4/2012 10:50:13 AM
hello spiritual7pioneer, how you doing?

So far i have found that the best setting for me is alone, in my bed with just enough light to be able to see the vapour flow through my GVG. This is all preceeded with a dose of hamala's, some meditation and i now burn some Nag Champa.

to take the set/setting a step further, i also have my best journeys when i have been climbing all day. I have found that being physically tired adds to my ability to go with the flow of the experience.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#4 Posted : 4/4/2012 12:30:07 PM
Alone. Meditating.
Dark room lit by a single candle.
Utter silence / as quiet as possible.
Glass of squash nearby to quench a parched travelers mouth.
Scales and moar Harmalas / DMT / Changa in case i want to SMOALK MOAR upon return.
Some cannabis once I have returned.
A laptop so I can speak to you guys when i get back, particularly if it's a rough one.
I enjoy some blue lotus, lavender, sage, jasmine and mint in my smoking blends - experiment Cool
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Pup Tentacle
#5 Posted : 4/4/2012 1:16:25 PM


3)in my room, in bed, alone or with my lady (she knows the scene)

4)a solitary candle on the other side of the room

5)some India Temple incense

6)a blanket because spice makes my piggies cold


Coolgroovy music

9)copious cannabis

10) if all mental stains have not been sufficiently removed, rinse and repeat.
Pup Tentacle

You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.
Robert Anton Wilson
Mushroom Greenhouse How-To
I'm no pro but I know a a few things - always willing to help with Psilocybe cubensis cultivation questions.
#6 Posted : 4/4/2012 2:02:23 PM
Outside warm sunny day
In nature alone away from all people and man made distractions . No music
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#7 Posted : 4/4/2012 7:48:57 PM
Felnik wrote:
Outside warm sunny day
In nature alone away from all people and man made distractions . No music

I have yet to take my practice outside, but it does sound very nice.

Felnik wrote:
hello spiritual7pioneer, how you doing?

So far i have found that the best setting for me is alone, in my bed with just enough light to be able to see the vapour flow through my GVG. This is all preceeded with a dose of hamala's, some meditation and i now burn some Nag Champa.

to take the set/setting a step further, i also have my best journeys when i have been climbing all day. I have found that being physically tired adds to my ability to go with the flow of the experience.

I'm doing great:]
I find it interesting you say that your journeys are best after a day of a physically
demanding activity. I'll have to try after a good workout sometime and see how that goes.

Felnik wrote:
I enjoy some blue lotus, lavender, sage, jasmine and mint in my smoking blends - experiment

I do enjoy lavender and sage bowls here and then but I've never
thought of combining it with dmt..hmm:]
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass
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