Why do you think that dmt is illegal? I have been asking myself with question for the past few days, and I think the answer may be quite simple. DMT is illegal, because "the man" does not want us to unlock the true secrets of the universe. If everybody used this tool, then there's no way they could control the mass'. They want people to think that there is nothing more to life than flesh, blood, your 9-5 job, and that we are the only high intelligence in existence.. Any thoughts, or criticisms on my theory? "I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything." ― Alan Watts “As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.” ― Ram Dass “Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.” ― Ram Dass
Their law is a joke. It states that anything that contains DMT is DMT. That means you are 100% DMT by weight and guilty of possession. Your human body, and your pets, are manufacturing a schedule 1 substance. Even the government agents and president and pope all are too.
I am waiting for someone to challenge this ridiculous BS. Nobody does, and it lies in place in it's illusive invisible structure waiting for the evidenced opportunity to throw it's net.
The CIA was using DMT long before any of us; they have their reasons for inflicting this false law upon the masses. It doesn't matter. The truth is waiting in anything you can identify extract and isolate. It's paradoxical function is shining endogenously illuminating a tunnel of science leading deeper into the understanding of ourselves. There is no law no agency no force that can stop this. This is bigger than us and any attempt to control such is simply a joke IMO.
I agree completely that "the man" has made it illegal, VERY ILLEGAL, because it shows us a truth that they want us to be oblivious of. With all that DMT shows you, they don't want people to have more answers than they do. The world would be a dramatically differnt place if DMT was legal and used by everyone to connect with the world of the Third Eye
I wasn't around in the 70's so I don't claim to really know, but my understanding was that it was made illegal by blanket legislation that covered molecules used in psycedelic research, regardless of the unique merits or human history of any given molecule. IMO the wishy washy-ness of the law and its inefficacy in promoting a positive change in our civilization will cause these laws to fall out of favor. Especially for the entheogens. It seems like when the law as it applies to entheogens is actually put under scrutiny a la a supreme court case, "the man" caves anyway. "I live on Earth at present, and I don't know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing — a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process — an integral function of the universe." Buckminster Fuller
There was a guy in "DMT: The Spirit Molecule", Graham Hancock - he's a writer. He said something I found extra-interesting that I think relates to your point. I'll paraphrase because I don't remember the exact quote. He said that our culture ONLY values clear, problem-solving states of consciousness and denounces as wrong states of consciousness that do not conform to that model. This really resonated with me. One takes DMT and possibly sees...well who knows what, but it's big, VERY big, and it can't be controlled no matter how much money and power one has. So, having taken that DMT, society now brands you, "drugged-out", or a "junky" or just "imbalanced". By merely experiencing DMT or acid or shrooms, just once, our culture is such that you, your ideas, your feelings, your truths, can now be dismissed part and parcel. You will be made an example of to scare the masses away from the evil psychedelics that, when shown side by side with our western "deny or destroy that pesky soul and grab as much material wealth as you can" mentality, obviously is only for crazy, wrong-minded folks. So for me, it's not so much a "Planned Thing" by the man, as a weakness in our culture that is exploited by the man. If we had people in charge that were more enlightened, our society's direction would be more enlightened. Like attracts like. Blessings Pup TentacleYou are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.Robert Anton WilsonMushroom Greenhouse How-ToI'm no pro but I know a a few things - always willing to help with Psilocybe cubensis cultivation questions.
Good points everybody.. "I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything." ― Alan Watts “As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.” ― Ram Dass “Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.” ― Ram Dass
Pup Tentacle wrote:There was a guy in "DMT: The Spirit Molecule", Graham Hancock - he's a writer. He said something I found extra-interesting He also said: "I do not believe that it is our race, or our religion, our gender, our height, our looks, our job, our sexual orientation, or any other superficial characteristics that define us as human beings. Trumping all these by a country mile, it is our consciousness — the most intimate, precious, sapient, unique and individual part of ourselves — that is really the essence of who and what we are. Indeed, at the deepest level it is what we are — to the extent that if we are not sovereign over our own consciousness then we cannot in any meaningful sense be sovereign over anything else either. For these and many other reasons I strongly oppose the “war on drugs” which, in my view, has created an engine of oppression and control in society by which the State claims the right, purportedly in our own interests, to regulate our very thoughts and inner experiences, and to trespass the sanctum of our consciousness." (bold text by Me) The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
I used to be part of the Alex Jones, Illuminati, Free Masons, one world government band wagon. I stopped because I found there was nothing i could do to change things, and that all it ended up doing for me was make me depressed and frustrated. I have realized afterwards, that most likely there is no plan to stop people from doing what they want to do. Allowing us to do whatever we want is not counter productive in controlling the world. If we were allowed to smoke DMT, weed, eat mushrooms, and trip on LSD we wouldnt pay as much attention to how the government is "controlling" us. Therefore that would actually be in their interest. People forget that they tried to make alcohol illegal, and for the same type of reasons. it was having some negative impact on society. The same goes for tryptamines. There was a negative impact, some people were dying, some going insane. Making them illegal was basically due to not enough research and ignorant people creating myths about how bad it is for you. We are JUST NOW finding out through research how marijuana isnt bad for you, let alone other things like mushrooms and LSD and DMT. One study recently by the John Hopkins University found that mushrooms make you a better person. http://abcnews.go.com/He...id=14623870#.T3tb5eQyF8ESo I think its more that we as a society are still learning the if's and's and but's about living, and its perfectly normal to accidentally weed out things that are good for you thinking they are bad. Plus a lot of retarded people that have no idea what they are doing have power over many, jumping the gun about things has been the norm when making laws. "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]
Whatever I think... I definitely think it's wonderful to have intelligent discussions like this. Many thanks and blessing my fellow Nexians! Pup TentacleYou are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.Robert Anton WilsonMushroom Greenhouse How-ToI'm no pro but I know a a few things - always willing to help with Psilocybe cubensis cultivation questions.
the answer to some extent is probably the same answer to the question that asks, "why is marijuana illegal?" or any other similar question. the answer is simple. If they were to make dmt as legal as alcohol or cigarettes then theyd have to acknowledge its existence as something more than just a nuisance to middle aged white men. Whats even worse is it being legal makes it as legitimate as alcohol and considering that most of them enjoy a brandy or whatever afterwork or in the grill room at the country club they probably couldnt even begin to imagine being on the same level as someone altering their perception via dmt or anything other then alcohol. Not that I have a problem with alcohol, Im just saying. "The spice must flow. The spice has given me accelerated evolution for 4000 years. It has enabled you to live 200. It gives the bene gesserit sisterhoods the metaphysical ability ability to see beyond. You want power. Our power to fold space is in the spice..." -Guild Navigator from dune
because they're scared its not a war on drugs, its a war on some drugs..the ones they can't make much money off, which also happen to make people question things..and that ain't good for business folks! really though, its a war on consciousness
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
universecannon wrote:because they're scared
its not a war on drugs, its a war on some drugs..the ones they can't make much money off, which also happen to make people question things..and that ain't good for business folks!
really though, its a war on consciousness I don't see how they couldn't make money off drugs. They tax alcohol and cigarettes hardcore so the same would happen to any drugs if they were to become legal. And pharmaceuticals are big business, they would no doubt be given more access to testing to find more pills to dose America and the rest of the world. I do think it's possible though that it would be in best interest to not make them legal due to the fact that a lot of revenue is generated from people performing these illegal acts. Maybe it's more than they forecast they would make from legalizing them, and therefore the reason to keep it against the law. Anything we think is hypothetical really. I myself disbelieve in the whole "the government doesn't want you to know" idea. Mushrooms and dmt are not so magical to make us all of a sudden running out the door to over throw the government or anything like that. "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]
Enki Nemo wrote:pharmacratic inquisition Looks like another documentary I need to watch! Do you know if it's on Netflix? "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]
universecannon wrote:because they're scared
really though, its a war on consciousness Word.. "I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything." ― Alan Watts “As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.” ― Ram Dass “Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.” ― Ram Dass
Desire Meaningful Truth wrote:Who's 'the man'? 
anrchy wrote:universecannon wrote:because they're scared
its not a war on drugs, its a war on some drugs..the ones they can't make much money off, which also happen to make people question things..and that ain't good for business folks!
really though, its a war on consciousness I don't see how they couldn't make money off drugs. They tax alcohol and cigarettes hardcore so the same would happen to any drugs if they were to become legal. And pharmaceuticals are big business, they would no doubt be given more access to testing to find more pills to dose America and the rest of the world. I do think it's possible though that it would be in best interest to not make them legal due to the fact that a lot of revenue is generated from people performing these illegal acts. Maybe it's more than they forecast they would make from legalizing them, and therefore the reason to keep it against the law. Psychedelics aren't alcohol and cigarrettes. Not even remotely as many people use them and when they do it was far, far less frequent. They would never make much money off of them. I think they make way more through this hole 'drug war'/prison fiasco anyways than they would if they made psychedelics legal. Sure they could make quite a bit of moolah from marijuana, but many people would grow they're own anyways if it was legal. And if that wasn't an option i can see them getting they're own through the old routes if prices were too high. Meanwhile, the feds are still raiding medical marijuana dispensaries all the time. Today was oakland  "I myself disbelieve in the whole "the government doesn't want you to know" idea. Mushrooms and dmt are not so magical to make us all of a sudden running out the door to over throw the government or anything like that. " You must have missed the sixties then, eh? Curious- why do you think psychedelics are illegal? Just the money and thats it? They're not trying to protect us, that's for sure. Seems pretty obvious to me that there is much more to it than money as well. I mean they dubbed leary the most dangerous man in america, and tried to charge him for 6 years in prison for half of a joint.. which he claims they planted on him in the first place..just one example
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Pup Tentacle wrote:There was a guy in "DMT: The Spirit Molecule", Graham Hancock - he's a writer. He said something I found extra-interesting that I think relates to your point. I'll paraphrase because I don't remember the exact quote. He said that our culture ONLY values clear, problem-solving states of consciousness and denounces as wrong states of consciousness that do not conform to that model. Let me help out: I wrote this all down myself and made a quote: "Our society values alert problem solving consciousness. And it devalues all other states of consciousness. Any kind of consciousness that is not related to the production or consumption of material goods is stigmatized in our society today. Of course we accept drunkenness. We allow people some brief respite from the material grind. A society that subscribes to that model is a society that is going to condemn the states of consciousness that have nothing to do with the alert problem solving mentality. And if you go back to the 1960's when there was a tremendous upsurge of exploration of psychedelics , I would say that the huge backlash that followed that had to do with a fear on the part of the powers that be, that if enough people went into those realms and those experiences the very fabric of the society that we have today would be picked apart and most importantly, those in power at the top would not be in power at the top anymore." -- Graham Hancock, interviewed in 'DMT: The Spirit Molecule' (documentary) Quote:
So, having taken that DMT, society now brands you, "drugged-out", or a "junky" or just "imbalanced". By merely experiencing DMT or acid or shrooms, just once, our culture is such that you, your ideas, your feelings, your truths, can now be dismissed part and parcel. You will be made an example of to scare the masses away from the evil psychedelics that, when shown side by side with our western "deny or destroy that pesky soul and grab as much material wealth as you can" mentality, obviously is only for crazy, wrong-minded folks.
Quote the Raven, I mean Hancock: "The way that the drug issue has been cast in our society up to now, it's been cast particularly by the media and by politicians, as a totally frivolous, worthless, lightweight recreational pursuit." This from an interview for 'Know Drugs'. Hancock is evolving into a new McKenna sort of man and a personal hero of mine. I just received his book 'Supernatural' which I plan to start reading today. This man is a quote machine. As I watch him on youtube I pause and write these gems. He is eloquent and I could keep transcribing what he says but you have to be compact when you make quotes. You see a man here that already had an open mind about the lost history of our species and who, because of this openess took Ayahuasca and Ibogaine (and who knows what) and came out transformed and openly vocal about anti-drug policies. My favorite quote: "If I as an individual am not sovereign over my own consciousness, if I cannot decide what to do with my consciousness which is the heart of my being, than I am not free. And I need not talk about freedom or living in a free society or such issues as democracy if my society will not allow me to explore my own consciousness." This started me off into realizing my most intimate, precious and principal human right has been taken away, the right to be who I want to be, which is the result of experiencing your own awareness in the way you see fit. And if I ever have to appear in a court of law, this will be my defense all the way to the European court of justice.
The sixties wasn't a revolt because of psychedelics. It was a revolt because of te war and the government. Are you saying that if psychedelics hadn't been part of the hippy culture then it wouldn't have happened? The whole occupy movement is much bigger then anything in human history as far as collective social movement goes and it has nothing to do with drugs. I understand psychedelics aren't alcohol and cigarettes. But alcohol is along the same lines as it changes your state. I believe if anything became legal it would be in there best interest to try and profit from it. You don't think they could make much money off marijuana or any other substance? I strongly disagree. They could easily control it by making it illegal still to produce and sell without the proper license as a dealer. Not only the taxes from your business but also money from you having to pay for a license and classes to receive such a license. Not to mention several other methods already in place in today's marketing of other things. And if you could buy marijuana legally but prices were high due to taxation I guarantee most people would rather not risk purchasing from an illegal dealer and pay the higher cost. I think the reason they are illegal is due to the fact that there exists many ignorant people who rely on others to feed them the "truth" and that has caused a lot of misinformation about things to easily be spread due to someone/corporate need for things to be a certain way due to profit. Plus a lot of unneeded laws are created because we simply do not know. And we simply do not know a better way yet. Look at the airports. That is definitely not the most logical way of going about keeping us safe against a threat that doesn't really exist. Same goes for dmt. Not really a threat but a few people die cause they ate too many mushrooms and killed themself and now all tryptamines are illegal. Your kid goes to school and doesn't pay attention according to someone's standards and he has ADHD and needs to be on meds. Get my drift? All decisions made but people who are not an authority on the subject. In Oregon hunting restrictions on cougars due to numbers decreasing in the northwest region became a statewide deal even though numbers in eastern Oregon were kept at bay due to hunting. "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]