I thought Id share what goes on in my brain haha
I remember having a group meet-up a few months ago with like minded individuals and there was a discussion regarding time, we were talking about why doesn't time exist when one dies, has a NDE or has a spiritual light experience etc(the feeling of timelessness/ thousands of years passed in that split second type of thing)? I wasn't able to give a proper answer back then but now it just clicked. Because when that happens, you are IT, "the happening". the past and future do not exist you are just "experiencing without thought in the purest form" thats why time does not exist. That's why it feels timeless when one enters the higher-self, there is no point of reference any more. you are in the "now" the happening, the yin and the yang, the is and the isn't, and that is pure Bliss(the feeling of being touched by unconditional love/God). Memories are as much as an illusion as this "reality" is.
There is no point of reference in that state.
Feel free to throw in your thoughts.
12 hours goes by in the blink of an eye. I didn't even dream. Time is slow when you are bored, but fast when you occupied and happy.
There is a dilation occurring, regardless of how illusive it may be.
When you die your brains oscillation will dwindle down to nothing. Maybe during the stretch from 1Hz - 0Hz it is possible to dilate time to experience eternity. Why does a hyperspatial moment feel like forever?
Ideas are like jelly.
Time is a bizarre 4th dimension, perhaps the most alien property of the physical universe (though of course it is not alien to us). I like your point of reference idea, I guess it allows our current state of separation, to move individually through our 3 dimensional space. I dunno; different place, different rules...When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Peace Macre All things stated within this website by myself are expressly intended for entertainment purposes only.
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when you are in the river, you see the flow and think it moves
and if you stand above the river on a cliff and see it, you realize that the river doesn't move, the water does
my feet are still wet
AlbertKLloyd wrote:when you are in the river, you see the flow and think it moves
and if you stand above the river on a cliff and see it, you realize that the river doesn't move, the water does
my feet are still wet
I quite like this. You forgot standing on the moon: The water, the river, the oceans and the cliff are all moving. And those who say they don't will always outnumber those who have seen otherwise. JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
To put it least beautifully than AlbertKLloyd, we seem to be four-dimensional beings. We happen inside of time, and if we were three-dimensional beings we'd be wondering about depth. Thing is, there seems to be some sort of trans-dimensional vibration capacity in consciousness. Our awareness sets the subjective passage of time, and in altered states we apparently can transcend this dimensionality and have glimpses of another dimension experiences. I think we just happen to have a four-dimensional consciousness. Or a 4D experience of consciousness. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
I’ve never experienced the past, nor have I ever experienced the future. All I ever experience is the “right now”. What does that say about time? gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
gibran2 wrote: All I ever experience is the “right now”.
What does that say about time?

Vodsel wrote:We happen inside of time...depth. So is time objective? The Unknown = A Place to Learn
There are certain physical things that happen only in one chronological direction. Most importantly, the state of entropy in the universe is moving steadily from minimal to maximal over the course of history; this is expressed in various thermodynamic processes which are also one- directional. Our physical manifestations are driven by these same thermodynamic phenomena. In one sense, you could say that time's axis is defined by the movement of the cooling of the universe.
I like your suggestion about the frame of reference thing. This implies that thought is not intrinsically a 4D thing, but that the spacetime outlook is imposed on it by our external experience. Without our day to day baggage clouding our perception, time literally ceases to exist.
Guyomech wrote:There are certain physical things that happen only in one chronological direction. Unless time has a chiral field aspect, which some believe, myself among them. This does not mean that time would move "backwards" with another chirality that was opposite our own... I have a believe that time is a field state that is at once a singularity and is also highly diversified. Quote: Most importantly, the state of entropy in the universe is moving steadily from minimal to maximal over the course of history;
I think entropy is offset by gravitation in a harmonious way, I could be wrong, but there is a relationship of gravitational pressure to heat/entropy equivalent to the value of the gravitational attraction. i like the empty space in time... like the empty space in a river perhaps, which allows the water to move... give said the little stream (of time)
Walter D. Roy wrote:Vodsel wrote:We happen inside of time...depth. So is time objective? I didn't mean to imply it is "objective". I don't even think there is something like objectivity outside our abstract thought and conceptualization. I don't think time "manifests itself" in our experience of the universe... I think all moments in past and future do exist, we can access them, and we sometimes do - and then they become present. Time is a measure, a concept we use for our experience. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
River of Thoughts wrote:I thought Id share what goes on in my brain haha
I remember having a group meet-up a few months ago with like minded individuals and there was a discussion regarding time, we were talking about why doesn't time exist when one dies, has a NDE or has a spiritual light experience etc(the feeling of timelessness/ thousands of years passed in that split second type of thing)? I wasn't able to give a proper answer back then but now it just clicked. Because when that happens, you are IT, "the happening". the past and future do not exist you are just "experiencing without thought in the purest form" thats why time does not exist. That's why it feels timeless when one enters the higher-self, there is no point of reference any more. you are in the "now" the happening, the yin and the yang, the is and the isn't, and that is pure Bliss(the feeling of being touched by unconditional love/God). Memories are as much as an illusion as this "reality" is.
There is no point of reference in that state.
Feel free to throw in your thoughts. I think you are right. I just wrote in another post about McKenna in the Trialogues at the End of the Millennium, the topic being how an AI would experience time. Our time is a rubber band that stretches with the input of experiences. If you experience without any doing, act or thought, time becomes it, perhaps, natural state. And it seems endless. I am thinking of Date here from Start Trek TNG, actually, one of the films in which he discusses with Captain Picard how long he was tempted by the Borg Queen to accept her offer of being truly human. I can't remember how long but it was like 1 second only but he said that for an Android that is nearly an eternity. I think that is a scary thought. To spend an eternity in one second of time for non-Android lifeforms, contemplating an offer. It is a good thing he had no human emotions otherwise he would have gone mad. And again I am reminded of a short story I read once. In this story a young boy travels with his family to another world by means of a transport device, perhaps a bit like a Star Trek transporter. The transition is instantaneous but all who travel need to take a pill and be asleep. Of course this boy pretends to take the pill and when they arrive at the other side he has gone wide-eyed mad. The parents are in horror as he answers the question what happened or how long it took. And he says something like 'Longer than you think'. Be happy you have experiences to fill time and condense it to a transition from moment of experience to moment of experience. :-) It is good a trip ends.
I think that [the perception of] time is the dominant left hemisphere's analytic, reductive approach to understand the holographic non-linear construct of time - that all of time exists at once. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Time is such a strange thing. It is one of these concepts that breaks your mind like glass washed by the seas of infinity upon the eternal cliffs of reality.
It makes me want to distill it into a liquid just to be able to see what it is!
Time is an agreement. Nothing strange about it.
Ah, but my life, my life which is the composite of sensation and which governs my hand to write it as much; my life is the magnitude of a thought. It stretches from point a to b and intertwines and absorbs and becomes other thoughts, other glimpses.. through that shadow falling between concept and creation. The free agency of 'self' is not governed by a 'time', it rather seems vice-versa to me, that self governs all time. For whichever glass I choose to look through, it will always be the same that I see.
"one thought, fills immensity"
I always had a hard time understanding why time is considered the 4th dimension, because it doesn't act like a dimension at all. But it started to make alot more sense when I read somewhere that just like entities living in the 2nd dimension would only be able to observe cross-sections of the 3rd dimension, in the same way entities living in the 3rd dimension (that's us!) would only be able to observe cross-sections of the 4th dimension. And that's exactly how we do observe time. If there are entities living in the time-dimension, we'll never be able to observe them in whole, unless we ascend to it temporarily. Same goes for even higher dimensions.
Another idea I've often thought about is that time is nothing but motion. Whether it's the galaxy spinning, or your hand moving, or the electricity and chemicals in your neurons transferring. Therefore time would be a redundant concept for the universe, it would just be a human creation to make functioning in a society easier. Like an agreement, which is what thymamai was saying above. That's why there would be no sense of time in spiritual experiences, because it would just be your consciousness that's observing things, which isn't made of matter so it doesn't have motion.
i think time is a thing created by the ego, an easy way to give the ego its base impression of control over its surroundings. i believe TIME to be one of the main things tying us down. When we have spiritual doses this wall disappears and we let go of the egos need for control and all its Hooks, and can touch infinity, the universal vibration. as all spiritual doses remove most notibly, Time. The base hook of the ego, The governments control starts with time keeping. i say we need a little Anarchy, shake it up, bring all people closer to the same level. "Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"